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Everything posted by JacobNewton

  1. There was a time when most of the universe was an unexplored place. Today we have thanks to time machines, hubble telescopes etc, what it takes to have gleaned the depths of the known universe. You will say there is a lot to be discovered yet; but how much of those discoveries would make the progress of mankind a less futile objective? We have for example invented everything of practical importance there is to invent; the light bulb, facebook, the wheel, electricity etc. The human race appears to have stagnated in the annals of scientific discovery. Again, no doubt there are stuff out there to learn about science, like for example, how many toes does a virus on Mars have? How far does one have to walk from point A to point B on Pluto to obtain fresh water? Any possibilitity of setting up a restaurant on the moon? All these childish attempts at discovery, leave them to people like Trump to discover. But as far as science has progressed, havent we already run the course of novelty?
  2. I came up with some bizarre suggestions on the subject of global warming, would like to share them here. I did some research on this subject and it appears to me the solution to global warming might be a simple equation. Apparantly Carbon dioxide, a prime global warming institute, when combined with carbonates, (a secondary compound) gives you Bicarbonates (a family friendly, organic, tree hugger of a compound.) So basically, build factories near the sea, dispose of carbon dioxide into the ocean (where carbonates the compound is found is bushels) and whoosh, the carbon dioxide enters the surface of the sea but gets no further. It does not, as some have suggested, re enter the atmospehere. It meets a tardy bunch of carbonates (which are widely prevalent underwater, as a result of undersea organic reactions in their myriad forms) and carbon dioxide forms bicarbonates overnight as it were. As stated earlier, these carbonates are harmless non toxic envioronmentally friendly compounds.
  3. oh aright i was just guessing with that one but that aside, back to the shaoulin monk topic..shaoulin monks do have weird powers vested in them via the Force...they can do extraordinary stuff. People who levitate can probably be classified as a special creed of shaoulin monk.
  4. Jesus, an example of They That Could Do Extraordinary stuff. Just an example, or Sai Baba, or Moses, if you prefer it. All these fellows could levitate because they were "on the Force" or 'possessed by the holy spirit" or "demon possessed".. And that brings us to the definition of "demon possessed"....parallel dimesnions might have the solution. If there are parallel dimensions overlapping these dimensions, then surely there must be a manifestation of that occurence on the physical plain, like people developing special powers...on that note didn't einstein say each successive dimension controls the next one? in which case, the previous dimension overlapping this one at intervals, would manifest in out of the ordinary abilities in the denizens it possesses.
  5. but you are replying without even examining the facts
  6. when you say 'familiar with'....are you a shaolin master yourself? Or alternatively, are you in possession of the full repertoire of the Shaolin Monk Ethos? Unless you are, its unlikely you could say offhand, as a casual observer, what those freaks are capable of. Ive seen videos and I'm pretty sure they can in fact levitate their powers are vested in them by virture of "being one with the cosmic energy" something like that. I mean, Jesus could levitate because he was full of the holy spirit. Shaolin Monkeying is similar in a sense, they are possessed by the spirit of the Force, and as such their powers are beyond the beleivable, the rational.
  7. No reason to believe they were fake, they were well documented videos...
  8. Oh OK, I'll make my stories more scientifically accurate next time.
  9. Nevertheless, it's food for thought. What if a capacitor could be built, roughly along those lines outlined in the story, that could empower the human race to levitate like shaoulin monks? haha thanks for reminding me. Er...am I legally in the wrong if I didn't add them, just curious, after all its a blog post after all But in any case, added them all the same. Hope you enjoyed the story!
  10. I examined the apparatus closely. It was a blend between a capacitor and a magnet that ran on electricity. "What's the purpose of this capacitor?" I said. This capacitor has the power to levitate," said Swansont quietly. "you mean, like a levitating shaoulin monk?" I said, curiously. "Yes, that's right," said Swansont boredly. "How does it work?" I said. Swansont began to explain. "The capacitor is powered by the force of gravity," he said. When the force of gravity is powered by the electromagnetic field, it causes a disutrbance in the gravity continuum, the field of gravity that encompasses time and space," said Swansont. "What happens then?" I said. "The field of gravity thus disturbed, causes the capacitor to levitate," he said. "But what's the purpose of the capacitor?" I said. "To cause an energgy storage, a convertor of gravitational to electromagnetic energy!" said Swansont. I understood immediately. "So basically, this magic capacitor-" "Magic isn't a scientific word," said Swansont sharply. "Oh well, this...super capacitor of sorts, basically converts electromagnetic energy to gravitational energy, after harnessing gravitational energy from the earth's core-" "Harnessing, not quite the word I'd use myself," said Swansont. The trick is to bypass the gravitational field of the earth altogether." "Like how rockets leave the earth's surface?" I said. "yes, but at sea level," said swansont. "How in the world-" "Basically, after the gravity barrier is surpassed, the capacitor in question immediately converts the surplus gravity absorbed during takeoff into electromagnetic radiation" explained swansont. I was amazed at the idea. "What purpose can this invention avail humanity?" I said. "Levitation," replied Swansont. Disclaimer: All characters and other entities appearing here are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, or other real-life entities, past or present, is purely coincidental.
  11. Where are we headed? To answer this question, its important to consider the obvious facts: history revolves in circles. The cosmic equation, if there were one, is inclined to go round and round like a merrygoround. In other words, what has happened before must happen again and again and again. Come now, it is surely not a far fetched supposition, that, swansont etc. Does the bee not buzz repetitively? Do humans not reproduce, and die, then live, and die again in that order, eternally? 'Course they do. And that manifestation of cyclic rebirth and death, of a myriad forms of existence, is surely a big player in the question of 'where is the universe headed?' I reckon we've been going round and round like that merry go round ever since the big bang happened. WW2 for instance, was WW1 incarnate in a different time space continuum, as it were. WW3, well it's around the corner, very likely, going by what's happening in Russia. The crimea, the boer war, the medivial wars, all were fought again and again. Only the weaponry were more advanced with every successive war. The sticks and stones gave way to the biplanes and triplanes, which gave way to the dogfights with supersonic jets in the modern era. The world, history, travels in circles. Round and round. To discern where we are headed, look to the past. Where were we once upon a time? As far as the generalities go, we were always where we were. Therefore the basic goals of humanity have always been the same, will always be the same.
  12. I dunno if you've seen this one episode where spongebob, patrick, squidward etc all MERGE into one entity. Now that wouldn't be possible because of simple logic, in a given time space continuum, you can't be in two places at the same time, or in other words, no two objects can occupy the same time space continuum sphere at the same time. So how could a situation like (fig 2) occur in the real world? It can, if parallel dimensions overlap. Imagine point A, or object A, encountering it's identical self in time space continuum B. In both time space continuums, there would be TWO objects occupying one space at the same time. i.e an overlap of time/space continuums, or a merging of parallel dimensions. Now how could parallel dimensions merge? Well, what if there is a third factor, like the master control of the matrix causes a squishing of the matrix, forcing double dimensions to occur in one spot? i.e a THIRD dimension, like parallel dimension squared, would occur. Isn't this what's happening in this spongebob scene, and even more curiously, isnt that what's happening in the CERN statues in Geneva? (fig 1) Fig 1 appears to be two people in one time space continuum (an overlapping of parallel dimensions as stated in the above theory?) Or as einstein would say (fig 3)
  13. well, it's fun to mess around with that Einstein photo lol Oh wait, Einstein has a different response: A pony arriving across the light barrier, in 3D multicolour, across the time space continuum.
  14. Statistics say that a good portion of the known universe are ignorant of the fundementals of science. Therefore, it's important to spread science like a blanket of enlightenment across the seven seas. I propose a science podcast to this effect. I can host it/produce it, if you are willing to handle sponsorships. I even designed a cover photo for said podcast:
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