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Everything posted by hoosier

  1. I have to say that I have the same problem: it doesn't matter what temperature the water is, or whether or not it came from the tap or is bottled water. Don't get me wrong, I will drink it if nothing else is available or if I am taking medications, but other than that I stick to plain, unsweetened iced tea. I don't care for sugar in my drinks, and that includes soda. So while some people who are "addicted" to soda may experience stomach pains or nausea, it's not a clear cut explanation. I have no idea why I feel this way myself. I'm in pretty good health, in relatively good shape, I exercise and eat right. The doctor diagnosed me with IBS, and I know exactly what that means: they have no idea why my stomach hurts. I know that I am slightly lactose-intolerant, but I don't drink milk (never liked the taste), don't eat cereal in the morning, and I try and stay away from things that contain a lot of milk like ice cream. But water? That's hard to stay away from. The bloated, sick feeling I get is almost immediate and it lasts a good half hour or so before it starts to subside. It kind of feels like my stomach is ready to float away. Even so, I find that I drink about 32 ounces of water a day, sometimes more. This is a constant everyday feeling, but I know I need the water, especially now because I'm pregnant and hydration is very important. It's just unfortunate that there aren't too many options for me to drink, but that's because I don't like to drink my calories (it adds up much quicker than people realize), so I stick to the tea and water, no matter how water makes me feel.
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