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Posts posted by lucky45

  1. Yes it does, for example In the game of tic tac doe,No one wins ,no matter

    how long you play, As far as Our universe goes the are 2 possibillitys,

    (1) either our univerce has an abrupt end,or (2) It just keeps going, I believe that there is something supernatural,maybe God< involved here. If anyone here disagreese with me ,then tell me I want to know

  2. I believe that Gravity is not what we all tend to believe for example newtons

    apple fell from a tree because earths mass pulled it down,rather space time

    ,which is flexible, pushes down on mass which we call gravity.

  3. I don't know if this was posted before,but the latest is that Gravity is not what pulls us down,rather that Gravity is space time pushing us down. to a central point in space.As far as space being a void,well it is to a point ,but space can be manipulated to the point where it bends,and has flexibility

  4. I kinda lean toward, Spears as first weapons, However Probably hand thrown

    stones were the first weapons. HOW about harsh language or verble screams

    I just thought of something, If early man had very limited intelligence,

    What made them realise that striking an animal with some kind of primitive, would kill it. Something in there minds made them come to the conclusion that

    this would stop the animal, I think this was primeval assimulation of the situation at hand.

  5. There are Im shure thousands of unidentified insects out there. One that I saw in my yard flew in circles then flew away in up and down motions. Kinda like it was swimming through the air,

  6. Im sorry if this doesant make sence,but If the gravity inside a blackhole pulls

    light into it when light is trying to escape but cant:wouldnt the invisible fource of gravity be faster than the speed of light? Because Gravity is a constant,where as light has its limitations.

  7. Why is it that no matter what faith you are,or even if you are an athiist. Why when something goes wrong ,or if a loved one is near death, Why does that person or persons say: OH MY GOD, PLEASE HELP ME OR MY LOVED ONE?

    I think that we, or I, search for something supernatural to come to us and save our loved one. Nobody! is exempt from this. Im just trying to understand humanity

  8. Well let me say this: Im shure there is no block wall at the end of the univerce that we might run into and abruptly stop. I feel, comfortable that all here will agree with that. As far as a straight line,whether your on earth or trillions of lightyears away a straight line is a straight line, Now if you enter into a black hole, well, thats still to be proven. Somethings just cant be proven, and that is why mankind looks for a higher power to give us somekind of

    resolution to these questions.

  9. What is it about a fireworks display especially the Loud booms that has always intreaged man since the discovery of blackpowder 2000yrs ago? What

    is the reason we get a thrill when we here an explosion

  10. Maybe someday we will know the answer, but for know we can only speculate what a black hole is all about. One thing is for shure, there is a lot of energy inside a black hole, If we could send a probe into the center of our own galaxay,where we suspect there is a black hole, Only then will we know. I dont think it will be in our life time though

  11. Phil is right, What country do you live in? If you dont want to be a licenced Pyrotecnicn, you dont have to be, But if you want to work with the public as far as Pyro displays, you need a licence. The only advice I have is to go online and look for info for this area of interance. I dont know why Phil condoned me because in the United States, you need a BATF licence if you want to persue in this field. I know this

    for fact because I have a good friend who has this licence for over 40 yrs.

    This is in the US only.

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