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Everything posted by Eagle

  1. Hey, boredom kicks in and thus a thread is born... Ok so here's the problem. The general idea most people have is that if there is this ever-loving god then no matter what I do I will be with him if he is real when I die. I mean, how could a God that loves us so and is all-powerful let us suffer in hell. Well this is where it gets tricky. Buddism has no God. Hinduism has Millions and Christianity has 1 god who is in the form of the holy trinity (father, son, holy spirit). How can believing in No God get you to a single God and how can millions of gods get you to one God. Now this is not a debate about who's religion is correct so don't critisize me about it. I am open to suggestions but i'd like to knopw what you think about this problem that all roads lead to heaven.
  2. Eagle

    Speed of Light

    Thanks for that theCPE. I'm sorry i was not on when the reply's came in but theCPE hit my question dead on. All i was looking for was a answer that could explain how the light could travel to give him a reflection. I specifically put in that i know that a boy cannot travel at the speed of light so any who said something irrelevant should read post's more thoroughly and try to be helpful instead of critisizing. By the way, if my questions were so stupid then maybe you'd like something better to think about? Explain to me the frame of reference for light. Does light need a frame of reference? thanks
  3. I have a couple of questions regarding this. I remember reading that Einstein as a boy asked himself the question that if a boy was holding a mirror in front of his face while running at the speed of light would he see a reflection? You see if he is travelling at the speed of light then the light rays cannot reflect off the mirror back into your eyes as the light rays cannot hit the mirror in the first place. Firstly, is there a flaw in this reasoning? And secondly, If the boy is travelling at the speed of light what will he see? Will he see nothing but a blank mirror? Will he see nothing at all? Will he see the last image he saw on the mirror before he cracked the speed of light? *Note* These are theoretical questions and do not imply that I believe a boy can run at the speed of light. Lol. Thanks, Eagle
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