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Everything posted by jowrose

  1. no no no, you use it to surround the solid pvc of the real combustion chamber. it's just a little safety thing i thought might help in case of an explosion... the air would escape through the holes but the shrapnel would be contained. or maybe the shrapnel would just tear right through the holed stuff, i'm not sure. never really felt like testing it...
  2. no, they have .5 inch diameter holes along the length of the pipe. and i was thinking of using them for a combustion gun because of what was said about the pressure growing exponentially for a tenth of a second. that still does leave the problem of the end cap flying off as well though...
  3. well it is certainly true that genetically altered crops have incredible potential. But much more testing and regulation needs to be done for each alteration considered to make the best possible predictions of the worst-case scenarios. and if the risk doesn't outweigh the benefits then it shouldn't be attempted. of course, there are ways to isolate genetically engineered crops as well. I read some article about this guy who was planting fields of crops underground in old mines to avoid contamination with the environment.
  4. I've seen at home depot sections of ABS piping that have holes with 1/2 inch diameter punched across them, that would be ideal for preventing a grenade-like explosion.
  5. what about having a pvc chamber with a covering of ABS (perhaps 1 to 2 inches more in diameter) to act as a shell in case the PVC exploded. the best of both worlds, perhaps.
  6. oh everywhere i've read says NEVER to use ABS. and those pizzaelectric things, i have one of those i guess. i just call it a bbq lighter...
  7. peizoelectric lighters? what are those? and where can they be purchased? thanks
  8. yes but even if the number stood for words we would have no way of determining which words... if the differences between the numbers is 52 perhaps it has something to do with twice the amount of letters in the alphabet.
  9. Well, i do not think the 23 is a number included in the set. seeing as every other number has 3 digits, i assume that the 23 must become 230. 6 groups of 3 numbers must have significance but i do not know how.
  10. nah, i dont know the psi. i always meant to get a bike valve with a guage on it but never bothered... hmm if i have time i'll test it out.
  11. i did the same thing, bike valve and water valve. Maybe i did not pressurize the chamber enough... I have a gas gun almost the exact same size and i think it goes farther. with the pneumatic i have, i would pump it for like 45 seconds with an electric pump. any farther i didn't want to go because i didnt know what would happen.
  12. yeah i'm kinda new to this site. what do you mean when you say "spoiler tag"?
  13. do you have a pneumatic with the U shaped compression chamber? or perhaps duel chambers? or an extremely powerful compressor? just wondering, i'm thinking about creating a nice powerful pneumatic one myself.
  14. perhaps cards in a deck... I dont know seeing as the range is 52. 6 groups of 3 numbers. I tried putting two groups into ceasar's boxes, but i got more gibberish. 222234908 and 112991786 are the two groupings. would anyone know how to convert the 6 groups into matrices or anything?
  15. ah at first i thought it was change first letters of words nevermind
  16. wow that is tough. as i have absolutely zero knowledge of computer code i'll just stick with math... i've come up with a few alphabetical results but they are all jibberish. "M E O R S I" being one of them.
  17. Dr strangelove, amazing movie. Ok, carcinogen means causing cancer and i'm assuming mutagen means causing mutations, but what does teratogen mean? thanks for the info yt-bunch-o-numbers
  18. yes, i do have a source for my opinion: my own experimentation. However, i have only experimented with a medium sized pneumatic spud gun. Had i the resources to build a proper pneumatic, i would and i am quite sure it would be more powerful. A "U" shaped compression chamber and one or two power compressors would do the trick nicely. However, as I do not own the compressors (aka the ones one would use for a nail gun) nor do i have the motivation to make a 40 pound bohemoth, i will stick with my combustion gun. if one was to make 2 guns of the same size, i am reasonable sure that the gas gun would fire more powerfully, albeit less consistently. and there is also the "little boy fun" factor as well... fire is just funner you know?
  19. sounds like the old wile E. coyote cartoons.
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