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Posts posted by Lance

  1. Wiki is indeed God.


    Glass as a liquid


    One common belief is that glass is a super-cooled liquid of practically infinite viscosity when at room temperature. Supporting evidence for this position is that old windows are often thicker at the bottom than at the top. It is then assumed that the glass was once uniform' date=' but has flowed to its new shape.


    One possible source of this belief is that when panes of glass were commonly made by glassblowers, the technique that was used was to spin molten glass so as to create a round, mostly flat and even plate (the Crown glass process, described above). This plate was then cut to fit a window. The pieces were not, however, absolutely flat; the edges of the disk would be thicker because of centripetal forces. When actually installed in a window frame, the glass would be placed thicker side down for the sake of stability. Also, the sparkle is greater and the visual effect stronger when the thicker side is down. There is anecdotal evidence that occasionally such glass has been found thinner side down, as would be caused by carelessness at the time of installation.


    Writing in the American Journal of Physics, physicist Edgar D. Zanotto states "...the predicted relaxation time for GeO2 at room temperature is 1032 years. Hence, the relaxation period (characteristic flow time) of cathedral glasses would be even longer" (Am. J. Phys, 66(5):392-5, May 1998). In layperson's terms, he wrote that glass at room temperature is very strongly on the solid side of the spectrum from solids to liquids.



    Evidence against glass flow


    * If medieval glass has flowed perceptibly, then ancient Roman and Egyptian objects should have flowed proportionately more—but this is not observed.

    * If glass flows at a rate that allows changes to be seen with the naked eye after centuries, then changes in optical telescope mirrors should be observable (by interferometry) in a matter of days—but this also is not observed. Similarly, it should not be possible to see Newton's rings between decade-old fragments of window glass—but this can in fact be quite easily done.

    * Likewise, precision optical lenses and mirrors used in microscopes and telescopes should gradually deform and lose focus. This is also not observed.

  2. What's fascinating about this is that we never hear it mentioned that he was white but if he was any other race it would be thrown in our face repeatedly until there was multicultural blood dripping down from our broken noses.

  3. They mostly hinge on the argument "there's no incentive to work or innovate"... Which is based on an uneducated myth.


    I know he's not here anymore, but can somebody please explain to me how this is a myth?

  4. I'm not sure you have seen the size of projector bulbs. They have an extremely high power density. If you took 5W luxeon stars and lined them up in the same amount of space you wouldn't get anywhere near the required output requirement. Luxeon stars are not cheap either. If somebody can prove me wrong then they stand to gain a large sum of money assuming they know anything about marketing.

  5. I have 6 photo flash capacitors strewn about my desk from a batch that somebody donated to me; various transistors, most dead from some horrible ailment that only the god's can diagnose, and have lost their magic smoke long ago; my multimeter which I am not actually sure how it left my lab and survived the journey to my desk; my camera, which usually ends up at my desk anyway; a plethora of unmarked CDs; a few element samples; and a few meals worth of crumbs and food scraps. Not to mention all the junk that is perfectly normal to find at a desk. Such as a copper plated doorknob missing a door.

  6. Freezing is much easier if you use a flexible plastic cup and wait a few days so it is completely solid then use an eye dropper to take the liquid off the top. You can then thaw the large chunk and refreeze it multiple time. Then do the same in a smaller cup with all the H2O2 you collected. The key is patience.

  7. That was fixed too. IE didn't like "right:50px" property. I changed it to "margin-right:50px".


    But now for some reason the picture details are much lower in IE than in firefox. does anybody know why?

  8. For some reason my photo blog does not display correctly in IE. The problem is that IE is not displaying the thumbnails in a table-cell.


    This is the part on the template:

    <div class="thumbs"><#fbthumbs#></div>


    And on the css layout:

    .fbthumb, .fbrandthumb, .fbthisthumb, .fbmenuthumb { 
    display: table-cell;
    padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px;
       width: 140px;
       text-align: center;
       vertical-align: middle;
    .fbcomthumb {
       padding: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
       float: right;
    .fbthumb img, .fbmenuthumb img {
       border: 1px solid #000;
    .fbthisthumb img {
       border: 2px solid #000;
    .fbthisthumb {
       background-color: #eee;
       -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px;
       -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;


    .thumbs {
       width: 700px;


    You can view the blog here: http://shutterimpulse.com/


    Also, for some reason on IE the image is aligned to the right.



    <div class="mainimage">
    <div style="float: left; line-height: 20px; margin-left: 10px; width: 80px; text-align: left;"><#fbprev#> </div>
    <div style="float: right; line-height: 20px; margin-right: 10px; width: 80px; text-align: right;"> <#fbnext#></div>
    <div style="line-height: 20px;"><#fbarchives#></div>
    <div style="border: #000000 1px solid; width:600px; height:450px; left:50px; right:50px; position:relative;">
    <img src="<#fbimageurl#>" width="<#fbwidth#>" height="<#fbheight#>" alt="<#fbdate#>" usemap="#imgmap" /></div><br />
    <map id="imgmap" name="imgmap">
    <?php if("<#fbprevlink#>"!=$emptylink) { ?><area href="<#fbprevlink#>" coords="0,0,<?php echo floor(<#fbwidth#>/2); ?>,<?php echo <#fbheight#>; ?>" alt="« previous" /><?php } ?>
    <?php if("<#fbnextlink#>"!=$emptylink) { ?><area href="<#fbnextlink#>" coords="<?php echo ceil(<#fbwidth#>/2); ?>,0,<?php echo <#fbwidth#>; ?>,<?php echo <#fbheight#>; ?>" alt="next »" /><?php } ?>
    Posted under: <#fbmemberof#><br/>
    <strong><#fbtitle#></strong> <em><#fbdate#></em> <#fbcaption#><br/><#fbcomlink#><br/>


    and css:

    .mainimage {
    text-align: center;
    border: 0px solid #000;
    width: 700px;
       background-color: #eee;
       -moz-border-radius: 10px;


    Now I understand that the the white border won't be rounded in IE but does anybody know how to fix either of these problems? It looks great in firefox but looks horrible in IE. I have also been told it doesn't look great in opera as well.

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