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Posts posted by admiral_ju00



    In males Only.

    Skye was talking about the female X chromosome in FEMALE.

    And stop using the blasted Caps, they don't make your point across any more easier or intelligent.

  2. Mendelian disorder is a single gene disorder. Meaning it can happen on any allele and on any chromosome.

    However since you question everything I say, I found you a more official version of the above said:


    A single gene disorder (also called Mendelian disorder) is one that is determined by a single genetic locus and the specific allele on one or both members of a chromosome pair. Single gene defects are rare, with a frequency of less than 1 in 200 births. But since there are about 6,000 known single gene disorders, their combined impact is significant.


    The incidence of serious single gene disorders is estimated to be about 1 in 200 births.


    Single-gene disorders are characterized by the pattern of transmission in families -- this is called a pedigree. The term "kindred" includes the relatives outside of the immediate nuclear family. The affected individual that initially comes to light (or is of immediate interest) is called the proband. The brothers and sisters of the proband are called siblings.



    Courtesy of: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002048.htm

  3. They' date=' sex-linked diseases that is, aren't determined by the Y chromosome. Sex itself is determined by the Y chromosome, but that has nothing to do with sex-linked diseases. Sex-linked diseases usually occur because there is a mutation to a gene on the X chromosome that means that it is no longer functional. Women have much lower rates (orders of magnitude lower) of sex-linked diseases because if they have one non-functional gene on one chromosome the other chromosome usually contains a functional copy, which is expressed and everything is hunky dory. Men don't have that extra chromosome so if they get a non-functional gene, they are stuck with it.


    So clearly there's an advantage to carrying spare genes around.[/quote']


    Right. That's why colorblindness is usually found in Men. However, women are not immune from being colorblind, except that happens very, very rarely.

  4. Are you saying that there aren't any genetic disorders that come from the X chromosome(Y chromosome is not in this equation obviously)?

  5. Excuse me. I'm not thinking straight for the time being. Primarily because I have to divide my attention between my work and the forums. Obviously one is more important then the other.


    I should be able to provide you with a better answer once things settle down here a bit.

  6. Females have two X chromosomes, which is advantage because it prevents them suffering from diseases caused by a recessive gene on the X chromosome.


    Like Skye said, this is the only chromosome in the female genome that has a few more 'extra' genes on it.

  7. one time a girl at my school told me that girls are better because they have more genetic material.


    She is wrong.


    then i got to thinking, and females don't use all of thiers. ..... guys are better.


    You are wrong.

  8. ok, when is the mating season? wait, let me guess...spring.


    I do believe that there were some studies into this and yes, it is spring.

    Also, most physicians advice against or at least warn that if the child is born during the winter, that there is a higher chance of experience some complications, either to the mother or the offspring.

  9. Sex system in humans is part of their social system.


    Like Swansont said, it is due to our evolution as h. sapiens that our mating seasons are not as pronounced as it is in other species. Greater apes also show some very interesting sexual behavior, and as I've mentioned it here once(forgot what thread that was in), but Bonobo's are much like humans when it comes to sex. That reason alone makes then a bit more diverged then some of the other apes, however strange as it is, it(their sexual system) alone does not make then more closely related to us.


    Here are some more reads for those interested:



    Bonobo Apes


    Primate Males

  10. Holy schnikes, that's a long read. Don't have time to read it all, but I do not agree with this statement offhand:

    it receives no support whatsoever from Indian records - literary or archaeological.


    There have been at least several Anthropological(by the way, Archaeologists are Anthropologists) studies that say at least a certain portion of Indians are certainly Aryans, as well as the roots of their linguistics. Stuff like that.

  11. True what sayonara said' date=' it would last more than 300 hundred years i may suppose.(how do i get this cifer, from no where, but i am taking in count that brain works by electricity that means cell breaking chemical reactions, at some sort of time, it will be generating degenerative shortcircuits, and finaly become unfunctional).



    That would mean you need some kind of a way to keep the brain alive for such a long time. Something like that seems very hard as that the current lab cells that are kept in the petri dish are no longer reproducing after their 50th time or so.


    Also, you forgot to take into account things like cell aging, free radical damage and any possible genetic problems that the Brain has a chance of developing: eg: alzheimer's. etc.


    On a side note, if it is possible to drop a brain into a metalic body of a robot, wouldn't that create a Cyborg instead of a Robot?

  12. When will smith plays any part other than the fresh prince, it teh sux.


    I thought that the MIB and MIBII were pretty cool.


    'Old-busted hottness' :D


    On a second thought, I guess if Tommy Lee Jones wasn't in it, it would have been more on par with Will Smith's other movies.

  13. Not really.

    Philosophy is still an important part in many of the things that we do.

    Some of the things that Aristotle philosophized are still under heavy debate.


    Basically, you might want to read up on Aristotelian philosophy to get an idea of what it is and how to think and write philosophically.


    I myself can't bear reading his stuff. It angrifyes me for some reason.

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