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Posts posted by richard

  1. Its not really going faster. Well I suppose that parts obvious hahahe :P. Think of light hitting a lense, after all it is convex. Light is focused to a point on the surface of the mirror at all times. As an object moves closer the angle of the light opens engaging more surface and altering the refleting angles. Also as the object is always magnifed according to its distance. Think lets say it always doubled the mag factor. So we start at 10 meters which appears as size "1" but magnified to "2". Thats an increase of 1. Now 9 meters, size "2" magnifed is "4". Thats an increase of 2. It seems as if the increase of size over time increased by two and will continue that way eg. Size "4" x2 = magnified "8" and increase of 4 in 1 meter. Size "8" x2 = magnifed "16" an increase of 8 in 1 meter. :>


  2. I thought a scientist first learned the principles of the subject. They then believe there own calculation/observation. Ideas outside the box may be ignored by some. Then again some will look in an open minded and helpful manner and try to assist. Thats personal choice or pride, not a belief system.

  3. When you speak of heat there are a few factors. Theres the heat generated as a planet is formed. Its mass increases, gravity increases and more compression produces more frictional heating. Impacts cause heating. Large mass takes longer to cool and has more insulation. Elliptical orbits cause stretching and contorting of moons and planets which creates frictional heating.

  4. Try finding a simple analogue meter (needle over measurement) bob a switch or two in series with the meter and supply. You need to be able to send it through the meter as though its one of the wires for the test then switch back to just wires after. Even a simple coil meter will use a little power and it could be a lot if we are talking small solar panels.

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