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Everything posted by scooter1971

  1. I agree. Nothing wrong with faith. In fact if we were all afraid of burning for sins the streets would be a little safer.
  2. But what if? An area I don't think anyone has explored enough.
  3. I think there is a bit of evidence. I think we could be in a cycle that is repeating itself. I'm wondering of 20 more eruptions per year could be a contributiong factor to global warming. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/04/27/volcanoes.warming/index.html I think Im referring to "The Volcano–Greenhouse Theory". I wonder if history could repeat itself. A volcanic cycle. http://filebox.vt.edu/artsci/geology/mclean/Dinosaur_Volcano_Extinction/pages/studentv.html
  4. Seems the only religions that remain in the world are the ones that we can't explain away so easily due to faith. Example. No one still believes in any of the Greek Gods. The Mayan's don't follow the nature Gods like they use too. http://www.religionfacts.com/mayan_religion/index.htm Education. It has an effect on people. Seems almost every great mind was Atheist. http://atheistempire.com/greatminds/index.php "[The Bible is] a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology." Mark Twain and the Bible Ouch.
  5. There are about 20 more volcano eruptions per year now than 50 years ago. http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_eruptions.cfm Scientists: Prehistoric volcanoes heated Earth http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science...ing/index.html If it takes 50 years to add 20 volcano eruptions per year, how many years will it take to cause a planatary crisis? Is this the direction we're headed?
  6. I'm taking these thoughts and creating a new post called "connection to increased volcano activity and the caps melting".
  7. You guys are so smart I love this! I'm a Strategist and I'm always troubleshooting so I think to much. I'm a layman in this area but I have crazy ideas I like to explore. Thanks for the input; geoguy excluded.
  8. My point to the change in the shape of the Earth. Also, instead of pressing down on the Earth as if to make it oval via weight of the caps, what if you applied equal pressure around it? I ask only because of what I saw on mythbusters, season4. They duplicated the safe from the movie "The Score". Drill and insert a bomb to make it blow the door off, didn't work. What they did is filled it with water, lowered the bomb in a then blew the door clean off by over 20 feet. They gave it equal pressure on the door to accomplish this. I wonder how that example could apply to the pressure on the Earth changing.
  9. I think I was trying got say to much under one thread. Great answers guys I really appreaciate the input. I'd like to separate what I was saying: 1) The shape of the Earth would likely change with the amount of weight on the caps. Sounds like foodchain explained this with the glacial rebound and possible earthquakes that can occur. 2) Volcanoes- Odd thing is there has been a gradual increase of volcanoes in the last 50 years, not sporadic either. A steady incline. I question if this gradual increase is tied to the gradual change in the climate. The climate change is tied to global warming. Leaves one to wonder if global warming is somehow causing an increase in volcano activity. What is globally affected by this? All I can think of is a change in caps. 70,000 million metric tons is nothing to sneeze at. I still can't find a source on total amount of weight we are talking about.
  10. A few thoughts: There are about 20 more volcanoes per year now than 50 years ago. http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_eruptions.cfm Scientists: Prehistoric volcanoes heated Earth http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/04/27/volcanoes.warming/index.html If it takes 50 years to add 20 volcanoes, how many will it take to cause a planatary crisis?
  11. Great, I have your attention. This basically involves all the ice on the polar caps melting and how that would affect the Earth when it comes to pressure redistribution. This of course would take a century and it would be a slow increase in volcano eruptions. The Earth is oval shaped right now. Imagine all the weight of the polar ice caps gone and the weight is now evenly distributed. Equal distribution of weight allows greater pressure right? Would that also cause more pressure on the earth like evenly squeezing a ball? Then what? Volcanos? Before any of us think this is silly maybe we should leave this to the scientists. I can't find a total approx weight on all of the ice caps and sheets. The highest number I did find was 70,000 million metric tons. Thought provoking. Without doing the math how can anyone say it's impossible? Before you are to quick write this off try considering a hypothosize on what would happen.
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