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Everything posted by Rasori

  1. The principal, yes, but our probes that are supposed to try to make contact don't demonstrate it (as far as I know). I'm gonna shut up now, I didn't do enough research on the subject to actually understand it.
  2. So, basically, no there isn't, but there's ways to kinda trick yourself. I suppose that makes since. Like if you're really into a book while you're reading it, after a little while everything seems to stop making noise, or at least make less.
  3. I did mention it was RANDOM thinking, no? I was thinking about it, not REALLY considering it. Just kinda. This is the simple thinking that means you entirely ignored my post and are still thinking INSIDE the box. Honestly, how likely is it that only one species on this planet evolved to our level? If one could do it, why haven't any others? Alligators and Crocodiles (or one of them at least) have been around since the dinosaurs (or so I've been told). Given they had millions more years than primates to evolve, why haven't they? As for the Egyptians, well, I'm not very smart when it comes to history. Egyptians, last thing I remember was from my sixth grade ancient history book made probably in the 70s or 80s, and I don't remember that clearly. As for the 'odd things', well, they are in a way inexplicable. We can't explain how, back in those times, they could make these things. I'll ignore the heads, I have a wrong impression of them, I think. But Stonehenge, with the technology they had back then, was NEARLY impossible to erect. However, it was deemed possible. But then, what about the fact that it could make a perfectly good calendar when it was complete? How about the pyramids? There's something about them lining up with certain stars and planets and stuff like that that makes it hard to believe they did it on their own. Again, not IMPOSSIBLE, but unlikely. The Mayan pyramids were the same I believe, although I'm not sure and can't find any references. And, so you know, I never thought I was special. I was just telling you what I was thinking to have your opinions.
  4. I didn't feel like going back and getting the names you used But, what I'm saying is that if we try to make contact with our language of math, we are probably telling them we want to go to war or something, should they actually understand us.
  5. Doesn't really fit perfectly with the thread, but hey, it's eyesight, so I figure I can try it. I've noticed more and more lately that whatever I look at (doesn't have to be a TV screen or computer monitor) seemse to come in as pixels. I don't know, maybe I just never noticed it before, otherwise I really DO spend too much time on the computer. And if you need to know what I mean by pixels in this sense, well, I see little tiny specks of different colored lights that end up combining to make the right color, but not just on the regular things. It's freaky, like I'm living in a computer monitor.
  6. I don't get this whole "Math is the language of the universe" or whatever crap. Sure, 5 + 3 = 8, even when it comes to Fraalij and XXranonx's rocks, but to them they may have 2 ^ 1252 (Awer for all we know. I mean, get a grip, OUR math language is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be the same as anyone elses. BTW, dave, think I could get a link to that? I'm sure you could find that picture somewhere on the internet, I'll try to google it myself I wanna see this '4d' object. Also, out of curiousity, why is it that we humans insist on searching for life? For all we know, we landed on it when we landed on the moon (this is my way of saying that or definition of life isn't necessarily correct). All of this post is meant only as an 'if you people actually care' kinda thing.
  7. Out of curiousity, is there any way for someone with perfectly good or even partial hearing to actually have true SILENCE? I think that if the person has any sort of hearing at all, they must hear their own breathing or their heartbeat or something. It sucks, I want silence!
  8. Not exactly sure where this should go, feel free to move it. I'm starting to think that we human beings are from another planet. Sure there's no proof, but it could explain why all 'UFO' and 'alien' sightings are top secret classified documents. Anyway, here's my reasoning: First off, what are the odds that a species evolved, or was created, that completely threw off the natural balance in the world? Before humans, creatures hunted only for food, and hunted only the weak, old, and sick. Before humans, forests kept the world nice and clean (now many of us can barely breathe without coughing, who knows how the animals feel?) Next, we seem to be deevolving. The farther back you go, the better we were. Sure, we have technological 'advances', but they make us MORE barbaric. Look at the Egyptians- they treated what slaves they had VERY well. Lastly, well, this could explain inexplicable things like those heads (you know, those heads on that island), Stonehenge, the pyramids (Mayan and Egyptian) and other stuff like that. So, yeah, that's what I've been thinking.
  9. Hmm now that's a question that I can't answer. But I honestly feel that breaking it up works better for me.
  10. I really thought about it! I was just at the mall so I couldn't e-mail. (There's the 2 in 27 lol)
  11. Evolution- Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Thought it fit here.
  12. What's the difference between aeroSPACE engineering and aeroNAUTICAL engineering? I always wanted to be the latter, what's the first?
  13. I personally think that we humans did not evolve from monkeys (gorillas, whichever it was lol) but that they evolved from us. Gorillas (I'm assuming that was the one now) do not go around killing each other, and don't destroy their environment. Not only that, but they didn't contribute to the Greenhouse Effect or anything else we've done. They haven't developed WMD. They can grab things both with their hands AND their feet! (Obvious plus there!) And, of course, they can never turn down a perfectly good banana :banana::banana::banana: Yes, this is mainly a joke. But there is SOME sense to it (cough :bs: cough) Yes, yes, very very :lame: What's new? :flame: me, please
  14. What, no help? You were helpful before .
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yup, I can and will do that. I can take a few minutess out of my marathon (11 1/2 days of gaming) to try and advance this theory in the name of science. Count me in (but don't think of me, that'll mess it up )
  16. It sounds to me like we've got some :offtopic: discussion. Anyway, back to Dokta's statement, I disagree with, or at least wish to correct, all of this. "-Warm blooded. The body needs internal heat to power a huge brain. So mammals and birds are the only animals that can have a big brain." This sounds like it's coming from someone who only knows warm and cold blooded species. There could be other possibilities. However, this is most likely true. "- Hands built like ours with thumbs are the greatest body part for building tools and manipulating thier environment. Mammals only have these (I think some dinosaurs did to)." This is an assumption. A posable thumb is very important, yes, but things can be done without one. What about two fingers, similar length, that could both be moved in many ways? That would work too. "- Excellent eyesight. Great eyes are needed to work with co-ordinating their hands. And to build things. At least two eyes are needed to alow for 3D vision and displaying colour. All primates have good eyesight with colour vision." I still like the idea of aliens who feel instead of see, or see in other ways. Otherwise, yes, multiple eyes are pretty much a must. However, color is not necessarily required. IR or UV could probably be useful too, no? "Bipedal. It is not needing for intelligence but in order to build technology and civizilitations the animal needs to stand on two feet allowing their hands free (carrying things, etc)." This is the main thing I disagree with. Most likely MULTIpedal is required, but not necessarily. I can imagine a species adapting to one leg, or a limbless species developing arms of some sort, thus moving like a snake but capable of grasping things. Thus, I think this entire post was written by someone who only imagines life inside the box and doesn't think of the possibilities of other things. Look at monkeys, they can use their tails as an extra 'hand'!
  17. YT, were you drunk when posting that? Talk about useless answers And useless posts like this one!
  18. It's Zion? I always thought it was Xion for whatever reason, probabl just thought it looked cooler...
  19. Hmm... why don't we just assign each person their own forum, for talking about whatever they want I'd like that! And there'd probably be fewer forums Yes, I know, I'm :lame:
  20. Wee that's what I'm looking for- corrections! It's in liters per second... I understand the point of the whole volume thing there. So then, how many lps equals one pound of thrust? And for two then, it's more like if the density of gases being shot out is 0.1234 LB/FT³@32°F (if it's needed, the temperature of the gas is -109.3°F or -78.5°C) and the combined total is 65,000 lbs of thrust, how fast is it going? And three I believe was solved via "F= v (dm/dt), where dm/dt is the rate at which mass is ejected and v is the speed, which is assumed constant." As for the fuel, my mistake. The fuel is made with things already on the ship, such the mass does decrease. I just need to find out exactly how much. See how unexact I am? And this isn't the worst I've done. Okay, the facts I have now: Density of propellant: 0.1234 LB/FT³@32°F (I believe 55.973298 g/m³, check it if you can) Temperature of propellant: Can be controlled most likely, but the easiest assumption is -109.3°F or -78.5°C. Thrust: 65,000 lbs (if my conversion is right, 29,483.50405 kg) Mass: 172,000.655049 lbs or 78018.18476 kg Tell me if you need any more, I'll try to find it.
  21. Well, in the case I'm thinking of, constant mass is approximately correct, as the fuel would be created on the craft about once a day. So yes, the mass would drop, but then it would increase.
  22. Finding pi to the x trillonth digit is useless, you say? Why? My goal in life is to prove that pi does indeed end! I just have to remember how you get pi in the first place lol.
  23. Rasori


    Oh so true, look at Michael Jackson <-- :lame: Anyway, to me, cloning is acceptable. However, there's very little point. You can't clone someone at a certain age, so the organ transplant thing is pointless unless you have the clone made at the time you are born. And if you need an organ transplant, what makes you think that the clone's organ doesn't have the same problem that yours does, or won't get it soon enough? Besides that, cloning is VERY counterproductive: 1. We already talk of overpopulation, now we're making more. 2. People in India are starving, add clones to the mix and more people are then starved. 3. Discrimination is bad enough without the 'breed' called clones. 4. Just because a person has your genes doesn't mean they have your personality. You might be making a new mass murderer! And then they may assume that the original was either the one who commited the crime or that the original was thinking the same idea, when the original may be a genius on the verge of cold fusion... The list can go on.
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