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  1. I just stumbled across this while looking for info on how to make antibiotics. I find it funny that you all are concerned with purifying the penicillin bedew use. I must remind you all that if it were a situation where you'd be using it in the first place, you wouldn't realyycare about it's quality. You'd just be glad to have something that MIGHT work. Another option besides drinking it, where your stomach acid would likely neutralize it before absorption, would be to create an injectable form. This would be MUCH more efficient. On another note, penicillin is cheap and readily available. Just stock up. Also, you can purchase it in veterinary amounts and pills without a prescription. Additionally, many plants and herbs are antimocrobial and bacteriostatic, which will stop bacterial growth, if not kill it completely. That is better than nothing, although bactericidal would be ideal. As far as creating other antibiotics, what about other things like antifungals and antiparasitics? Equally important are IV fluids, if you have the means to administer them aseptically into a vein. These fluids are easy enough to make, with sugar and salt and lactose, for example, but if not aseptic, you will be causing more harm than good. And you will need sterile tubing and needles as well. I am a nurse, and I can say that these items are absolutely necessary. I would say to stock up on these things, as well as sterile needles and syringes for injection, as long as we are talking about being in a survival situation. I have gotten into herbal therapies myself, which will do in a pinch for many many ailments.
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