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Everything posted by mauy

  1. this was an amazing thread , i really enjoyed reading this
  2. couldent we transfer the heat energy from the sun into a renewable energy, yet again im not an expert on anything in sciance just a student
  3. i was meaning the power coming from me ( it also works if i use my hands with out the copper or zinc but i get a smaller reading 0.06v) ( just using the metal that comes out ( sorry i don't know what kind it is but its that same at both points if that helps)
  4. im just starting science and we were doing an experiment measuring the voltage from fruit with an voltmeter we were using copper and zinc to stick in the fruit, in a series circuit the v-meter only had 2 wires connected one with the zinc in the negative and copper in positive i held the copper in my right hand and the zinc in my left and i got a reading of 0.62v my friend got 0.58v and another got 0.59v i dont under stand how this works so what im seeing here is if you were to connect maby 3-5 people in this circuit you could light a small bulb if so then that means we could charge some thing or make something big work with a lot of people conected p.s i found that it was highest at my hands, elbow was 0.27v face was 0.24 diddent try the feet Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedplease help me
  5. its hard to understand how people can know this its not like you can ask them but i still belive you
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