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Posts posted by Freeman

  1. Yeah, but the Man sayz I gotta write better... :anger:


    You know, I can prove how and when capitalism will collapse (save the conditions remain and there aren't any catastrophic acts of nature); and I still get a B- in English. ARGGH!!!


    Plus, most of what I have read is complex philosophy, economics, history, and plays.

  2. Marxism:

    2 entries found for Marxism.

    To select an entry' date=' click on it.


    Main Entry: Marx·ism

    Pronunciation: 'märk-"si-z&m

    Function: noun

    : the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially : a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society

    - Marx·ist /-sist/ noun or adjective[/quote']

  3. Every democratic system tends to devolve into a 2 party system.
    Not true, Montesquieu quickly points out that

    1) The type of system the US uses is a republic (he doesn't point out the US, but the type of system the US uses)

    2) A democracy is a direct democracy

    and that a republic is SUPPOSED to be small.


    Besides, england has 4-6 political parties, not 2! France has an all most infinite number of political parties! The US is one of the few with only 2 parties.


    BTW, I'm -10, -10 :P

  4. America's republic was doomed as soon as it grew too big, to become an extensive repulic. Montesquieu once said that the flaws of a republic are extensive borders. He continues to show that only a couple idealogies will come from this (dems & reps), and that this doesn't adequately cover the people's opinion - which is the purpose of a republic. So, in essence, the US republic is a failure.

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