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Posts posted by Billwaa

  1. Hi, this is not really a homework question, since I don't understand it at all, I can't really do my homework. And I am having a test on thursday on this...


    Anyway, I am learning Double Source Interference / Single Source Double Slit Interference in Physics.


    I understand how some of the node minima, waves are canceled out, and the maxima, wave construct.


    But I don't get the calculation part of it. All those equations and drawing of triangles. It look really confusing to me, and I don't quite understand it, beside that if a point is equal distance from both sources, then the wave will arrive at the same time. Different distance they don't match or something.


    It's just the calcuation of the triangles, and the angles and stuffs really confused me. Can someone help me? :confused:

  2. Support My School's Orchestra and Get Your Sites or Company or Name Advertised!


    Hi, everyone, my school, Council Rock High School South, have an amazing Orchestra. We were rated the best High School Orchestra in the US state of Pennsylvannia by the PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association). We also performed the pieces, 5 selected movement of the original version of "Pictures of an Expedition" and "Rusian Sailor Dance" and "The Inferno", at the PMEA convention at March 31st, 2006 for many music teachers.


    It was decided that we will be traveling to Italy on a concert tour next year to Perform the selected pieces including the famous "Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture" and "La Gazza Ladra".


    The fee for the tour is expensive, cost around $2500 USD for each member (I am one of them), therefore, we need to do some fund rasing in order to go on the trip. The Patron Book is one. The Patron Book for 2006 - 2007 is a book recorded pictures and events of our trip at Italy along with a listing of individuals and organizations who have contributed to the Orchestra trip fund. The Patron Book will be published and distributed throughout the school district at concerts and performances.


    By sponsering us with a minimum of $20 USD, we will publish your Company (Site) name, address, phone number... Please e-mail billwaahau@gmail.com for details...


    And post your comment here.

  3. you guys just confuse me, why do people want to know really why 1 + 1 = 2?


    I think, because if you have one thing have another one, now you have two of the one thing, or basically two thing.


    1 + 1 = 2 (1) = 2

  4. I don't know why, but now my PC wouldn't turn off or log off or anything. It don't follow my command.


    It all started yesterday, I got a program and try to make my window theme look like the Window Vista thing with a program. It totally kill the OS, so I recover it and have to set up everything. I even lost my homework files for schools.


    So after that I try a program that change the log in screen. It was fine until a few hours ago, that thing wouldn't work. And everytime when I try to hybernate, it give me this error:




    And hybernated with a pop up window saying hybernated.


    So I am like, that program is screwing my PC up. So I uninstall it. Now it wouldn't even turn off!




  5. I think that people in Africa have to have dark skin because it's hot there and they need darker skin to not get sun burn. People who live in Europe are white because they need white skin to reflect UV light. They eventrually adapt to it and past on to their offspring.

  6. err.. no I don't think so. lol


    *I think if you really want yourself to be glow in the dark, you have to be genetic engineered before you are born, when you are still a sperm cell. becuase if you change your DNA at that time, then you skin will remain glowing. But if you change it after you are born, there are different possibility:


    1. the transgenetic organism (i think that's what they are called) will get attack by your immune system and wouldn't transferr the DNA


    2. last only a while because most of the skin cells in your body already been devoloped. You alter a few cells, they will divide and produce more, but that wouldn't create enough skin cells vs the normal one which already been devolope in bigger number and produce more. Which mean your glow in the dark cell will eventually get overthrown.


    // Really, I don't want to be glow in the dark, it would hurt if I am playing Airsoft War or paintball in the dark. lol

  7. When I first learn about genetic engineering and DNA last month, my teacher told us that someone did an experiment on mouse and squid. They took the DNA code that make the squid glow in the dark and insert it to a mouse. The mouse's offspring all have the ability to glow in the dark.


    I just think it's kind of funny. And they should probably do that to hamster and sell them in the pet store. Wouldn' t it be cool to have a hamster the glow in dark? :D




    they did that on plants too! :D




    man, I want a plant like that so badly!

  8. Doesn't sound like she have a problem to me. But the brain does control eveything, if part of it is damage, who know what going to happen and what's not. I have a feeling that part of her brain that control the feeling part is damage, not fully. Probably still 20% or something like that remain functioning. Ask a doctor or some professional person would be a good idea.



    what men want is very simple. sex, alcohol, food, tv. in that order, and no additions.


    err... no, that's not all men wants. What about success? achievement? discover? invention?

  9. Born again athiest...I like that! LOL.


    I find it amusing how we constantly pat ourselves on the back for our wonderfull acheivments but constantly fail to recognize our blaring failures as a species! Granted' date=' the human body/brain is a magnificent piece of machinery, the most evolved on our planet which of course led to our domination of it, but it must be recognized that as such we owe a certain stewardship to the planet which birthed us and its myriad of other creatures(sentient or otherwize). (This is not about being a tree hugging, idealistic hippie. Its about the logical accnowledgment that everthing is/was in a fine ballance that we have successfully screwed up) It must also be recognized that perhaps the reason we view other creatures as "stupid" is because we fail to understand them in very crucial ways. As an earlier post stated pigs are quite intelligent. It is also being realized that certain species of birds are now being re-evaluated as possesing a pretty respectable intellect. Think of it this way: As a human its obvious that our biggest strenght is out intelligence. There is a sacrifice. How does your sense of smell, hearing, sight, and other unexplored senses compare to that of a wolf(another unfortunately misunderstood, underestimated, very intelligent creature). There is no comparison. I take my dog for a walk everyday. I experience the world with my eyes and my mind. He experiences it with is nose and ears. I have no concept of what his world must be like compared to mine. I think it must be understood that while our senses are reliable, they are incomplete. We see a small part of the whole picture and its obvious that we've (unwittingly in some cases) admited to it by our development of various instuments with which we can over come those limitations. I think its also amusing that we always say "we" when refering to our wonderful technological advances when a rediculously small pecentage of our species comes up with these brilliant ideas/inovations and the rest of us just mindlessly use it to our "benefit." Which leads to my next point. I look at my dog sometimes and think, "wow, what a pitiful rendition of the fantastic creature it once was(wolf, duh)." Dont get me wrong, I love my mut, but it relies on me completely for its survival, and is relatively stupid, where its ancestor was a tenacious and brilliant survivor with super sharp senses and social order. The dog is a de-evolved and disfuncitonal form of what it once was. I view humanity, in its current state, the same way. I believe there is a huge problem with the fact that we no longer stimulate our senses as we once did. Those survival based senses, close interaction and keen observation of our environment led to the sharpening of our intellects...and kept them sharp. Multiply that with the lack of natural selection, a culture that breeds mindlessly, and goes out of its way to ensure the survival (and thus more mindless breeding) of the weak and unintelligent, and you have a real mess on your hands. Thats what were dealing with here people. Are you still reading this...get a life loser! JK. LOL!


    Well that was quite a tangent. Get used to it. Thats just how I am. Im aware that durring flow of conciousness I tend to have an accusatory style but be aware that I include myself in those accusations. Certainly not trying to attack anyone...youll know if I do. Im as much a part of this as everyone else...only I desperately want to do something about it. I love what the human species once was and what it has the capability of becoming...but something major has to change![/quote']


    Hey I just have to say, good point! You have great ideas! :)


    Just that I think maybe you type a bit too much? I read the whole thing and skip a couple lines. Took me a while. However, as I am reading, it make me relize that with all the machine and tools we invented (such as the computers), we lose most of our normal skills. Internet for example, I am able to speak out and respond and argue in the internet in a forum, however, I cannot communicate like that in real life. If you gave this speech in class, I wouldn't say anything because I don't know how or just not used to it. Probably because I am bad at speaking.


    With calculator, we stop improving our math skill. Back then when calculator wasn't invented, people have to use their brain. Some people probably can solve an equation even faster than a calculator since they are force to do it all the time. Now, since I have a calculator to help me out, without a calculator, I could be stuck on a math problem for a while.


    Now, we depend so much on machine that we can hardy live without them. Without computer, our sociaty will be caos. We lose electricity, communications, access to all different kind of data. I agree with you fully, there is a down side to our intelligent.


    [The Peon] I am suppose to be proud to be Asian right? People with neanderthalic genes should be smarter right? Well, I am smarter than most people in my school (overall, not in just one subject), does that mean I have the neanderthalic genes?

  10. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I know that my Cousin is being invite (at least i think) to work for Lockheed Martin. He show his skills well during his collage years and invent something with some schoolmate <= I am not sure what though. So I think you just have to stand out from others. I myself have no experience since I am still in High School

  11. Well, I mean normal people think pigs are stupid and lazy and only eat and sleep and do nothing else.


    And I guess you couldn't really say we come from fish and realated to pigs as a fact. Natural Selection is only a theory, not a law. For people that believe in Creationism, they wouldn't think we come from fish and related to pigs.

  12. Many people don't believe in Evolution, are they afraid what we might find of our past? What if we are really evolved from sea living organisms like fish? Does that make us any less of what we are now? :confused:


    I personally believe that it doesn't really matter what we are in the past. Who knows? We might be evolved from small living mammals lived a long time ago like mouses. We might be related to pigs. That doesn't make us stupid. In fact, nothing can change what we have achieved. We are human, an intelligent speice that is above all other organism on this planet. We have proven ourself to be. What other organism can build the Great Wall of China? Invent computer?



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