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Everything posted by bluesteel

  1. A BBC TV Horizon Program in 1981 called 'The Pleasure of Finding Things Out', when I came across Richard Feynman for the first time and his infectious ability to promote the wonders of science. Carl Sagans and his series 'Cosmos' kept the momentum going, then just recently, Eric Drexlers thought provoking book/paper 'Engines of Creation' rekindled my interest through the concept and potential of molecular Nanotechnology. Julian
  2. Aubrey de Grey (Cambridge University) is working hard at pathways to 'immortality' by ending cellular degeneration due to aging with his Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) and Methuselah Mouse Prize (the X-Prize of life extension). http://www.gen.cam.ac.uk/sens Is worth checking out Julian
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