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Posts posted by khaled

  1. That is about the definition of the term "dimension". In your example, colour can be a dimension as well.


    1D is a line, 2D is a plane, 3D is an object ...


    and the 4th Dimension can be one of many things:

    - Time

    - Color

    - Direction

    - ...


    If you are interested in physics you can consider every point (x,y,z) as an Atom

    and the 4th dimension can consist many things related to Atoms in physics,

    The structure can be applied in computer program to study physics of Particles ...


    Also you can consider every point (x,y,z) as an Electron, and with giving the

    required constraints for quantum mechanics, you can work on quantum

    mechanics in visual ...


    Best of luck,

  2. are there general courses in Mathematics related to Mathematical Logic .. so that I can

    look up courses that I can cross-attend in my university,

    also, we share the same building with mathematics\science college,

    so I can easily cross-attend ...

  3. I'm a bachelor-degree student, we studied Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics,


    I can't ask the mathematics department to get a course,


    and Yes, I'm asking for hints on a self-study on Mathematical Logic ...


    I am a computer science student, interested in theoretical computer sciences ...


    I have improved myself in Algorithms, and had a basic course in Discrete Mathematics,


    My main interest lies in Mathematical Logic, and my question is


    What do I need to get in order to improve myself in Mathematical Logic ..?



  5. i heared it's possible, given an expression, we can embed pi fraction 22/7,

    i know if you write (22/7)(double) in C it will return 3.14.. approximation

    but if you embed the fraction in a dynamic expression in a function,

    it will give more flexibility ...


    like this,


    first version:: given X: return (22/7) * (1/X) * 100,000,000

    X=3 .. = 3.14159 / 3 = 1.04719666 * 100,000,000

    .. = 104,719,666


    2nd version:: given X: return 22/(7 * X) * 100,000,000

    X=3 .. = 22 / 7*3 = 22/21 = 1.04761904 * 100,000,000

    .. = 104,761,904


    difference = 42,238


    if this was a Money Transfer, 42,238$ is gone because of a miscalculation!

  6. @hobz


    im not expecting less iterations,


    i am asking for a way to create a system for vectors,

    the space is in [math]\mathbb{R}^2[/math],

    can be then represented as a Matrix ...


    i want to learn more about how can vectors help me maintaining

    the matrix for example to do transformations, and renderring

    objects in the 2D display ...

  7. I have learned LaTeX because in my college i have to write reports and papers in LaTeX,




    [math]|x| = \{ \begin{matrix} \color{red}{-X}&\color{red}{if X<0}\\ \color{blue}{X}&\color{blue}{if X>0}\\ \end{matrix}[/math]

  8. 1. the screen consist of PIXELS


    2. consider screen as a matrix of m x n where each element is a PIXEL


    3. in RGB color system, each PIXEL have a value consist of three components

    ... Red+Green+Blue where each component have a value from 0 to 255


    MATRIX screen of size m x n:

    | P1,1  P1,2   ....  P1,n |
    | P2,1  P2,2   ....  P2,n |
    |  .     ...           .  |
    |  .       ...         .  |
    | Pm,1  Pm,2   ....  Pm,n |


    where, m x n = the screen resolution and 0 <= Px,y < 256


    | algorithm (given x, y, c):


    | 1. give the element Px,1 the value c


    | 2. for every element from Px,2 to Px,y: Px,i = Px,i-1 +0.5


    | 3. terminate


    this method can create a linear gradient ...


    now with any help from linear algebra mathematicians, we can improve general methods, to iterate through this matrix, with more unique mapping ...


    .. waiting for replies, ideas, ...

  9. what is the relation between the magnet we know [ N | W ]


    and the inner core of the earth,


    is it some kind of a special massive magnet,


    or it works with different mechanism ..?

  10. How can there be more chemicals than there are atoms in the universe if the chemicals are made out of atoms?


    it's a simple mathematical induction,


    if we say ,for example, that all atoms in the universe are K


    then how many combination are possible ? answer = K!


    K! > K

  11. im not totally mathematician, and it was always complex to me,


    actually im an Arabic person ...


    but im a researcher in mathematical logic, and discrete mathematics,


    sometimes i use Linear Algebra and Probability & Statistics, but i only know the simple principles ...

  12. try to think of the Screen of a Computer with resolution of N x M in pixel

    .. as a Matrix of size n x m


    so i was thinking about a way to work on a matrix using iterators, and a recursive factorization function for the diagonal ...


    if we use a pattern/series/stream iterators, but we want to make a unique representation


    but what if we use mathematics to solve this problem, and exactly i mean Linear Algebra


    try to think of the screen as n x m Matrix,


    then we can have n horizontal iterators + m vertical iterators,


    and the intersection of different iterators give us the ability to control the pattern,


    .. also, we can try using diagonal-point recursive factor function



    | a b c |
    | d e f |
    | g h i |


    a 3x3 matrix, so we have 3 vertical iterators + 3 horizontal iterators denoted as:

    v1 v2 v3 + h1 h2 h3

    and we have the diagonal-point recursive factor function is DPF-function(..)


    a = f(v1,h1) b = f(v2,h1) c = f(v3,h1)

    d = f(v1,h2) e = f(v2,h2) f = f(v3,h2)

    g = f(v1,h3) h = f(v2,h3) i = f(v3,h3)


    void f( int Vx, int Hy)
        Current.color = Current.getColor() + Vx() + Hy() ;
        if( Vx.X() == Hy.Y() )
             DPF-Function( Vx.X(), Hy.Y() );


    what do you think ..?

  13. Qu.1. What are the steps to be followed, when finally you execute “project” starting from source code preparation?


    Answer.1. steps:


    1. you have to use #include "f1.c" & #include "f2.c" in main.c

    2. you compile using a C or C++ compiler which is in Windows dev-cpp or Microsoft Visual C++ express ..etc ,and in Linux gcc or g++ in the terminal

    3. execute your program in windows it's a .exe file ,and in Linux it's a.out


    Qu.2. Is it possible to compile the file main.c, without having files f1.c, f2.c? Mention an option of a compiler that you know which is used to accomplish this.


    Answer.2. No, there is no possibility for doing that, because of two things:


    1. if files are #included "...", you have to have them with the main.c

    2. if you remove lines of #include "...", you will get errors for functions that have no definition,


    Qu.3. Will there be any difference in the final executable, if it is produced for a 32 bit system / 64 bit system? Name a command by which you can find out the type of the executable file.


    Answer.3. a 32-bit executable is totally different than 64-bit exe,

    .. you can notice that problem when you try to run a 16-but exe program on windows xp !

    and to find its type is possible from right-click => properties in Windows,


    Qu.4. Suppose now the file f1.c contains a function f1, which is completely defined in that file and file f2.c, which contains a function f2, which is also completely defined in that file. The file main.c can either call f1 or f2. How can you ensure that the executable file will only contain the code for that function and no redundant code?


    Answer.4. when you do a normal inclusion using #include "file.c" it's known as the static inclusion where the Linker links the included files simply, weather its functions were called or not,


    the way you want is known as dynamic inclusion, #include <library.h>, where you have to do three steps:

    1. create a library reference file file.lib, placed into /lib file

    2. create a dynamically-linked-library file file.dll, placed into /system file

    3. write the include library with only declarations, file.h

    4. make the Linker know that there are dynamically-linked-libraries needed

    .. the way to write .lib and .dll files is not easy


    Qu.5. Please see, what type of assembly code is created, corresponding to the function call statements in your system


    Answer.5. the assembly code is "another story" because it depends on the Compiler, the Compiler technology, and not only the Architecture of the machine, but also the operating system it's compiled for ...


    .. but most of personal computers are on the 80/86 architecture, also calling functions requires special jumps after saving state in ASM




    good luck

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