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Everything posted by chuinhen

  1. u r right on the facts !! But im asking How does the difference in length of ganglionic neurone contribute to it ?!?!
  2. http://www.in-gender.com/cs/blogs/gender_selection_news/archive/2006/1/13/5342.aspx There's no dispute that the X chromosome is bigger than the Y chromosome. But the sex chromosome is only one of the 23 chromosomes carried by a sperm -- in total, an X sperm carries only 2.9% more genetic material than a Y sperm. As you can see, the difference isn't that great.
  3. A http://edition.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/conditions/01/27/rare.conditions/index.html "Other abnormalities quickly surfaced. Roberto was severely susceptible to heatstroke on hot summer days. His parents soon noticed he did not sweat." B http://edition.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/conditions/02/03/btsc.oppenheim/index.html "her brain doesn't receive signals that she's experiencing pain, and she hardly sweats." I Tought hotness is detected by thermoreceptors under the skin !!!! From the 2 casses above ,it seems like pain receptors plays a role in thermoreceptor !!! Quite strange ?!?!?!
  4. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/conditions/11/16/pdg.gender.selection/index.html A sample of sperm was spun in a centrifuge. The spinning separates the Y sperm that creates a boy from the X sperm that creates a girl. The Y sperm was used to fertilize Beth's egg. SO .. which sperm will have a lower mass ??? The one with X or Y
  5. THeres a different between sympathetic & parasympathetic system that is FOr the sympathetic system : the preganglionic nerve is shorter For the parasympathetic system: The preganglionic nerve is longer ?!?!?! Wat is the purpose ??
  6. I"ve come across this words "PYRAMID ENERGY " !?!? IS it true tat this energy exist ?? can anyone contribute to this point
  7. electrode potential is the potential difference btwn the electrode and its ion. That is when Zn electrode is dip into a solution containing Zn 2+: Zn 2+ + e- <=====> Zn E -0.76 The reverse reaction is more readily to take place Hence the electrode dissolve in to the aqueous solution !!! However , this is not a complete cell !! The electron released when Zn dissolve , will remained in the electrode !!! This will cause the electrode to bcome more negative .. Thus , the negatively charged electrode will attract the Zn 2+ ... this is called the potential difference !!!!! THIS MAY NOT OCCUR IF THE AQUEOUS SOLUTION DOES NOT CONTAIN THE Zn 2+
  8. but the problem is Both the couples are genetic indentical !?!? (wife a = wife b , huband a = husband b )
  9. the carbon i obtained from the 9V battery , rupture / breaks up , duriang electrolysis !!!! Isn't it inert !?!?!?!
  10. Ultrahard fullerite !!! can anyone contribute to this point !!!
  11. Do anyone have idea about this species !!!!!!
  12. Which compound is Harder than diamond ??? I heard Boron nitride ?!?!?!
  13. How many percent of Carbon in the pencil lead ??
  14. Other then batteries ! ! where can we get Carbon electrodes ?? And How to obtain it !?!?!
  15. anyone can provide a helping hand !!!! Im interested to know the answer also !!!??
  16. Light energy ----> (plants) Chemical Energy ---> cow ate the grass Kinetic energy -----> climb a hill Potential energy ----> run down a hill Kinetic energy ------> break Sound energy ------> Heat energy --------> The cow passed away , its carcass is used to generate power via biomass !! Chemical energy ----> (biogasses for generate electric) Mechanical energy (turbin ) ----> electric energy Electrical Energy ----> home (charging a Handphone) function of handphones electrical energy -----> light energy (games ) electrical energy -----> sound energy ( ringtones ) electrical energy -----> heat energy (wasted) Heat is supplied accidently by purpose !! hahaha the handphone exploded !!!! chemical energy ---->light energy . sound energy , heat energy , I got a series of 16 conversion !!!!
  17. Why is c-c bond in graphite is stronger than c-c bond in diamond ??
  18. it is same in structure !!! we can called it Isoganmy ?? But during conjugation .. i strand moves to another !!?! is it called anisogamy !!! Im still confused ?!?!?!
  19. allosteric enzyme are enzyme that binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme and not to the ezyme active site . It alters the globular shape of the enzyme .As a result , the substrate cant bind to the enzyme active site any more !!!!!
  20. Deflated Belly ?? If it is after birth or after 10 years ??
  21. The conjugation Of Spirogyra is ISOGAMY or ANISOGAMY ???? Different sources have different answer !!!
  22. but the point is there is 47 chromosome in the cell of the down syndrome patient ... during prophase I in meiosis , 1 of the chromosome cant pair up ... the chromosome is not homologous !!! I think that meiosis cant proceed and no gamete is formed !!!!
  23. If They are 2 identical female Twins from Family A and 2 identical Male twins from Family B ... If both of the sister marry the both brothers and one of the couple gave birth first .. My question is ...if the other couple claims that the baby is their's how are we going to solve this Havoc ??
  24. Can a Down syndrome patient produce gametes ???? And which step of the Meiosis they fail to undergo ??
  25. and is it mean that is always the X chromosome that carriers the reccesive gene that responsible for the sex-linked disease ??
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