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Posts posted by Djordje

  1. Okay, I know there is a thread "NO, you can't make sodium" pinned on this forum, but I had this idea and I just think it might work.

    So here's what we do:

    Make the highest concentration possible of [latex]NaCl[/latex] in [latex]H_2O[/latex]. Then we add petroleum, as much as we used water in the first mixture. Petroleum is insoluble in water, it's boiling point is 150 °C and it should only be used to preserve the [latex]Na[/latex] from reacting once separated from [latex]NaCl[/latex]. Then we start heating the mixture while electrolysis takes place. Must be careful not to exceed 150 °C as petroleum will evaporate. So as [latex]Cl2[/latex] is formed and goes away, [latex]Na[/latex] will react with water all the way to a point where there is not enough water to react - when enough water is evaporated, there should remain some [latex]Na[/latex] after each reaction with water. [latex]NaOH[/latex] is at the same time electrolised and after all water is evaporated, [latex]Na[/latex] should remain protected in petroleum.

    Just wanted to hear if this is possible.

  2. http://www.businessw...than-alter.html


    Thread; I must be missing something, because to my knowledge, actions taken in Libya, as presented by the US, with the following UN resolution...were all based on Humanitarian efforts, not a Government Change or anything else.


    I really don't follow Marat around looking for consistency, but the comment "So the official doctrine that the NATO attack is somehow a humanitarian mission to save civilians is ludicrous" would seem absolutely accurate "Broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce". I would place the blame on the leader of the gang action, however, not NATO.


    Djordje; I did listen, well read your video, but I'm not sure of your motive. I also looked up Libya's GDP/capita and it ranks 50th in a total of 189, not too bad. I joined your thread, thinking you might be satisfied with Qaddafi, at least over what might be next and basically have been arguing that point. I hope I'm wrong, but it's looking more and more like Egypt is going to have a Muslim Brotherhood/Military Coalition Government and they had been outlawed, while already in Libya, are part of the "so called" rebels. Would you accept a Iranian Style Government???


    The state must be secular if that's what you mean.

  3. If you had asked Sebastian Cabot who is he was colonizing the New World for he would have answered 'England,' not 'Britain.' 'Britain' started to come into use after the legislative union of Ireland and England, but for much of its colonizing history 'Britain' was properly called 'England.' Though people do make a fuss about this distinction today; for example, Winston Churchill used to bristle at the fact that the German ambassador to Britain, Ribbentropp, used to refer the country as 'England.'


    After all the English were those in charge and UK or Britain was used merely to satisfy the non-English people and make 'em feel equal.

  4. Is that like when unions fine people for doing work above, beyond, and/or outside their contractual call of duty? And is "giving lots of money to good workers" a reward system for submission to union "management?" This doesn't sound much different than authoritarian capitalism except class-distinctions are denied and management is off-limits for critique because it is supposedly of the proletariat for the proletariat. Or am I misinterpreting?


    The rewards and prize for good workers should serve only for education and improvements - by good workers I mean those who willingly do their best. Those who do not wish to contribute should look at them as examples of what they should be. I am perhaps a bit radical, but frankly I don't see any other way to achieve a better life for all of us.

    Communism was the first system to exist and it worked well though people had no idea what they had and did nothing to keep it.

  5. It counts as a truism among historians (ever since the French Revolution) that revolutions are caused by rising standards of living rather than by totally oppressive situations. Once the people start living in conditions of increasing prosperity and also come to enjoy a little more freedom (cf. the Soviet Union under the liberal regime of Gorbachow) they develop a taste for more ambitious developments and a revolution can break out. It is only under conditions of extreme material and political oppression that revolution becomes impossible.


    This is perhaps the best answer to the AI's report.

  6. If this is your communism, I should vote: yes, it is utopia.

    The reason is due to human beings because they are imperfect. There are always someones trying to gain their advantage in the system so that the system cannot work as you wished.

    Soviet Union made some changes to overcome this problem, but they failed.

    In China they realized the serious problems in the system so that they are trying very hard to modify it.


    The dictatorial of the proletariat is there to make 'em a bit more perfect - educate kids from the earliest days, give lots of money to good workers etc. and punishing those who want to gain advantage/exploit others.

  7. How do you define "communism"?


    In reality, I don't see the standard model for the society of communism. The kind of Soviet Union disappeared. The kind of China is still changing, which they call it "under reforming".





    Communism = classless society, with equality, peace and ownership of the means of production by workers.

    Soviet Union wasn't communism and neither is China.



    Personally, I think that utopia cannot exist because we humans will always desire something else and something new. But a different distribution of wealth wouldn't be a bad idea. Communism is too much to one side (too equal), and our current system is too far to the other side (too unequal). I'd like to move back to some less extreme capitalism.


    A workers' self management system perhaps?

  8. There's a nasty little paradox for those who believe in omnipotent God:

    Can God make a stone that's so heavy that he can't lift it?


    How do the believers explain the existence of evil in the world if the God is omnipotent and good?

    Epíkouros says:

    God either wants to abolish evil and can not, or can but does not want, or even can not and does not want. If he wants to and can not, then it is powerless. If he does not want, then it is evil.But if God can and wants to abolish evil, how come there's evil in the world?

    I'll repeat what I said in some post above: What is transcendental can't be proven because every statement we make about transcendental has the counter-statement that is as likely to be true as the original statement.

    So it won't and can't be proven (neither philosophically or scientifically) that God exists.

  9. You're showing an interesting parallel to the bloodiest part of European history since World War 2. However, almost all people outside of Serbia would draw a completely different conclusion from this comparison. Considering the idiots bringing it to the streets just for democracy and despite an ok overall standard of living the people of the Democratic Republic of Germany come to my mind. Saying that the people are "happy, fed, and satisfied" is a strange statement about a country in a state of civil war.

    The Democratic Republic of Germany had lower standard than most European countries which was normal for the countries of the Eastern block. However, the absurdness of dividing a country in half, together with oppression of Stasi is IMO what led to revolt.



    Jackson33: There must be some influence of the "Islamic Brotherhood".


    Sisyphus: You are forgetting that Egypt had quite low standard.


    lemur: Libya had to trade oil in order to be independent from financial aid of banks and IMF. The same thing happened in Yugoslavia after WWII - with communists in power and workers' self management as form of socialism, Yugoslavia prospered - it was neutral, fought of USSR's attempts to make it a satellite state, traded with US, Libya, USSR, China etc. Yugoslavia indeed cooperated with capitalist forces of West as well as with communist forces of East.




  10. Before the unrest in Libya, the Libyan people had high standard, good wages, social and health insurance. Gadaffi is a sort of dictator, but his people are happy, fed and satisfied. He led a revolution without spilling a single drop of blood. And after all these years, there are riots in Libya? Which sane man would protest for democracy if he has everything he needs in the present system? So the first protest must have been caused by the Western insurgents in Libya - the ultimate goal is of course that 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. Civil war and the intervention is merely the last phase of such a plan. The people of Serbia and Montenegro who have experienced something similar in the 1999 (though NATO bombed us without UN consent) have organized a facebook fan page to support Gadaffi and it already has nearly 40,000 fans.


  11. No, not exactly. The inflationary model says that the universe expanded exponentially just moments after the big bang. It then setted down to a much slower uniform expansion. This uniform expansion is predicted by the theory of general relativity. Then in 1998 examination of supernova data said that this expansion has actually been speeding up for the past 5-7 billion years. No one knows exaclty what is causing this speeding up of the expansion of the universe; so it is called dark energy. In summary:


    Initlal exponential expansion (over a fraction of a second after big bang) - Inflation theory


    Subsequent uniform expansion (over billions of years from big bang) - Theory of general relativity


    Recent increase in the rate of expansion (last 5 - 7 billion years) - Dark energy


    Thanks for this information. I haven't known that it was that short period during which it expanded exponentially.

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