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Posts posted by AngryTurtle

  1. lolwatd.jpg


    This I give to you gift, All knowledge can be have learned in it! if you mind willing to open!


    Think why does both lines have 7 letters and fit in same space? weird huh? and the numbers prove it, i use physics math language english and astronomy. supreme knowledge is in it, scientists now have forgotten that drawing connect the dot pictures with the stars harnesses all knowledge of ever.

  2. Guys, you don't understand the system. It doesn't actually say anything so when a "scientist" looks at it they see exactly whatever they want it to say, therefore holding all the information ever ever including fake information that makes you seem like a retarded crackpot

  3. The problem of kangaroos mixing with trains can be solved by enclosing the rail system. I think the best (cheapest effective) way would be to make a cage with something like chain link fencing.


    a fence requires constant upkeep, and unlike Cattle in the americas kangaroos will go under and over fences. if it truly takes one kangaroo to cripple a train than all it would take is one kangaroo digging under the fence to render the entire system defeated. You would have to in case it in a giant inverted halfpipe type dome and after that was completed you would have to afford some way for people/animals to get over the tracks, you can't just put up a berlin wall in the outback...

  4. theres alot of metals with interesting properties but not too many of them are stamped into bars and stacked in a giant fortress to keep people from touching them (making excellent use of their conductivity.) Not saying you are wrong, but the luster of gold seems to have driven its price up to make it's other features hard to access, ie i haven't cut open many wires to find gold inside.

  5. because a very long time it was rare and shiny and therefore a symbol of power and its value got translated into money and even when we switched over to fiat money its still valuable out of the sheer fact that it is valuable.

  6. maybe we should be more debating the actual repercussions of the "rogue"'s impact with the sun, what kind of effects would really happen if a giant ball of plasma were actually to be struck by a jupiter sized ball? i mean the sun is vastly larger than jupiter and being comprised out of a material that would be relatively absorbent to impacts that added to the fact that the radiation would really only be majorly dispersed upon impact in the direction at which it was impacted (i believe it wouldn't go through and make a solar exit wound) so the fact earth would likely only be dealing with possible space fallout rather than Armageddon status doomsday one would have to seriously weight the options and considering thousands or millions of years in deep space massive extinctions exhausting all of earths fuels and total destruction of surface ecosystems. Maybe, we should put more thought into our option of not moving at all... or maybe you should just change your rogue planet into a rogue... black hole? or a rogue neutron star?

  7. Before i begin my story, this thread is dedicated to bringing up and hopefully solving the issue of so many odd things that seem to serve absolutely no purpose but seem to have been evolutionarily selected to be widespread.


    Story Time!

    I was sitting on IRC talking to total strangers in a karaoke channel I decided to stumble into and someone was talking about how amazingly hot their (more than likely fictitious) girlfriend is. Said person then went on in some detail about how sexy said phantom girl's back dimples are. Back dimples in case you don't know just means you have (for lack of a better discription) dimples in your lower back. I was about to pounce in on this conversation and ravage the emotions of some young porn addicted boys when I got thinking...


    Alot of us actually do find back dimples very attractive, but exactly what causes such a small and odd trait to be seductive? Every other trait seems to have explanations (ie. big breast = feeding children, wide hips = good for birthing etc.) So why exactly is this rare and insignificant trait seen so widely as an attractive trait? what possible reason is there for our brains juicing themselves with hormones when we realize someones lower back is dented?


    after thinking on this for about 3 minutes and getting a kick out of realizing thee are dedicated back dimple picture archive sites I decided on thus!


    Evolutionary Question: Back-dimples attractive?


    forgive the almost pornographicness of the picture, its hard to find anatomical photographs of a universal fetish.


    Basically my best guess is that the brain misconstrues them for visual clues leading the mind to think about the pelvis of the woman which would be a direct lead back into the whole primitive evolutionary pathway, it is a sign of sexual desire because it gets the mind thinking about the woman's ability to give birth the same way hips do. Would be interesting to see if women find back dimples attractive on a man because that would shoot my theory to shit unless it was for a different reason such as: looking like more muscular definition or something.


    Shoot your ideas and i'd love to hear other "whats the evolutionary purpose of __________" ideas!

  8. I don't believe i'm following exactly what you are saying, but you can't see a laser unless its bouncing off of something (dust particles) in the air and travels at the speed of light so you might have better eyes than my own but I can't really watch things as they move at the speed of light :(

  9. very dense planet ( larger diameter than Jupiter ) on a collision course with our sun.


    something large enough to put a large enough hurt on our sun to make us want to get out of dodge is bound to be a gravitational slingshot waiting to happen.



    -its coming past earth

    -it doesn't have any life extinguishing debris as it flies absurdly close by (on a spacial level)

    -is positioned perfectly to launch us at (once again spacial level) a snail pace through the universe at a habitable zone


    surprisingly still better than turning the polar ice caps into rocket fuel in my humble opinion.


    (this entire post assumed your last post was sarcasm)

  10. its not as bad as it is outstandingly vague, you compressed a very touchy physical property like a vacuum into a leap of scientific faith by having it all in one short sentence. So it's not so much that it isn't a valid thought, it very well might be it is just that you haven't really extrapolated your idea to the point where other people may interject their opinions or questions. I mean hell I really have no idea what you are talking about and if I addressed it I would be stabbing in the dark at what I think you mean.



    john you bring up a good point and while I still (as with you apparently) don't understand why mounting some sort of deflection device doesn't work (apparently roos can assault a train from like 9m in the air) i'll take your word for it though.


    On the topic of basically saying trains are impractical because Australia's relative emptiness the upfront cost would seem large. However, (I am assuming I don't actually know anything about Australian population dispersal) most of the population is probably concentrated in cities which is an ideal scenario for trains with their generally linear shots between dense zones not working as well with more dispersed populations. When taking into account industrial purposes, moreso than personal transport, shipping large quantities of goods and materials around (which i assume is done by truck currently) it almost seems like it would pay for itself eventually wikipedia defyingly large kangaroos and all.


    Now, I challenge this thread to change gears a bit and from now you not only have to point out something you expected to exist or be better you now have to couple it with a hypothetical cure. I suggest someone starts by proposing their fantasy cure to Australia's transportation problems! (if you problem is "they shoulda figured out how to do this" then be creative)

  12. I can almost understand believing the earth was flat by crazy theories alone... but shouldn't it have ended when we actually got into space and took pictures of earth... you can debate forever on theories because of the void of absolute evidence (in a way) but once we got into space and saw it, seems like the game would end right about there.

  13. The other thing that is disappointing to me is the lack of progress on making warfare between nations and/or societies and the profiteers associated with it obsolete.


    I don't think this is an issue that can be solved by technology. Also if there is promise in fusion energy why do I never hear anything about it in the midst of a title wave of green technology propaganda? Seems odd seeing the massive potential in fusion.

  14. while back I expected the cold fusion ordeal to spark more interest in the prospect of fusion energy, I somewhat (if only hopefully) expected a reactor that yielded some net energy gain even if it was just a prototype in a university.

    Haven't heard anything about one if it does exist.


    I also expected more progress in the somewhat controversial field of stem cells and genetics in agriculture.

  15. Also, I think he put hard thought and work into fitting the science accurately enough, considering the film's setting.


    Here is where you misinterpreted what I meant. While some small things are inaccurate I was more deeply disgruntled with the lack of technological creativity of the humans which I assume is in the future. Sure all of the human technology makes sense, It is all stuff that is more or less mainstay technology in modern times. I seriously doubt by the time humans are going to other solar systems with large payloads with the intention of mining and shipping back we will not still be pedaling helicopters with rockets that can be dodged by a strafing helicopter. It was exasperatingly imaginative on the side of biology of the planet and quite the opposite on the dynamic advancement of the human race. Even taking into account that it was just a corporations small defense force for their mining operation they were using mining vehicles that exist today and are wielding what must be the equivalent of swords and muskets in the future which would likely be dominated by rail guns, lasers and most kinetic weaponry will likely travel exponentially faster than current bullets (you can watch the tracer rounds skipping their phosphorus across pandora about the same speed as they do today) and likely fragment in air making flying a dragon probably a dangerous activity even with cheapskate tech (which corporations mining for 22mil a kilo wouldn't be cheap with.) So even if you say the technology all is accurate it is, in the same sense filming saving private ryan with swords and shields is scientifically accurate.


    They couldn't use weapons of mass destruction.


    The charter allows them to exploit the resources of planets, moons, asteroids... whatever they find... as long as they follow the International Space Resources Treaty, and the other treaties which prohibit weapons of mass destruction and limit military power in space.


    I think missiles qualify.


    You may have noticed the world operates under treaties that restrict the use of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" today. Hell, they even say you can't fire a 50 caliber weapon directly at a human being. However, you seem to have lumped all missiles into the ICBM category which isn't exactly true there bud. When i made the statement about their lack of missiles I was technically fibbing, they did use missiles. The missiles used in the movie were like a Hellfire missile mounted on an apache (or what have you.) The missiles I was referring to was the missile of the cruise missile sort. Cruise missiles as I hope everyone here knows, well Cruise. They are fired from a significant distance away and are guided into their target by a number of different methods many of which (such as a satellite) wouldn't be affected by superconductors or magnetic fields or w/e that shpiel about their instruments bugging out was. Even if cruise missiles were considered WMDs which they aren't, the warhead determines that not the delivery method, there are plenty of other missile launching/ artillery platforms that would easily rain death on some big blue indians from way outside of Vietnam huey window gunner range. So Missiles don't qualify now and will continue to not qualify especially if they already have missiles and rockets strapped to their helicopters. Maybe this argument would have worked if i was suggesting they use biological weapons or were using rail guns from space or some shit.


    No, the only things designed as such is equipment on a mission that was supposed to be focused on bridging the gap between the two cultures. And would you foot the expense to send the big stuff from Earth to Pandora, as insurance vs bows & arrows people?


    Mission planning's often a lot more complex/involved than at first would seem. [/Quote]


    Before I even address this statement, I am just going to throw it out there that both of us saw the comically oversized bulldozers that would take out an apartment complex with a single bucket fill and remind you that those must have weighed THOUSANDS of tons.


    If you honestly can't determine that the weight difference between house quality glass and armor plated glass isn't statistically different for a lift off but the fact that a bullet going through that enormous tactically suicidal pane would mean the loss of an entire armored unit than skip on because the rest will also make no sense. Lets assume that future scientists all bonked their heads and determined the Hairless ape body was the ultimate war platform and decided itd be an amazing idea to make bipedal unbalanced robots with their only armament being scaled up copies of guns for people. Why now would those scientists forget the fact that even 19th and 20th century armored fighting vehicles rely almost exclusively on instruments to guide them so that armor can be placed where armor is most valuable, protecting the commander of the vessel. Would it really be that hard to cover the cock pit with armor of any sort and install some cameras and thermal sensors and just display it as a heads up on the inside of the cockpit? That would make them almost invulnerable to space indians and better yet, why not give them a weapon system that isn't just a bigger gun.


    Also exactly what role do gunships and a small fleet of helicopters armed with incendiary missiles play in bridging two cultures? If i was heading up a mining corporation on another planet you better believe my weaponry wouldn't be what I almost hope are like some sort of converted mining suit with a gun in hand and helicopters that probably wouldn't even yield and advantage on a 20th century battlefield. With rocks that sell for 22 million a kilo under my feet I would be armed to the teeth against other corporations or space pirates trying to snag a cargo bay full to make them set for life. Honestly if you would leave your operation ripe for the plundering because you didn't want to waste the weight putting armor on the front of your mechs even though you are shipping in equipment designed to haul thousands and thousands of tons of minerals against gravity's pull then i guess i'm lost.


    So basically mission planning is sometimes more complex than it seems and a perfect example is you're reasoning that military engineering reached a monumental dark age and shipping in a statistically insignificant amount of extra weight would be back breaking to a massive corporation that later burned to the ground due to these tendencies.


    Cowboys weren't in search of an unobtanium equivalent, and didn't have vastly superior defensive capabilities vs indian weapons -- nor a colonel leading them who's dismissive of attempts to solve the conflicts.


    You are totally right, the massive settling of the american west had nothing to do with Gold rushes, which if they existed would be people seeking wealth by extracting minerals from the ground that were worth huge sums of money. Also cowboys would actually die if they got hit with an arrow where as future marines even though having the luxury of massive new technology still walk out in their uniforms and get run through by arrows. You know what the difference between those two scenarios is? cowboys didn't have an insurmountable technological advantage and yet they still forced the indians back and slaughtered them by the tribe. Your logic on colonel being a warmonger are outrageous, america literally infected the indians with small pox and forced them off their land killing large quantities of them. Including president Andrew Jackson sending them on a death march. Colonel in the movie was the definition of cool headed, he waited until there was literally no other option and there really wasn't. The closest Sully got to getting them to leave which was a snowballs shot in hell was when he informed them they were all going to die from the iron fist of humanity. Those people weren't going to move and yet at the end celebrated a victory when they pushed the humans away somehow even though their tree was still blown up and if they they had just left the outcome of the movie would have been the exact same omit shitloads of lives. If you honestly watched the movie and thought that if they had given sully some more time the Na'vi would have left than i salute your optimism in the mean time I respect colonel for waiting I think i recall it being 3 years or so for a diplomatic solution that would never come as a rolemodel of patience everwhere.



    With one teeeeeny difference: the larger force didn't have post-21st century technology, flying overhead in safety while raining down explosive hell -- unlike anything seen or fathomed by that entire world.


    Surely if battling against them, Mel Gibson's face paint would've just become a puddle on the ground along with his face. Then everyone's jaw would drop (permenantly in disbelief), followed by the NORMALLY bravehearted group "flying" to the woods and hills in utter fright/madness.


    I was more going for the scenario at hand. I think mel gibson could capture it. He was given a scenario where the technology was equal and made it somewhat accurate despite its massive embellishment. However, maybe you are right if the english in braveheart had helicopters and machineguns and the scotts only had spears I think he would have made it happen slightly differently ;)


    I like how you say that those indigenous people would get cut down in a second but apparently have no problem with indigenous people from another planet in the same scenario mopping up some super technologically advanced ass.


    Except that instead of the fallacy (by the clueless) depicting the indians as unfailingly peaceful and wise, his equally naïve fallacy goes the complete opposite and depicts their lot as unfailingly heinous and cruel


    Except maybe its not no naïve for people to be extremely violent, he depicted the main characters village as normal and relatively peaceful. However, they got raided by a violent imperial tribe. Given human history and your having no real quarrels with the evil of the humans in avatar I don't think thats so naïve at all. Evolution has a way of making dominant species kinda violent.




    I'll leave white guilt fantasy to someone else since I quasi-agree with some of the things he is saying. Btw, i didn't proof read so if something makes no sense i might have forgot a word.

  16. The white guild fantasy thing was remarkable, the leadership element wasn't so much present in district 9 where wikus was still clumsy and foolish even with his new found aspect of bravery, but the leadership and intelligence was given to an alien. One thing that did surprise me during the movie was that they seem to neglect how hateful people are. In every conflict since the dawn of time both sides have given derogatory names for each other, especially in the face of large cultural differences. The fact they called them "natives" and "the Na'vi" and every once in a while savage was thrown down for emphasis really left a niche unfilled in the movie that district 9's "prawn" filled well.


    That said what would be incredible, but would never happen in a million years is they should open up Avatar to tribute remakes without the 20 year grace period. Just offer Spielberg or someone a chance to give it their own spin, This movie could have done so much and it seems to have gotten wasted... oh well.

  17. It really made me sad because I saw an interview before hand where they were talking about how much science went into making avatar and what I didnt realize is they're totally right, craploads of time were spend making it scientifically correct... and by science I mean biology... and only biology. The animals running around are gorgeous and biologically accurate but would it ****ing kill them to make a hand wavy argument to explain all the rest of the nonsensical stuff that happened, if they hired 1 Engineer/Physicist/Chemist for every 10 Biologist this movie would have made me blow a wad in my pants.


    Personally and i think i'm about to blow some minds. Mel Gibson should have directed this movie. Hear me out


    He did Braveheart, outnumbered and outgunned soldiers rise up to defeat a larger force. Apocalypto indigenous population displayed outrageously well and characters developed superbly in a seemingly foreign land without the use of english. Passion of big JC movie all about the cruelty of humans and goods perseverance through blah blah civil unjustice blah blah. all were done excellently and if you throw all that shit together and put some sci-fi whip cream on top thatd be avatar on crack.

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