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Posts posted by swaha

  1. B(m,n)=gamma(m).gamma(n)/gamma(m+n)

    while changing the variables x to rcosz, y=rsinz and taking their differentials we tactly assume the terms containing (dz)^2 & (dr)^2 terms vanish. we only consider terms containing dzdr in the double integral in place of dxdy can somebody please explain why (dz)^2 & (dr)^2 terms vanish or not considered for the double integral?

  2. if something expanda then it requires space outside. does it mean there is space outside universe also? atleast it must be when it was a point. for a point must be somewhere in space & expand to somewhere in space to occupy a volume.

  3. gravitational energy is actually a bound state one so why universe needs to expand i really dont get it. 2 things can separate if some repulsive force exists else why move leaving the bound state? actualy the place i stay asking questions to teachers is almost a crime so i really dont get any help regarding what i want to know. pls explain it.

  4. ya. is there harm supposing what a light would observe?

    actually infinite no of times a person is allowed to see the event, just dont understand then y dont we really do????????????

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    ok lets forget about the reference frame moves at vel c.let it move with some uless than c. still there is the problem.

  5. no. i dont care whaether it converges or not, for the time being atleast. what i wanted to know really was that if say f(x) is a function of period 2pi. then y is it supposed to be able to be written as linear combinations of functions of sines & cosines their angles being multiples of 2pi always?


    it's easy to understand the opposite way instead if there is a linear combination of sines & cosines of multiples of 2pi then the lcm of their periods become 2pi hence the combined function has the period 2pi.

    but our books state the 1st one regarding shm as fourier series.


    somebody please explain this i really didnt get it anywhere.

  6. how did matter appear then? was it stored somewhere probably as energy? did you mean the point enlarged to our universe? please explain.

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    well again if our universe was a point then where was it?

  7. The invariant quantity is the so called interval that includes time. In this sense it serves as a forth coordinate r4=i*ct in a four-dimentional space (r,i*ct

    But time also vaiers in different reference frames. wasnt it the light velocity that remained invariant? got confused again. help.

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    i beg ur pardon for i had to copy paste what mr bob has written. i dont know how to use this quoting stuff here. sorry.

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