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Everything posted by Rebiu

  1. I believe the stategy was to train the Iraqies to fight the insurgents themselves. I have not heard the old As they stand up we will stand down stategy in awhile.
  2. This does not answer the question as to why they did not simple gather the information on all vacinations. In answer to you question the amount of mercury is critical to the issue. Children recieve many more shots that this with mercury.
  3. It appears you position is in a bit of trouble. Perhaps you could weight in with the thorough debunking you are so confident of.
  4. I appreciate you demeanor. Perhaps you could move this thread out of Pseudoscience as a show of respect for diversity of opinion.
  5. This is true of ground attack helicopters. This machine is meant to shoot down other helicopter and therefore hove maneuvering is not as important as high top speed.
  6. This study in no way contradicts or disputes the toxic metal connection to Autism. It you look you will find that toxic metal cause the effect they speak of.
  7. He receives chelating agents to draw the heavy metals form his body and supplements to replace what his damaged body is lacking.
  8. This link Something Rotten In Denmark I refer you to the conclusion where it says recent articles on Autism and vaccines from Denmark were conducted and published by a cohesive network of authors with indirect or direct ties to the major Danish manufacturer of the drugs they were investigating. The company is Staten Serum Institut. This is a clear conflict of interest.
  9. Why only the one Vaccine? Why not all child Vaccines? This study is a strawman. The study that Bushed killed was comprehensive as to other childhood diseases and causes. Let me refer to this part of the article There was an adjustment in the study for potential confounders and the results found a .83 percent chance in nonvaccinated group for Autism spectrum disorders. Furthermore they used Danish Psychiatric Central Register for their Autism diagnosis. This will underrepresent the mild ASD cases that never see a doctor.Abstract So far as false hopes let me repeat the treatments administered by the DAN certified doctor are curing my son. His talking, eye contact and all other diagnostic metrics improve with the treatment and regress with the cessation of treatment.
  10. Your point is valid. My point is that at high speed yaw is less an aspect of maneuver as roll and climb are much more effective.
  11. Please provide links to this thorough debunking as I provide links to my sources. He has been following the treatment regiment of the number one DAN doctor in the country and is now talking and showing tremendous improvement from my "clinging to obsolete conspiracy theories".
  12. This retraction is so obviously political. Yes they said the particular study had not been large enough not that the participants were conspiratorial, cooks, or even mistaken.. This only means that the study that was killed by Bush was intended to answer this perceived shortcoming of insufficient study size. These issues are addressed on the site. I suggest you do some real analysis of the information rather than a keyword search on google.
  13. Any spinning rotor creates a spiral in the airstream. This spiral represents an inefficiency. If one has a second rotor going the other way it takes advantage of the spiral by creating faster airflow over that rotor. In addition the sum of the spiral dynamics of both propellers creates less of a total spiral and results in an efficiency gain because spirals are inherently low pressure and pull the plane back.
  14. Does this look sluggish.The Russian design helicopters fighters with this configuration. Their mission is to destroy attack helicopters. The design provides for a faster and more agile helicopter. The yaw issues occur only at slow speeds and as you can see this bird is meant to be flown fast. This configuration allows the helicopter to fly faster because as insane alien eluded it eliminate asymmetric lift problems created when they helicopter move forward at high speed. The problem with a single rotor is that the blade on one side of the aircraft advances into the airflow and therefore experiences greater lift that the retreating side.
  15. The most successful aircraft with this feature was the Tupolev tu-95 The US tried the concept In the early eighties NASA,s The Advanced Turboprop Project: created this design that was more efficient yet competative with jet Note the second set of blads are stationary. Turbojets use a similar technique spinning rotors and stationary stators to provide air to the jet.
  16. Good points. The world knows we cannot be challenged conventionally and so all real conflict takes place in other ways. The US attitude seems to be to strut our military muscle and then shake our confused heads when it does not work out as we hoped. The future is wide open. However military strength is directly proportional to economic strength. If the US fails to keep its economic edge it will also loose its military advantage. Many feel this would be a disaster. How bad would it be for the US to have significant competitors for world domination again?
  17. This little gem of a link is the extent of you knowledge on the issue? Perhaps it is you desire to speak out against me that causes you to condescent from such a lowly and tenuous knowledge base. Does this sound like a delusion "The Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics have issued a statement asserting that “the available scientific evidence has not shown thimerosal-containing vaccines to be harmful.” Their statement is false. Following are some of the scientific studies that demonstrate thimerosal, a mercury-containing substance that is used as a preservative, to be harmful and to be a highly probably causal factor in autism. Note that these studies are consistently ignored in the medical establishment’s publications claiming that there is no evidence for vaccine-caused autism."The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part I (Thimerosal), The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part II (MMR)
  18. Here is the link. Autism Research InstituteHere is a link to an earlier thread on the issue Rebiu thread
  19. Ground forces are but one piece in the military force pizza. The real measure of US military strength is the US Air and naval power. There is no country of group of countries that could realisticaly defeat the US in a conventional stategic conflict.
  20. What did you do? What does I've acted accordingly mean. I have recieved no warnings. The post has not been locked so what are you talking about.
  21. I assume you are aware of the provisions Bush added to the Homeland Security Bill to dissallow the sueing of Vaccine companies over damages caused by their products. Why? Then he wants to cancel this major research into the causes of childhood illness. Bush kills children's study Why would he do this if the cause of Autism is not known and is at epedemic levels. Can you say major campaign contributor. It seems you substitute personal attacks in place of a well stated position. I suggest you know little to nothing about the issue and are trying to cover your ignorance with the broad brush of "whole host of the delusions so apparent in the internet, secret cures for cancer suppressed by drug companies, secret conspiracies......"It seems that all of you discussion degenerate into this when you are pressed on facts.
  22. Rebiu

    Pets V Slaves

    That is a clear consise sentiment, well articulated
  23. Rebiu

    Pets V Slaves

    I a pet makes you feel good most would say it is useful as well, possible more so.
  24. What do you think of Al Gores plant to eleminate payroll tax in favor of a tax on Carbon Dioxide emmissions?Al Gore Pushes 'Pollution Tax'
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