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Everything posted by Hitman47

  1. I need new help. My experiment wasn't accepted, but luckily im still working with frogs Anyways the new experiment: I need to keep frogs in captivity and see if i can revert them and see the changes in their population. Can anyone help me. I know its quiet incomphrensible, but help!!
  2. Here are the courses im probably going to take next year : my junior year in high school English 5,6 honors History 5,6 honors French 5,6 Math Analysis honors Intro to business (college-based) Chemistry AP Physics honors 1,2 I have doubts of taking physics. For one reason i kinda hate science and i think it is boring , but i take them just for the sake of it. Im not planning on being an engineer or scientist in the future. I want to study law and social sciences in reality. I dont if i should leave physics out and take journalism. What do u guys suggest?
  3. He did step out of power. I believe it was in 2002. The people in Venezula were cheering, but then suddenly he came back on a helicopter and regained his power. FUNNY OCCURANCE
  4. Anyone know of good books about heroin for my report?
  5. How can i improve my procedure of the experiment? I want to make it longer? What do i add? Experiment In this experiment, approximately 100 frog couples would be taken. Fifty of them would be put in a polluted area. In this case the polluted area would be the Guadalupe river in San Jose. The fifty other couples would be put in a clean area. In this case, in a clean pond in San Jose. This would be your control group. In the background information of the frog, 10,000 eggs can be produced. This usually takes one or two days. In the meantime observe the couples. After a week, bring back all the frogs being tested and count all the offspring they had produced. Record how many deformed frogs were born. Record the information in the data table.
  6. Well at least the field of science is not in my future plans when i go to college
  7. Im thinking in putting a control of frog families. One family in a polluted area and another family in a clean area, but how many frogs should i test. I read that frogs can produce 10,000 eggs. Suggestions? thanks.
  8. Well...... l like playing computer games I like to read when im in a good mood I like to investigate when im in a good mood im lazy I don't like to study I like soccer and im good at it, but i dont play much and I like watching the news and Bill O'Reilly
  9. I have the same problem, but i will be graduating from high school in two years. I don't know what to do in life. I get good grades in school, but i don't like any of the material Recommendations?
  10. where can i get background information on the experiment?
  11. Would it be legal to do this as a High School student?
  12. I'm doing a frog experiment. I am testing if frog deformation is caused by water pollution. My teacher said to look at Frog breeding cycles to design an experiment. any ideas of how to do this?
  13. are these right: Co N Cobalt nitride 3 H S Hydrogen Sulfide 2 Zinc Chloride ZnCI HBr hydrogen bromide are these correct??
  14. Well my previous experment design that I got from a magazine didn't work out. I need an experiment I need to design. The experiment must come from a science article. From there, I develop an experiment from that article.
  15. Well, I can't think of a simple experiment i can do that i can get off a news article. any suggestions??
  16. Clinton was the best thing that ever happened to the U.S.A
  17. So you're saying that we should have a group of people and I just observe them, and another group that takes lithium?
  18. In the article it also states that Lithium seems to lower depression and suicidal behaviors in people decrease can i form an experiment out of that? here is what i was thinking to do with lithium: - lets test Lithium and if it reduces depression and suicidal behaviors in people, we put depressed people in one room and another room filled with other depressed people. And do a placebo effect in it. We give one group lithium while the other is fake and see their behaviors and X-ray their brains and see what happens and maybe test serotonin level in the brains and compare. sound good?
  19. so is it a good research project? Or you guys have something different?
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