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Everything posted by Jo

  1. 2 weeks grifter.. get it right =P and, with the curly arrows theres a really good explanation about the chain reaction mechanism in the salters revision guide if you have that?
  2. hey, im guessing you have the same source booklet thing as me, its in there somewhere spelt out for you, i missed it as well until someone showed me! i would find it but i shredded mine when i finished =D i think its the 2nd extract?
  3. hey almost finished my open book now! over the word limit tho, just wondering do sub headings count? and if you put something like "Fig 3. lambda sensors balance the mixture etc etc" under a picture would that count? probably a stupid question but hey =) loads of people in my chem class said "JO! i saw your post on that forum! =O" haha ace
  4. cheers thats alot easier to understand! i know i dont have much time left to finish this but im not at all motivated, and i have physics coursework as well.. ahhh! on top of that i have to go to cambridge uni for 2 days, i have no chance! haha good luck everyone!
  5. hey i'm doing my open book atm and im stuck on the same question. all of those equations have confused me! can anyone explain it simply then i can try and build it up a bit from there... =)
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