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Everything posted by Taq_is_hot

  1. LOL One day I poured Tabasco sauce down my soar throat and it cured it right away! Must have killed everything down there. But the next day I got food poisoning, so...
  2. Well, I don't get it What Noman is saying now The art of Haiku? Are not Haikus meant to talk about, like, nature? Oh well these are good!
  3. Yeah and I think I've had every virus already. Now I just have some time to wait until a new one comes:mad: HEHE! I think that the medical field is evolving quite quickly for all the complications it has! I think its a great accomplishment that we can cure many diseases that we couldn't even 50 years ago. We may be moving slower than other sciences, but we sure aren't moving slow by any means, and we are doing a great job with what we can.
  4. I went to Six Flags Went on some cool coaster ride Then my friend threw up
  5. Taq polymerase will make my PCR work now I need primers:eek:
  6. You have plenty of time to decide. Your first two years of college are going to be basic studies. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to figure it out before then. But don't rush yourself into a major, because you could choose the wrong one by forcing yourself to decide so quickly. I know what you mean about working in a lab with a white coat and all - I have a dream of having my own lab where I play with bugs and stuff
  7. True that! I always find myself getting angry over the stupidest things when I am about to fall asleep. Then I will wake up feeling even more stupid for what I got so mad about!
  8. Oh Cool! We have an intorduce yourself thread! Why did I not see this before? I was loolking for one! Hi. I'm Kelly. I'm a 19 year old student from Wisconsin. I love microbiology and bacteriology. But I also love learning about any type of science. Science is just so cool! There's nothing like it
  9. Yes! Indeed. I have had more than several experiences where I actually DID relive a dream or I saw something that I dreamed about. I'll give you a few examples and I swear on the holy bible or by anything that this is true. I don't lie. It began when I was little. The first experience I had was when I was about 9 or so. I knew my family was going to a beach on Lk Michigan the next day. That night I had a dream that we went to the beach and there was a big thunderstorm. I saw this oddly shaped dark cloud. Strange enough, a few hours after we got to the beach the next day, there was a thunderstorm and I saw the cloud and it looked almost exactly like the one in my dream. Now, I'm not under the influence of anything! In high school, I dreamed that this one friend of mine wasn't in school. That was rare because I had never seen her miss a day of school in the two years that I knew her! Guess what! The next day, she wasn't there! This didn't happen to me, but to my mom. She had a dream one night that she got to work and realized she wasn't scheduled that day. Guess what happened when she woke up and went to work! This could have been that her subconscious already knew she wasn't on the schedule that day. But as for the other incidents, the only way I can come up with an explaination is that there was some sort of glitch in time or possibly even something to do with parallel universes.
  10. I like that idea too! I have only been a member for two days, but I have to agree that oversized fonts are annoying on any forum! With that said, anything too large in the signature is annoying. I hate huge pics too - anything that distracts you from the post.
  11. ^huh? I don't get the last statement.
  12. The first cartoon was really funny. It reminds me of something I have heard. One of my high school english teachers told me this one. There is something called the English teacher disease. It can be deadly is situations such as this: You are about to fall off a ladder that is unstable and all you need to say is "Help!" to your buddy quick enough so that he can grab the ladder and make it steady. But instead of using quick, blunt words, you are an English teacher. You end up saying "Could someone please give me some assistance in steadying this ladder which is about to be taken down to the ground by gravity, causing me injury and possible death?" By the time you finish the sentence, you are already injured or dead.
  13. I'm a woman! Hi! Power to females! lol. I take it Phi for All must be female too. But isn't it weird...I have noticed (a least with me) that if I don't know the gender of a member on a message board, I automatically assume what they are. I guess its just by the way they post.
  14. Oh really? I was going to save on heating by playing consant music! lol No, I knew that, just had to make a joke. 5614, that's very true about the air molecules.
  15. HAHAHA! That is so funny! Nice one, swansont! Get it? déjà vu - done this before? LOL. Well at least my brain didn't stop just short of using the search function. I swear it was ready to stop, but luckily it didn't. How many déjà vu threads have been made? Are you sure the other ones have been made or are you having déjà vu???LOL LOL LOL. Well, I'll just reply on this one I guess as long as its the first one that showed up when my brain decided not to stop and hit the search button. I am extremely interested in this phenomenon. I always find myself looking up articles about it. Or have I only look them up once? lol. There is a new thing they are working on at Leeds. A man named Chris Moulin has discovered what he calls "Chronic déjà vu"...or at least I think he was the one who discovered it. Don't take my word for it. There are some really interesting articles on it. He had a patient at his memory clinic who felt like he didn't need to go there because he had already been there. These people who are said to have Chronic déjà vu actually think they have really experienced it. They don't watch the news because they think they have already seen it. This differs from regular déjà vu because its not a weird feeling - its that they actually believe it! Here are some links for the info http://chris.moulin.googlepages.com/ http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=2c4f7afd-5a3a-4e52-a2fb-bc729692bfb4 http://www.world-science.net/othernews/060130_dejavufrm.htm
  16. This is an interesting thread, I must say. Back to the original poster: Has this been happening your whole life, or just recently? If recently, has there been any specific event that you think could have caused it or lead to it?
  17. I have been pondering this for a while now. Since anything moving has energy and therefore has a temperature - and when there is more motion that means more energy and higher temperature. I have often wondered if you took two rooms, identical in size, and set them at the exact same temperature, but in one you played loud music and the other you kept silent. Would the temperature be raised in the room with music? Since the sound waves would vibrate things in the room, there would be more motion. They would also cause the air molecules to vibrate.
  18. Global warming is indeed occuring, but is it necessarily as terrible as some make it out to be? Look at the 60s and 70s. The earth was in a cooling trend then. The Earth goes through warming and cooling trends naturally. I do believe humans play somewhat of a role in it, but it is a natural thing - not something to get all worked up about! We had two active hurricane seasons and everybody thought that it was all due to global warming and I heard many extreme cases who actually thought the world was coming to an end. TWO active seasons...but now we just had two inactive ones to make up for that. Hurricanes and other severe storms have been happening on the earth since the earth began. They have gone through periods of happening more frequently and less frequently, alternating every few decades or so. Global warming is nothing to fear. Soon we will see "Global Cooling" and we won't have to worry anymore. Yes, humans can destroy things on the earth, but the earth is a strong enough system to take care of itself dispite what we do to it. In other words, humans can't totally screw up the earth because they would all kill themselves and then years later everything would go back to normal again. I don't see any threat here in global warming. In fact, I see a much worse threat to humankind with war. I think we are too worried about global warming and putting too much time and effort into those worries. I like to remain calm about it and let the earth run its natural cycle.
  19. (to the tune of "We Wish you a Merry Christmas) We wish you a merry solstice we wish you a merry solstice we wish you a merry solstice and a happy new year Good tidings we bring to you and the sun good tidings of insolation that won't last for long! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I wrote half of that myself and the other half was from some parody I heard on the raido. I have always been curious as to why Pagans celebrate the solstice. I never really understood why. All I know is that way up nawth here at 43 degrees it feels dark in the winter! I need my sunlight or I zzzzzzzzzzzzz...maybe it has to do with wishing for sunlight LOL or maybe during the summer one its praising how much daylight there is...but what about those who live on the equator??????
  20. LOL I tried this in a brain teaser book once! It's really weird! I won't give anything away, but I was shocked at how I was thinking when I did the problem!
  21. Yes, that makes a lot of sense. There are too many idiots out there and politics is a place where many can get out of hand. I think that is a good thing you keep it private until the members are assured to be eligible.
  22. Any storm happens when there is some form of lifting. *Convectional lifting happens when a parcel of air is warmer than the air around it, becomes less dense and starts to rise. To create thunderstorms like these, you usually need it to be rather warm out and these storms usually happen in the late afternoon or evening when the air is heated up. Once this air begins to go higher into the atmosphere, it gets cooler. Once it cools to its dew point, which is the point where it can't hold any more water vapor (it is saurated), the water vapor condenses and you get liquid water droplets which cause a cloud. The higher the air goes, the cooler it gets and the more water vapor condenses into liquid. Soon, if conditions are unstable enough, it will form a cumulonimbus cloud and a thunderstorm will form. These storms are usually not severe and don't spawn tornados. These are called "air mass thunderstorms" *Frontal lifting can cause more severe storms. Cold air is more dense than warm air so warm air gets lifted above the cold air and it goes through the same process as mentioned above. *You need to have a high environmental lapse rate (ELR) to create a good storm. This is the rate at which the temperature decreases as you go higher up into the atmosphere. *If the air has a high specific humidity, then there will be a better chance of precipitation. Specific humidity is how much water vapor is in the air. So, if you have more moist air, then there will be more water vapor to condense. *Orographic lifting is when wind blows up a mountain. When the air reaches a higher altitude, it cools and the water vapor condenses. Clouds and rain appear. This is why it is always wet on the west side of mountain ranges in the US and dry on the east side. When the air loses all its moisture to the rain, it becomes very dry when it goes over the other side of the mountain. *What you need for hurricanes is ocean water to be at least 80 F at least 200 ft deep. This warm water helps to feed the storm and provides a lot of moistre to it. Once a hurricane reaches land, it can't grab all that energy from the ocean anymore and it dies out. *Storm clouds can't extend into the stratospere because there is a temperature inversion. The very second that the air gets warmer, the relative humidity becomes less than 100%, therefore it is not saturated anymore and can't condense into liquid. This is why storm clouds are flat on top. When you see the flat top, that is the top of the Troposphere.
  23. If we didn't use our whole brain, what purpose would the those unuseful parts have? Besides, we are the most intelligent species so I would hesitate to believe that we only use 10%! I have learned that that statement is a myth. Our consciousness may only be a small part of our brain, but we use everything else for involuntary things and storing information.
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