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Posts posted by Blunt

  1. The size of you penis and the relationship beetween the you fingers are connected


    these are also connected to your performances in sports...


    i remember one test where a guy had to decide who was best out of an entire football team just based on thier hands. he chose 4 people of witch 3 where picked for the young talents teams.

  2. well magic happends in the Penis DNA strings...


    cos.. you cannot just pump something full of blood and then it will become stiff like that. Normal DNA tissue crosses with an angle of about 45 degress for most bendability. But when blood gets pumped into the Penis the DNA tissue changes and then it crosses at an angle of exactly 90 degress that makes sure its not so easy to bend.


    But that tissue cannot be made again so if you damage your penis to much in one place it will start to bend because the new tissue that your body has builded doesnt have changeable DNA tissue.

  3. A little help for Level 2 then. You are all looking in the start of the file(as far as i have understood from all the post ive read.)


    a HTML file is parted in 2 parts <head> and <body>


    <head> is used for the style,fonts,prompts and other things that need to be preset to make the site.


    <body> are used for loading the site with pictures, text, tables, and in the case of level 2 a flash file.


    so search the body for scripts... and check the other hints we gave at the site, then you should be able to do it with ease.


    for level 3. thats a prompt password witch means its contained in the <head> part of the HTML file.


    ps. beware of traps look out for "<---" that sign means text is to be ignored.

  4. Ok, so I've got the source open for level 2. Since I normally use AOL (I am embarrassed, but there you go) I had to download Firefox. However, once the source is open, I see a password, but no username. And the password, which is in white so people don't get angry at me, is ItIsSoEasy[/color']. But it doesn't work.


    Thats because its a decoy password... you need to search deeper...


    hint: ever tryed opening an .exe file in notepad ?

  5. Of course' date=' in order reach this velocity we would have to expend [i'] a lot[/i] of energy.

    For example, assuming your 28 year voyage to Andromeda:


    It would take about 3.24e+21 Joules of energy per kilogram to get a mass up to this speed at 100% efficiency. This is about 1/100000 of the amount of total energy the sun puts out in 1 sec. Now for a 28 year manned voyage, you are going to need a fairly large ship to maintain a proper living enviromenr for the entire time. Maybe something along the lines of the QE2.


    The QE2 masses at 70,000,000 kg, which increases our energy requirement to that of the Sun's total output for 11 min 40sec.


    To put this is Earthly terms:


    The Sun burns hydrogen at a rate of 6.36e +11 kg per sec For our ship this works out to 4.45e+14 kg of hydrogen used. This is the equivalent of the amount of Hydrogen contained in 0.00028% in all the water on the Earth's surface. Unfortunately, we can't use all the Hydrogen, we need a particular isotope, Deutrium. Deutrium only makes up .02% of the naturally occuring Hydrogen, so we would need to process 1.4% of all the water in the world to provide enough hydrogen to get our ship up to speed.


    Or to put it another way, we would have produce the same amount of energy as is realeased in the detonation of 11 million 50 megaton thermonuclear bombs. And this is with no loss of energy.


    God damn... im stunned



    Well what about the phycological part... lets assume(just for once) that food,water,oxygen,beds, etc etc could be contained in a normal size space shuttle. would we be able to finde 6-8 people who could bear living with eachother for 28 years ? i dont even think that dr. phil´s family would be able to do that(if you want prove go watch an episode of big brother or survivor).



    On the subject of the sun sail would we be able to communicate with it at all ? if its traveling at a top speed of 150000 Mph or 75% the speed of ligth..:confused: ?

  6. maybe its because you dont have the right mindset


    ive always lived on 3-4 hours of sleep each night even tho i was tired out both psycically and mentally..


    but instead of saying "im so tired i really need to sleep or i will be nowhere near fresh when i wake up."


    try and an hour before you need to go to sleep tell yourself "i am feeling a little tired now better go to sleep. and i will be pefectly well rested when i wake up in the morning"


    helped me get the upper hand in sleeping, now i get 6-7 hours of sleep and wake up before my alarm clock.

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