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Brad Watson_Miami FL

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Everything posted by Brad Watson_Miami FL

  1. ajb, Thanks for the reply. I don't what what you mean by saying, "The black-hole solutions in general relativity are not the same as the FRW (Friedman Robertson Walker [metric in general relativity]) cosmologies." Could you explain that? Also, regarding "any relationship would be highly non-trivial", yes, making a connection between the Big Bang/super-massive white hole and a super-massive black hole in another universe is a HUGE discovery! Is that what you mean? Do you agree that there is a duality or not between these two singularities? The Penrose-Hawking theorems reinforce that the Big Bang and black holes are singularities, don't they? There are no other singularities, right? And I refer to Occam's Razor because out of the different causes/no-cause propositions for the creation of this universe, and the explanation of eternity and infinite space, this one seems to be the simplest. Do you agree?
  2. Yes, I second that motion (if it hasn't been seconded already). I came on this thread to suggest a Linguistics Forum. Besides the fact that it is a science, I've been researching how many things in our cultures, i.e. the English(74) language, has a connect(74) to nature.
  3. Our universe is 13.7 billion years old. But what was going on before that? And what caused the Big Bang of this universe? Both the Big Bang and black holes are singularities which are points with infinite density and the radius of zero, and where the laws of physics break down. We have now directly observed a super-massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and astrophysicists have concluded that there is a super-massive black hole at the center of every galaxy. Is is possible, perhaps even likely, that these two singularities - a super-massive black hole and a Big Bang or super-massive white hole - are linked in a death-birth relationship?! This would be a non-random and simple explanation of how there could be infinite space and eternity which would include before the birth of this universe and after its death. Is our universe one of billions in The Conglomerate of universes ('multiverse')? "A duality occurs when you can look at the same phenomenon in two distinct ways, taking one theory and mapping it to another theory. In a sense, the two theories are equivalent." - String Theory for Dummies Is the relationship between a super-massive black hole and a super-massive white hole/Big Bang, in fact, a duality? I say, yes. But, how can this be proven? Well, it appears impossible to directly observe, however, science may find a way in the future. For now, we only have a principle developed in the 14th century - Occam's razor: the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one. Signature- Brad Watson, Miami, FL - "In God and science we trust"
  4. Hi John! What does your older sister look like? Everybody, Greetings fellow Earthlings! I just joined this forum and I'm already having a good(7__4) time(47). Pardon me for writing using exposed gematria(74), but that's part of my 'mission'. I'm a multi-disciplinary scientist and writer - an independent researcher and theorist. I look forward to some healthy interaction on scienceforums.net
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