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Everything posted by DV8 2XL

  1. Without dissecting your set-up in detail for flaws, (and there are many) the bottom line is that you will never recover from the generating element as much energy as you put in, if for no other reason than the internal resistance of said element will not permit it.
  2. Coeval "Other Worlds" have been a staple of human imagination for Milena, however any serious scientific thought on the matter wasn't done until the latter half of the Twentieth Century
  3. bascule, your just spoiling for a fight, and I'm not going to give it to you. I have not been sucked in to quantum consciousness theory; part of what I was driving at in pointing to my Wikipedia entry is that the field is far too wide open to speculation at the moment. The question of quantum phenomena having a hand in consciousness is however, a valid one, that does not imply that it has been established that it does, Assertions that it has been established that consciousness can be modeled, or in fact that it has been properly defined, to everyone's satisfaction is what demonstrates "a fundamental lack of understanding" or at least a very narrow view of the subject.
  4. Please don't think of me as a supporter of these ideas, only a reporter. Until a reasonable definition of thought or consciousness is established and some idea of whether this is a deterministic universe or not, this is a field without foundation. Also Blue Brain has yet to prove the soundness of its methodology.
  5. Well that's the big question isn't it? If we knew we were living in a deterministic universe the issue would be moot. I don't hold with any of the ideas that I listed in that article - none of them are mature enough to warrant an opinion at this time. But it is going to come down to a quantum explanation for thought or buying into ether the Many-minds hypothesis or the Many-worlds one, to reconcile a nondeterministic universe; that's the crux of the argument for.
  6. Multiverse proponents are often vague about how the parameter values are selected across the defined ensemble. If there is a “law of laws” or meta-law describing how parameter values are assigned from one universe to the next, then we have only shifted the central problems of cosmology up one level, because we need to explain where the meta-law comes from. Moreover, the set of such meta-laws is infinite, so we have merely replaced the question “why this universe?” with “why this multiverse?”. There would seem to be little point in invoking an infinity of universes when it would be simpler to postulate a single universe with a single principle. In Tegmark’s extreme multiverse theory this problem is circumvented, because in that case all possible meta-laws (or all possible unified theories) are in force and describe really-existing multiverses
  7. An overview of the various theories can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse
  8. Big problem with this whole line of thought is that at my last count there have been 15 quantum consciousness theories put forward over the years. I summerized them in this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_consciousness Which I started working on largely as a result of this thread. The main argumentative line can be summed up as follows: Human thought, based on the Gödel result, is sound , yet non-algorithmic, and the human thinker is aware of or conscious of the contents of these thoughts. The only recognized instances of non-algorithmic processes in the universe, based on accepted physical theories are purely random or the reduction of the quantum mechanical state vector. Randomness is not promising as the source of the non-algorithmicity needed to account for consciousness, therefore certain quantum mechanical phenomena must be responsible. Critics deride this comparison as a mere "minimization of mysteries," ( A term coined by David Chalmers, the idea that since quantum and consciousness are both mysteries, they must be related.) and point out that the brain is too warm for quantum computation, which in the technological realm requires extreme cold to avoid "decoherence" (i.e. the loss of seemingly delicate quantum states by interaction with the environment.) I'd like to draw everyones attention to the Criticisms part of the article, even trying to keep an even hand, it came out rather devestating.
  9. He is totaly against it, and has made himself a pest on several websites and in several newsgroups over the years because of it.
  10. Pentcho Valev is well documented as a crank in the Eur. J. Phys. and has a reasonable command of Standard English.
  11. RFID The tags contain circuitry that harvest power from radio waves emitted by ambient interrogating readers, and use this power to send back a unique identifier to the reader. So its got some application.
  12. Pentcho Valev is well documented as a crank in the Eur. J. Phys. and has a reasonable command of Standard English.
  13. No indeed it wasn't. When this happens to me though I feel a sense of communion with the person that did think of it first, and really when you think of it; the fun part is getting the idea, I'll pass on the "90% perspiration" as Edison said.
  14. Ah, what you are looking for is called a shadowgraph or sometimes a shadowscope used for inspection and fine measurements on very small parts in (at least) the aerospace industry. Google the first term for more than you ever wanted to know about the subject. I should have read your question with more care (but it was early in the morning)
  15. "Oblique illumination, both through the microscope and in everyday life, enables light to strike an object at a low glancing angle with a resulting shadow effect on one side of the object. The other side is illuminated with the oblique light rays to produce an apparent relief detail on the object that stands out with three-dimensional clarity." See the rest at: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/intelplay/obliquetrans.html
  16. Within the widely but not universally accepted Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is taken to mean that on an elementary level, the physical universe does not exist in a deterministic form—but rather as a collection of probabilities, or potentials. For example, the pattern (probability distribution) produced by millions of photons passing through a diffraction slit can be calculated using quantum mechanics, but the exact path of each photon cannot be predicted by any known method. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that it cannot be predicted by any method.
  17. RamDac99: If there were an isolated system of antimatter in the universe, free from interaction with ordinary matter, no earthbound observation could distinguish its true content, as photons (being their own antiparticle) are the same whether they are in a “universe” or an “antiuniverse”. But assuming large zones of antimatter exist, there must be some boundary where antimatter atoms from the antimatter galaxies or stars will come into contact with normal atoms. In those regions a powerful flux of gamma rays would be produced. This has never been observed despite deployment of very sensitive instruments in space to detect them.
  18. Alkali metal cyanides are in fact used in many plating processes, including Silver, Copper, Tin, Cadmium, Zinc, and alloy baths such as Brass. NaCN in solution with NaOH is a popular and effective working solution for electro-cleaners as well. However aqueous CN processes are scheduled for elimination by various international environmental treaties. HCN, the gas, is still used for fumigation against pests in buildings.
  19. Nat.gas WILL explode at STP if an ignition source is available. Keep in mind that the energy from such an event comes from rapid oxidation of the fuel, not compressive release
  20. The limiting factor in any heaver-than-air craft is the Power-to-Weight ratio. It maxes out when you can no longer lift the motive power (and its fuel)
  21. Yes, done it myself. But I was thinking more of a home vs workplace situation. I've done gas-work; if your not comfortable with that yourself seek help from a pro.
  22. You all should check out the Multverse entry at Wikipedia, for a look at current thinking in this matter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse
  23. Generaly a 4-to-1 ratio of air to gas is the most explosive, however this is not carved in stone, The point is that any gas leak should be taken seriously. Check it out with a solution of liquid dish-soap and water and attend to it ASAP>
  24. At the suggestion of Theodore von Kármán and following a request of Gen. H. B. Thatcher, an Ad Hoc Committee of the Scientific Advisory Board met in the Pentagon to consider the application of nuclear energy to missile propulsion. The result was project NERVA SEE:http://www.astronautix.com/project/nerva.htm
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