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Posts posted by T-Nemesis

  1. According to Stephen Hawking, the only reason we consider the possibility of "spegetification," or however it's spelled, is because that's what it would look like to the outsiders because spacetime is distorted to our vision. According to Hawking, if a satient person were to actually enter a black hole, they would experience a common free-fall; nothing more, nothing less. Their body would appear to be spread out over the black hole only because Einstein's Theory of Gravitational Distortion suggests that large quantities of gravity have the potential to distort spacetime


    Do you have any sources for that? I'm pretty interested in the subject and I've just been reading A brief history of time, so far what I've read contradicts your post.


    Gravity gets weaker the farther you are from the star' date=' so the gravitation force on our intrepid astronaut's feet would always be greater than the force on his head. This difference in the forces would stretch our astronaut out like spaghetti or tear him apart before the star had contracted to the critical radius ...


    "A brief history of time" - Tenth anniversary edition / pg. 99[/quote']

  2. I always thought that a rise in temperature is caused by vibration of [molecules], and the faster they vibrate the hotter the body becomes. That would also explain why there is a limit to how cold something can be, as the [molecule] can not vibrate any less than if it were stationary. Likewise the limit of how hot something can become should be at the limit of how fast the molecule could vibrate.

  3. You need to learn how to make fresh water?


    I think investing in solar/wind home power supplimentation is not just a good idea for preparing for armageddon scenarios. It can also help you save money' date=' as well as deal with day-to-day outages and issues. It's a good thing when we don't become too reliant on technology.


    But here's a thought: What is the difference between a religious fanatic predicting that Jesus is coming so you'd better get ready, and a far left extremist predicting that we are about to run out of oil, so you'd better get ready?[/quote']


    Well if everyone installed the appropriate amount of clean energy providers necessary, it would also relieve the demand for fossil fuels and reduce pollution levels. Sounds like a good idea to me, I don't know why more isn't being done to put it in action.

  4. Okay, great. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm definetely very interested, so with any luck I hope everything just fits together like you said.:D


    This site isn't intended for 2 years old but we're always happy to teach someone who wants to learn, regardless of age/current knowledge


    That's why I don't post much. In 6 months I've only posted 23 times, :P

  5. You need to learn how to make water?


    Lol, I imagine that s/he means fresh water; we wouldn't want to go mad from drinking salt-water now, would we? :D


    I'm guessing the topic is in regards to there not being any energy, well if it is; I saw an article about people installing their own mini wind-turbines on the roofs of their houses, apparently they can produce 1/3 of the energy needed for the house. Now what I don't understand is why people don't just buy 3 mini wind-turbines and get all the energy they need. :confused:

  6. I'm 15 and interested in Science, I'm slowly learning one or two things within my fields of interest (Mainly Cosmology, and Physics in general); but when I come to this forum I look around and I'm overwhelmed with some of the knowledge you guys have. What I want to know is were you very smart all of your life or did you just persevere and learn?


    I want to know this because I'm interested in Science but I don't know if I could have a future in it. :-(

  7. I'm ambidextrous, I have always used my left hand for writing, but my right hand for everything else. Recently I started testing my abilities by using two pens at the same time and seeing what I could do, I can write two things at the same time, write something with one hand and writing a mirror image of it in the other among other things. For anyone interested in doing the mirror image writing, the key is to 'draw' your text, not write it. When you try to write it your brain struggles to try and decipher what each letter would look like backwards, it's much easier to imagine an image being mirrored.


    I think that made sense. :D

  8. are you insane?

    "injury"? injury in the perfect sense would mean that there would be no free-radicals' date=' meaning no oxygen, meaning no way for the lungs to function, meaning no haemoglobin to the brain, etc. etc. [/quote']


    Don't be so trivial, you know what I meant.



    where did you read that there would be a huge leap in life expectancy? don't believe everything you read, we've trying to find a fountain of youth for the past 10,000 years.


    The leap is already beginning. If the life expectancy is now already 90 for people that are 65, that's a pretty significant jump. Things will only get better.

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