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Everything posted by anthropos

  1. Oh, I see...I am enlightened! Thanks a lot!
  2. yeah, that's a better solution...
  3. However, in this website, it claims that when nitric acid reacts with bronze, the colour will be green. o_0 so I am rather puzzled. http://www.sacskyranch.com/metfram.htm
  4. whoops, lead is a typo error! sorry Should have check my post before submitting.
  5. When bronze is completely dissolved in nitric acid, what colour would the solution be? Is it light blue, because after the reaction, lead (II) nitrate and copper (II) nitrate are formed (I SUPPOSE). As the former is white and the latter is blue, is it light-blue? o_0 Then name one chemical and describe the test that could be used to determine the presence of copper and tin in solution E. Um...for this question, I am clueless! Does tests which work on solid tin and copper work on aqueous ones? Thanks, guys!
  6. haha... i had a phobia of lifts since five. My mum and dad were placing luggage into the lift when the lift doors suddenly closed and I was inside. I was crying like hell though the lift wasn't even moving! Since then, I dreamt of being in a place full of lifts and whenever I went into one, I would be trapped in it. Anyway, now the fear's waning...
  7. yeah...but i think though that's the solution, but any guy who has a conscience would probably send his mum to the hospital first......when i first saw the solution i was like...goodness me!
  8. anthropos


    (I cannot really remember the riddle now...so I am sorry if I accidentally omit or change some detail of the riddle. Anyway, I read it from Reader's Digest) There is this guy whose mother suddenly faints and needs immediate medical attention. However, when he leaves the house with his mother to get on his car, a friend whom he has never seen for ten years has just dropped by to pay him a visit. Then he sees this gorgeous girl whom he has secretly loved all these years walking down the street. What should he do? Um...feel free to correct the riddle. I think I read this riddle...about a year ago?
  9. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. --- Steve Gravett in the book "The Right Way to Write Reports" Haha!
  10. I read this book titled "Know it All" by Ed Zotti and I found this question. When a cereal says "fortified with iron", does that mean it has pieces of metal floating around in it. To my disbelief, it is true! The book says if "you were to run a powerful magnet through such cereal, tiny black specks will stick to the magnet." These are iron filings. Um...I bought this book from Kinokuniya, so I think it shouldn't be kidding. Is it true? The idea sounds really weird though.
  11. Thanks guys, you rock! Anyway, I am really poor at solving questions on logarithms. I need more practice!
  12. I can stop listening to the radio but ERM...kill Britney Spears? Better not do that. I will then be killed by my best friend.
  13. haha...I wonder why they are so firmly stuck in our brain. Better to do some research. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3221499.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4332771.stm http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=499811 http://www.uc.edu/news/kellaris.htm
  14. hmmm...perhaps you are thinking why I didn't ask my teacher about this. My great Chemistry teacher is now "on a course" and is not going to teach us for the rest of the year. Now we have this substitute teacher who knows little about the subject! Oh great. >.< AND I did check on the textbook and other references...but I am afraid that I may make a mistake in the workings which I don't know of.
  15. Hmm...perhaps Earth looks like what it was when it was just formed after the Big Bang. You know, the hot rocks, lava, and stuff. haha...my imagination is rather limited.
  16. I am sorry, but I have just started learning about empirical formulas... An oxide of sulphur is made of 50.0% by mass of sulphur and 50.0% by mass of oxygen. Determine the empirical formula of this compound. Um...they didn't give the mass, I noticed, so I just did this: Element Sulphur--------Oxygen Mass 50.0 (g ?)--------50.0 (g ?) (Should I write grams?) Relative 32.0----------16.0 Atomic Mass No. of 1.56------------3.13 (3 sig. fig.?) moles Molar ratio 1------------2 The empirical formula of an oxide of sulphur is SO2. Am I correct? Please correct my mistakes in my workings if I do have some. Thanks, dudes!
  17. Are there any accidents where the lift cables snap and the lift experiences freefall?
  18. nah, she's 14, jus leave her alone. but, jazzoff, I don't think it's a good idea to "flame" the forum. Don't care about what people say about you; some are just outspoken. Hmmm....I have read most of your posts, and I think you are rather sensitive to what people say about you. I sound like a grown-up, don't I? Hah, I am just 15 !
  19. Well, something has to be done. perhaps we can make use of the food chain. hmm...is it okay to breed snakes or hawks (predators that feed on rats but hopefully not on albatross chicks, or predators whose main diet are not albatross chicks, so um...the population of albatross are under control or something) in that area. Of course, the breeding must be under control, or it may turn out to be disastrous. I have absolutely no experience in ecology! Is my idea feasible?
  20. Here's a maths question I have found in a maths test. Solve for x. Give me some hints please...I am clueless. Anyway ignore those green squares.
  21. Last week, I heard the song "Toxic" over the radio, and it got stuck in my mind since then. I try getting rid of it, by singing it out (suggested by friends) and trying to think of something else, but it got no better. A few days later, during my maths test, the song just kept playing in my mind, and I felt frustrated. Can anyone suggest some way to get rid of this brain parasite?!
  22. don take things too seriously. For goodness sake, it's just a forum. anyway here's a lame joke: There were these three guys. They had been walking for 3 days and were very tired. They found a hotel, rented a room and went to sleep. Then, this old guy comes in out of nowhere, and says there is a magic pool just outside their hotel room. He tells them "Ok, you must jump off the diving board, and yell out what you wanna land in." So the three guys go over to the pool. The first guy, a vegetarian, yells out "Bananas!" and lands in a pool of bananas. The second guy was money hungry and yelled out "Money!" and lands in a pile of money. The third guy jumps, when a bird shits on his head, and he yells "Oh Shit!"
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