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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Amino acids link together to form a polpeptide that we are called proteins there is no specific figure for amino acids in a protein that is an insulin contains just 51 amino acids in its polypeptide chain and we call it protein It is the sequence of 20 kinds of amino acids that are responsible for all biological functions and the mutation in one of amino acid code results in diseases like anemia i-e the replacement of glutamic acid with valine results in sickle cell anemia which is uncurable disease
  2. Man evolution take alot of time from some unknown sources i came to know that man evolution takes about 40,000 years and I'm more of a conservative and believe we should let nature take its course when it comes to evolution. Although I thought Foodchain made a good point. If we produced genetically modified babies than what the poor peooples will do. Let go nature to do everything it want because we experianced alot of problems in the past whenever we tried to disturb the nature for our own plesures of life Response to my message and think about it
  3. hi i want to know from u that wt r the main steps involved in research in biochemistry i have no concept for that and wt type of research i have to chose for my thesis
  4. i am going on to answer that question of protein specfiicity interms of genetic code as we all know that protein is involved in nearly all the receptors , enzymes and hormones etc A protein cosists of 20 amino acids among them 10 are non essential 2 are semiessential and the rest eight are essential there are 60 genes codes for these 20 amino acids that is each amino acid is coded by a codon consists of three genes thus the transfer of msg is proceeded by receptors that are in control of brain these codons codes for one another
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