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Posts posted by imatfaal

  1. Publications meant for people in the field tend to be jargon-heavy. I'm guessing it's to keep from having to write "anti" a bunch of times. Pages cost money.


    The bar over the "tau" or the "e" just seems lazy - but would you personally or any other atomic/nuclear/particle physicist read "the decay of a neutral boson to a tau pair" and think anything but a lepton / anti-lepton pair. Mainly cos the alternative would be the headline of the paper and nobel prize winning stuff if you could show such a breach of charge conservation.


    I still wonder if fab3cda5fb16017c183e52087abffe66-1.png has a greater meaning than an apparently lazy version of (22b043184419460aadcc3b9de7b58044-1.png) which takes no more space etc. Wild thought - these particle/antiparticle pairs do not come into existence in potential states of superposition do they? That is to say: is fab3cda5fb16017c183e52087abffe66-1.png highly technical shorthand for "one of fab3cda5fb16017c183e52087abffe66-1.png or (22b043184419460aadcc3b9de7b58044-1.png) or [latex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left ( \tau_1 \bar{\tau_2} - \bar{\tau_1}\tau_2 \right )[/latex] etc. " or something else way way beyond my ken*


    * the expression is meant to designate a pair of tau and anti-tau which must be heading in opposite directions and thus spatially separate but are existing in superposition as to which is tau and which is anti till measured and entanglement broken

  2. Of course attacks on Corbyn's dealings with IRA ex leaders and his apparent closeness to Hamas (calling them "friends" ) are reasonable.


    The fact that the Tory press has chosen to ,apparently (I don't read them) use them for propaganda purposes does not take my eye off the ball.


    I didn't bother reading your article and am not sure what "actual terrorists" the Tories are supposed to be teaming up with . You mean the DUP ?


    Corbyn had contact with IRA leaders and supported some of their actions - May is sharing power with the DUP; do you not see the difference? If it comes to a crunch vote of confidence she will need the DUP to vote with her - that means that they will demand concessions; these will almost certainly be private but will be complied with.


    Your eye is so far off the ball that it is hard to take seriously - the leader of the largest party is forming a government which requires the support of young-earthers, of religious zelots, of rabid homophobes, of the political wing of the loyalist paramilitaries YET you are concentrating on the erstwhile friendships of the leader of the opposition. Do you not see how blinkered that appears - or perhaps how mendacious?



    Excuse me,

    tau- anti-tau,

    should be written as:

    [math]\tau \bar{\tau}[/math]


    (they lacked overline above anti-tau)


    Yes - technically it should; I am unaware of why it isn't but I will note that in the said paper and in others talking of decay which I scoped on this topic pairs which are clearly described as lepton and anti-lepton are referred to in short as [math](\tau \tau)[/math] and even (ee) meaning an electron position pair. The paper was in Nature so it was hardly a lo-rent publication either. I am guessing it is a short-cut and tiny saving of time - but strikes me as sloppy



    ...If you had two coherent sets of gravitational waves arriving at the same time, then perhaps you could detect interference between them. But that does not sound like a very realistic scenario. If they had passed through other, then there would be no effect.


    This is an interesting scenario - not sure what happens. Gravitational waves are the product of a quadrapole moment - would that allow interference in the same way. I would guess - for starters - that for any interference you would need frequency / wavelength coincidence but also h+ and hx similarity

  5. And do all particles decay at the same rate as their anti-particle equivalent.


    I'm not trying to solve the baryon asymmetry here or anything but before your explanation I was under the impression that these bosons only create fermionic particles without the opposite equivalent.


    There is nothing mentioned about anti particles in my posted link.



    I think that is the nature of the press release that you were quoting - it is a very light weight treatment. The heavier documents start to mention the tau pairs and show that one is the anti-particle. The article I gave a link to is the document of record as a report of this experiment - ie it is the one without any dumbing down for non-scientists like me; this peer reviewed and highly detailed article is clear


    Therefore, the most promising experimental avenue to explore the direct coupling of the standard model Higgs boson to fermions is in the study of the decay to bottom quark–antiquark pairs (denoted as nphys3005-m1.gif ) as well as to tau lepton–antilepton pairs (denoted as ττ).
  6. hi i'm brand new here

    i hope this is a good subforum to place this


    my son is doing some projects with lenz's law and other electromagnetic things

    what we are looking for are non metallic clamps and stands that can hold things . for example he has a heavy copper pipe to drop magnets through.. it would be nice to be able to hold it up with clamps and a stand that are non-metallic.. this pipe for example is 101 copper 12 inches long inner diameter of 1 inch wall thickness of .25 inch .. so it is quite heavy


    any ideas what we can use or where we can buy the things we need.. thinking inside or outside the box ..any help would be greatly appreciated


    My wood working clamps are all plastic and they were the cheapest available - I got them from B&Q (which will mean nothing if you are not UK-based) . Otherwise a hand made wooden stand would work well - drill out holes with an auger bit as close to an inch and half as you can and wedge with cocktail sticks etc. rod and dowel constructions can be very sturdy - and entirely metal free

  7. He lost me when he removed "voluntary" from the job profile.


    there have been some very interesting and well thought out socio-political studies into leadership by lot (ie head of state chosen by lottery). In the small polities in which it happened naturally it was remarkably successful, some quite large (and very profitable) commercial enterprises have used it to guide future policy, and the drawbacks are often the same as current systems (worst that can happen is that some arrogant orange misogynist gets the job).


    Sorry if this is [OT] but I cannot talk about the current incumbant without breaking things and my office equipment store is down to a new low



    I think you are overestimating the scale of the lensing effect.


    The addition in path of light being lensed by a galaxy between us and source is of the same order as the s-child radius of the intervening object. So for a Galaxy of 10e12 solar masses about 3e12km or, dividing by c, about 4 months in time

  9. ...

    Sic passit the UK Labour Party :(


    With the entire might of Murdoch, the Mail, the Barclay Bros throwing everything they had at Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party they just received the biggest share of the vote that they have received since Clemant Atlee. The Tories were expected to have a majority perhaps of a 100 - of Thatcher/Blair proportions - and they have none. The passing of the Labour Party has been prematurely announced.

    I don't think so. It had to be done.


    it had to be done to ensure the security of the Conservative and Unionist Party - it was a move purely motivated by internecine rivalries within Cameron's party.

  10. !

    Moderator Note


    Unless HandyAndy actually starts bringing some meat to the table I think we should consider locking this thread.


    The assertion that a fermion can change into a boson is unsupported and unsupportable. It is not evidenced nor propped up by the fact that two fermions in a particle/antiparticle pair can annihilate releasing gamma ray photons.


    Long lists of pseudo-lawyer "Do you agree..." are not in the spirit of the forum nor do they help bring this thread to a sensible line of discussion. Members will happily explain conservation laws - but this is hampered by a refusal from OP to acknowledge that previous statements were perhaps made in haste and are certainly incorrect.


    Do not respond to this moderation within the thread.


  11. As long as it's a fermion/anti-fermion pair, the fermion number remains zero and it's allowed.


    Exactly - I believe the decay routes predicted and found towards fermions was to bottom quark / antiquark pair and to tau lepton/anti-lepton pair


    For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV, the channels expected to be experimentally accessible include the decays to two photons, two W or Z bosons, a nphys3005-m4.gif quark pair and a ττ lepton pair.




  12. ... Now my doubt is, of gravitation was not a force and just a curvature in space-time , why does a small mass ( at rest with respect to another larger one ) get attracted to each other. Since the mass was at rest, it doesn't have to follow any path in modified space-time , right ?


    It is travelling through space-time - even if it is not travelling through space. It it moving along a worldline through space-time - and if space time is has a curvature then it it will follow the shortest route; the geodesic



  13. !

    Moderator Note




    This topic is meant to be about space flowing towards a mass. It is not about the irrational clinging to a false assertion that fermions are converted to bosons. Either get back to the topic or stop posting here.


    1. Any further discursions will be seen as hijacking and sanctioned.

    2. Assertions of fact must be capable of being backed up - if this is impossible, please be open to the possibility that you are wrong.


  14. I tend to sit and pretend to work at my desk whilst in fact I am browsing Scienceforums.net.


    In reality the work is a mixture of

    1. Obtaining information

    2. Processing and understanding said information

    3. Re-packaging this information for dessemination

    4. Evaluating performance of steps 1-3


    The information comes in via email, telephone, web-sources, trade press, textbooks and legal texts, and word of mouth; the processing is done in various methods from handwritten calculations and note-taking to custom software and requesting expert opinion; the repackaging is normally verbal to my principals, verbal/instructive to my staff, and every so often office memos and special reports; and the evaluation is mainly self-inflicted. Of course all 4 steps are, in effect, carried out simultaneously and as a mish-mash but that is the very basic idea.


    I am lucky in that in my case this process is very rarely carried out to solve the same problem twice

  15. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.estlett.6b00467


    Here is the actual article which is a lot less "and then a miracle occurs" than the dreadful write-up on futurism.com


    The CO2 concentration difference between ambient air and exhaust gases created by combusting fossil fuels is an untapped energy source for producing electricity. One method of capturing this energy is dissolving CO2 gas into water and then converting the produced chemical potential energy into electrical power using an electrochemical system


  16. Tar


    "My thought was merely that if a tiny thing a billion lyrs away shouting can register, then that implies a big thing close by would also bend space, but at a different frequency and amplitude, and if only a tiny really dense pair of black holes can even generate a wave, what does detecting that wave do for us."


    the above is wrong - it was not tiny. In the final stages of the merger the two black holes gave off energy at a higher rate in gravitational waves than all the light from all the stars in the observable universe

  17. The richest man in the world (by some metrics a few years ago) was Mexican - so maybe the problem is inequality.


    Singapore was never colonized by the Japanese - it was invaded and ruled by the Japanese during the second world war; the major colonial power in the age of empire was the British and before that it was Malay / Javan.


    I think you need to be very clear on what your premises are and if they are true before trying to get to a conclusion. At the moment they are simplistic and in part false

  18. Its possible but recall an earlier point I made on types of polarity. Mechanical vibration and electro magnetic signals have different polarity influence to a GW wave. So from research of the reviewed signals they have received they can develop a statistical means of filtration.


    As more confirmed GW data develops they will also be able to better hone in on key aspects of a GW signal to better identify them.


    When you have a sensor looking for signals that in essence rely on 10^-20 of a cm in length change you can certainly see the difficulties of filtration.


    Which is why you have two such sensors situation thousands of miles apart and compare results. Both will see lots of variations of that magnitude in noise and the noise will be unique to the environment of the sensor - but only the signal will be reproduced in both

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