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Super Genius

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Posts posted by Super Genius

  1. They said that Pluto would be a dwarf planet since they discovered million other "planets" that were the same size as Pluto and so if they made Pluto a planet, those other "planets" would have to be planets too, and so they made Pluto a dwarf planet.

  2. Are there studies showing how experimenting with these mutated genes can benefit or inflict detrimental effects on the dolphins? As in, with their extra hind limbs, will it benefit the dolphins or does it cause the opposite effect? Or nothing interesting would happen. I mean the whole balance of the dolphins will be affected right? Or not since the extra limbs are light and will not make much of a difference. Would appreciate some explanations and clarifications.

  3. I read somwhere that most geniuses have bad handwriting as they think the beaty of handwriting is completely irrelevant and frivolous...but just because you have nice handwriting doesn't mean you are unintelligent, of course

  4. The study of time and time travel has intrigued scientists for many generations, I'm sure. In fact, in order to reseach on time travel doing their working hours, they would refer to their reseach as "close-timelike curves".


    Also, if you think about it, our future is as good as planned since we know that no matter how much we speculate about time or time travel, everything is happening simultaneously in a different time dimension. This means that we have already made our decisions....sort of.


    Another matter I find very interesting is the concept of creating a machine to foresee the future. There is great potential risk even by perfoming the action of operating it since using the machine will start changing your future.

  5. Consider all the other possibilites but there is an old chinese term of substances you ingest being too "heaty". It includes things that are very sweet like chocolate. It might help to drink "cooling" which is the opposite to counteract the effects of the "heat". Cooling substances include blandly- flavoured food and iced, cool tea. The cause of your nosebleed could just be because it is a hot day.


    Also, digging your nose roughly or scatching it can cause it to bleed excessively since the nose is known to be a very leaky organ.

  6. My understanding is that when you consume more food then you actually need, the excess food and energy would be converted into fats which would be stored in various parts of the body such as the upper arm and the thighs. Although too much fats are harmful and can cause complications such as heart attacks, moderate amounts of fats can be useful as it can serve as a cushion when you fall or it can provide extra energy for you when you are participating in more vigorous activites.

  7. Intelligence is the ability to analyse,decide,plan,adapt and make connections between events and things that happen in our everyday life.Anything that is able to perform those functions or points has a certain degree of intelligence and so would hence, be measurable. (This is in my opinion.)

  8. "Deja Vu" is probably the work of the subconscious brain. Numerous memories stored in your subconscious brain is triggered when you experience something similar and for some reason you get that feeling.The reason, I suspect, you are not sure why you are getting the feeling is because those information stored in the brain is subconscious.

  9. I'm not an immunology expert but my understanding of it is that HIV attacks T helper cells (CD4+) cells. This is why people with HIV have "CD4 counts" done on their blood samples - to see how many/few T helper cells they've got. T helper cells are pretty important for an immune response to be mounted against anything - they kind of help to activate different bits of the pathway and generally get things going' date=' including the B-cells that make antibodies. So the reason the immune system can't attack HIV is because HIV has got to the immune system first. When people have HIV it's not just HIV that they can't get rid of, they are susceptible to any infection, for the same reason.


    The body does make antibodies to HIV - I think often when people are tested to see if they've got HIV it's actually the antibodies against it that the test looks for. But it's never enough because the immune system is disabled by the virus.[/quote']This is correct ,and I have read that many people with HIV died not because of the virus itself but by other oportunistic micro-organism like bacteria, fungi etc.

  10. I think it is alright but i am not sure. The reason behind may guess is because, I have seen professional runners reach the finish to drink a bottle of water immediately after they have stoped running.

  11. Haemoglobin is the measure of iron in your blood, if i am not mistaken, and it is important for enough oxygen to get around your whole body. People with low Haemoglobin (Anemic) can show symptoms like, getting a headache when they do various activities, fatigue etc. although there there are cases when people actually feel normal with a dangerously low level of Haemogoblin as their bodies are able to adapt.

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