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Muwanguzi joshua

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Posts posted by Muwanguzi joshua

  1. 16 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    Unfortunately your descriptions does not provide enough clarity regarding the previously raised issues to allow for any detailed analysis. The described methods contains many unrelated details and still fails to address the core problems.



    You seem to want to generate random source code files, not images? What is gained by introducing images* as part of the method, compared to using a data structure that will probably be more suitable for the problem wish to solve?



    The above initial steps describes requirements for the algorithm or method you wish to create, it does not describe methods or steps how to achieve your goals. Gathering and analyzing requirements can be useful when creating software but it does not give you a solution to the kind of problem you wish to solve. It's easy to state "I want a program that gives me a solution to this problem". But, for the reasons repeated through this thread, you have not presented a viable approach to solve the problem yet; the extremely large numbers of combinations and lack of method to distinguish a hit from a miss in the general case.


    *) Any digital sequence can of course be used to create some kind of visible representation (=image) of that digital sequence. But that does not seem to be the intention in this case.

    Okay thank you very much for your reply am going am hoping to bring a better paper soon

    pliz remember you can use a Microsoft document version instead of image. You probably didn't like the image presentation.

    Am going to improve it.




    15 minutes ago, Muwanguzi joshua said:

    Okay thank you very much for your reply am going am hoping to bring a better paper soon

    pliz remember you can use a Microsoft document version instead of image. You probably didn't like the image presentation.

    Am going to improve it.





    41 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    Unfortunately your descriptions does not provide enough clarity regarding the previously raised issues to allow for any detailed analysis. The described methods contains many unrelated details and still fails to address the core problems.



    You seem to want to generate random source code files, not images? What is gained by introducing images* as part of the method, compared to using a data structure that will probably be more suitable for the problem wish to solve?



    The above initial steps describes requirements for the algorithm or method you wish to create, it does not describe methods or steps how to achieve your goals. Gathering and analyzing requirements can be useful when creating software but it does not give you a solution to the kind of problem you wish to solve. It's easy to state "I want a program that gives me a solution to this problem". But, for the reasons repeated through this thread, you have not presented a viable approach to solve the problem yet; the extremely large numbers of combinations and lack of method to distinguish a hit from a miss in the general case.


    *) Any digital sequence can of course be used to create some kind of visible representation (=image) of that digital sequence. But that does not seem to be the intention in this case.

    I heard your point on data structures they seem to be better, don't forget this is not related to facial recognition.

  2. On January 1, 2021 at 9:41 PM, Ghideon said:


    Ok. I'll wait for that.


    How to get our software without looking for combinations.

    To get our program that is a good software,we have to follow the following methods.

    The image we are creating in this example is bigger than 800 images each the size of 1 million pixels for 1 gb of data. Or could be put to the same size.

    So we can break it down to 800 images for simplification but altogether the 800 images are treated as one image.

    This applies to other bigger images or just too big for the space we have.

    (We are going to create an image with two types of pixel,(red,green.)
    So it's r,g not rgb this time.
    .We only need two pixel colours on the image since we are only representing two numbers 0,1.

    Red for the (0)s and green for the (1)s. 
    Then we proceed as follows.

    1.first we need protected areas on the image the program doesn't edit these parts.

    2. We need the area that is not protected. we will paste Radom   Computer calculations  in this area . 
    4. The program will immediately recognise them as errors and start correcting the errors to match the data in the protected areas.
    6. Its like an equation of 1+1 = (3), the brackets represent the protected area. 
    7. The part 1+1 is not protected.
    8. So our program is going to change it to make a math equation that's correct.

    1. The computer changes the parts outside the brackets to end up giving us a small but mathematically correct equation. 

    1. An example of a correction would be 
    2. 1+2 = (3). (Note one of the numbers has been edited in this equation to become 2,

    2. Their other possible correct options a program can achieve but only one is required.

    The 1st protected area in this case will contain the memory we know.
    We use the images, letters any type of data we expect it to use ,to complete its task.

    And the 2nd will contain the software that tests our program ,if it's a human level facial recognition software.

    (in its data it would have its own images that the program being tested doesn't have in its memory. 

    (Since for us to know a machine can recognise an image it should not have that image in it's memory). 
    And still be able to describe it.

    (We have to design the program that tests and then turn its information into binary , so we can be able to place it's information in the protected area reserved for the testing program. On the image the very large one.


    (the parts that are not protected will have errors if they have not acquired data mathematically correct according to the software test results.

    like the example of the equation) so the protected area is the like the answer in brackets (as the example of the equation "1+1 =(3)".

    If the program recognized all the images given to it with the right grade according to the binary data. 

    And the facial recognition software has no errors in it.

    We expect it to give us the source code that works. (When mined).

    We should also remember the whole data should be a direct interpretation of a software running using codes we know or can recognise .

    If not the software that corrects the data will indentify the data as having errors until it corrects it.

    (It should be remembered that most of the information e.g source code of the software that compiles the program ("is not fully protected").

     This means only content  designed for the compiler can replace the content in the protected location of the compiling software. 

    So if the software is Python code compiler, it's only Python codes that are used in the protected area.It should all be Python related or it's considered an error by our correcting software.

     if a code that doesn't exist is detected in the binary data, it's considered an error and it will be replaced.

    But it only replaces error codes,with codes we know man already designed for our compiler.

    We can test if our plan is right on achieving a type of software we already know.

    .e.g a temperature calculator For the beginning.

    . If we achieve this we should be able to apply our tactics on the mission of getting better  A.I.

    ( A computer  can probably design a whole binary image with its own compiler that man doesn't know and it uses its codes.(as long as we have a protected area.)

    Microsoft word corrects letters we can design a math correcting software.

    We can know math errors now. And which type. 
    If you have used a calculator or 
    C++.You must be used to program complaints on variables too huge.

     Please don't forget to reply,And if you need help on improving correction methods please let me know.

    And I will sit down and write a paper for it.

    A computer does all its work in math this is why I expect this to work.

    We can always read a process that's valid with the help of existing methods of program since it's all about seeing an error.

  3. 4 hours ago, John Cuthber said:

    If you answered him, and you remember answering him, then you should be able to quote your answer.

    Can you?


    4 hours ago, John Cuthber said:

    If you answered him, and you remember answering him, then you should be able to quote your answer.

    Can you?


    4 hours ago, John Cuthber said:

    If you answered him, and you remember answering him, then you should be able to quote your answer.

    Can you?

    Now I know i later learnt it and it’s not easy to see through all that stuff on a phone my computers need repairs right now.

    7 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    I can't see that what you have presented would result in a manageable number of combinations to search through. None of the main issues with your idea have been addressed.


    (Remember by document am trying to also make a 300 pixels represent a whole document we can’t read it but the computer can.we need more colors for better results)


    Am going to bring the big explanation soon,All am saying facial recognition software used by Police looks thru a million images per second looking for the right person in the data. (A town in France (nice) it’s police uses it now).

    Since a paper can come with information in form of all the calculations going on in a computer to finish a task. We can always get the information of the process of compiling,testing and running the perfect software. a whole large part of the process can be shown as a letter and a number.

    The full process would be better in 0s and 1s but we have to represent large parts of it with a letter and a number.(so that the a million instructions are represented as ,a letter with a number. (Am hoping to reduce the combination to just dots on the screen not a letter and number for the computer to process faster.man cannot read it so it’s the computer that will recognize the type of small dot. Or may be pixel).

    The letter is the type of process and stage and the number with the letter would be to make it more indentifiable. E.g in a super market (A) can represent the area where the item is ,and (1) would be the first shelve. On a website it would look like A1.

    For the information on the process.(from time of inputting the code to running it to testing and results.)

    So the paper would show A1,+ A2,=A3

    if we know A1 cannot come before A2 because that process is always at the beginning, not the end due to equation rules our program would should also be able to recognize this error which would mean the paper will not be picked among the many , the paper that is checked for equation errors and other errors we might learn in future will pass the test. And should be able to be giving us the right codes(the paper with no errors will later be processed to give us the codes because they are included in the paper.

    letter we check the codes and our software should give us results.

    may be B (2) would be the source code combination.instead of writing a whole 100 word source code(  the representation can be made better am guessing 5 letters and a number can represent a whole process in 200 words and numbers.

    (The format where the dots,small as pixels in volume , Represent our paper it’s not us who read the electronic paper it’s the computer and if it has the valid process( group of processes) it should be able to give us our working codes when processed by a software.

    The aim of looking for small combinations with combinations microscopic is to reduce the work load faced by the computer in generating information.

  4. On 12/26/2020 at 9:26 PM, Ghideon said:

    You repeat the same things again. Using capital letters does not help making your ideas practical. 


    Just an example: An image classifier in python* has 168 unique words**. That means there are approximately  2.510302 ways to reorder the words in that piece of source code. Do you know how large that number is? When you analyze that number and the computational complexity off your approach, what does that tell you? 


    *) I picked this one: https://github.com/keras-team/keras-io/blob/master/examples/vision/image_classification_from_scratch.py

    **) not counting comments

    ***) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=permutations+168+of+168

    What do you think about this idea does it reduce  

    The search space.(its an attempt).The information required for us to get the software that works every time (the information would be the whole process from when the code is input to when the code is compiled,tested by a software and the results.

    I expect The equivalent of binary numbers a single letter can represent a binary or more.

    . They should follow math laws and we should be able to indentify our codes from the information on the combination.

    so our software that recognizes the combinations that would gives us the right information. Would pick on only a document that has information that has no errors. (No math errors and the process follows math order.

    We would use the document indentified by the computer to input in our computer on the other side to check to get the code from it so we test to see if it runs perfectly. 

    (In May attempt i a ssume we can know what does not make order of sense when the process is read.

    Please give me a reply if I should improve it in order to convince the science community.

  5. 35 minutes ago, zapatos said:

    Can you link to one of these documentaries please? Frankly I don't believe the claim that they build houses to shoot from. You sure you're not looking at the battle of Stalingrad?

    Come on. Seriously?

    Yes, I've heard being shot in the head with an AK-47 can wreck havoc on safety glasses.

    They are Tv documentaries so I have to look for the show I watched some time ago.Just British soldiers telling their sad stories.

    The British always find the taliban have constructed houses to shoot from I think Arab houses dry fast or the British take long to discover their hide outs.That are very dangerous.



  6. 1 hour ago, zapatos said:

    I'm not sure it is a good idea to collect soldiers in so obvious a location. It's just asking for an artillery shell once everyone is inside. May as well paint a big target on it while you are at it.

    Perhaps you can tell us. I'm guessing eye bullet wounds are not that common.

    Actually soldiers I see on military documentary always find the opposition has built houses and they shooting at them ( the British documentaries of the Middle East war.The British usually hide in trees. And have to risk crossing a path so open.

    Also all I see on Internet now is combat eye protection is good but afaghastans use a certain gun that makes the current eye combat protection useless the ak 47. ( a certain type) I think the high deaths are on the developing countries not developed. But quota has questions answered on "why does the us millitary use eye combat protection when it's not needed.


    The question on quora is " why does the us millitary use eye protection when it doesn't stop bullets.

  7. 1 hour ago, Roamer said:

    1) sure they thought of that, just do a google search, often a camera is attached to a helmet or put on a gun.

    2) seems a bit impractical compared to just bombing the enemy, or having armored vehicles present(some of which are quite light and can be transported through air)

    or just dropping a barricade would also be a good idea; you don't expect soldiers to get fired on from all sides

    Also their many places a car cannot go.  Due to many trees in the area or the passage and more prooblemsproblems

  8. 25 minutes ago, Roamer said:

    1) sure they thought of that, just do a google search, often a camera is attached to a helmet or put on a gun.

    2) seems a bit impractical compared to just bombing the enemy, or having armored vehicles present(some of which are quite light and can be transported through air)

    or just dropping a barricade would also be a good idea; you don't expect soldiers to get fired on from all sides

    I always see the Iraq war videos needing this stuff because soldiers always die in battle because of exposure ( and the helmets have night vision and the cameras are for the army commander s not on the field there the ones I know.

    48 minutes ago, Roamer said:

    1) sure they thought of that, just do a google search, often a camera is attached to a helmet or put on a gun.

    2) seems a bit impractical compared to just bombing the enemy, or having armored vehicles present(some of which are quite light and can be transported through air)

    or just dropping a barricade would also be a good idea; you don't expect soldiers to get fired on from all sides

    Well I have googled all I saw was information suggests the cameras are not used for showing the surrounding inside the helmet on an lcd screen (they are for strategies and sending information to the other the millitary station)not for protecting the eyes. But you can show me a link if you can.

  9. I have used the word guns to make it easier 

    But even bigger bullet weapons are included.

    1. Camera helmet

    Has anybody ever thought of putting a camera on a military helmet. So it can enable the soldier on the battlefield,to see through the camera not through the camera not through the expensive gargles.

    it should be remembered that a device like a smartphone will be required for the camera to send that view on its screen so the soldier wearing the smart helmet.

    This would enable soldiers protect their eye sight with metal.which would be cheaper)

    Because the whole helmet would be made of metal. No expensive gargles needed this time 

    It should be remembered as you get closer to an object,about 20 cans, you might need to use a second camera on the helmet 


    So you might require more than one for full use.

    The lcd screen on the device inside the helmet should not be too close to the eyes.

    Google can show you the high number of deaths from eye bullet wounds.(on the battlefield)

    2. Guard Dropping 

    Drones or choppers would drop metal houses on the battlefield, for the soldiers to later come and hide in to shoot at the opponents. The houses can have remote controlled guns in and around them to shoot any body trying to come close or in before the army. Instead of building holes on battlefield. Or hiding in bush trees. And they can be reusable.

    Thank you for your time by Muwanguzi Joshua Amos.


  10. On 12/26/2020 at 9:26 PM, Ghideon said:

    You repeat the same things again. Using capital letters does not help making your ideas practical. 


    Just an example: An image classifier in python* has 168 unique words**. That means there are approximately  2.510302 ways to reorder the words in that piece of source code. Do you know how large that number is? When you analyze that number and the computational complexity off your approach, what does that tell you? 


    *) I picked this one: https://github.com/keras-team/keras-io/blob/master/examples/vision/image_classification_from_scratch.py

    **) not counting comments

    ***) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=permutations+168+of+168

    I just wonder if I have made you like it more. Please let me know if it has impacted your everyday life.

    Well I know little about computers, But I know something. So am concentrating on something mathematical of some type.

  11. On 12/14/2020 at 9:46 PM, Muwanguzi joshua said:

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Muwanguzi Joshua <email address deleted>
    Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
    To: email address deleted


    my answer is yes.Using the story finder method we can find the future problem.
    This is how the story finder method works.
    Steps to take.(how the method works).
    Your task is to find all the sentences or stories possible in a selection of words.
    1.List all possible sentences,stories or theories in the words that exist today or in a selection e.t.c.(you can create a software to do so.which could exist today.)
    2 Look for the ones that make sense.
    3.Try them out to find out if it is true. 
    Note that if the statement found to be right was related to an unknown mathematical problem  you would have solved the problem.
    example 1
     You have two words in selection (x) or they are the only words that exist.(this and is).
    Now there are only two words and two sentences in this combination of words and no theories or stories.
    possible sentences are:
    1.This is?
    2.Is this?
    This is how the area of a rectangle could have been found,if the story finder method was used.
    Imagine if there were 300 words that existed at that time,before area of a rectangle was discovered,
    of which these word are some of the selection A -(its,you,to,find,a,the,longer,width,by,multiply,the,shorter,side,length,area,cargo,rectangle,of,eat,apple,an etc.)
    In order to find the formula of area of a rectangle.
    You would need a sentence that states "to find the area of a rectangle you multiply the longer side by shorter side". In order to find the area of a rectangle.
    Notice that by stating down some of the sentences possible in the selection (A) above.You would find the way to solve this problem,since this statement can exist.
    Some of the sentences possible in the selection (A) above are listed below.
    1.Multiply lenght by width.
    2.to find the area of a rectangle you multiply the longer side by the shorter side.
    3.to find the area of a rectangle you multiply its length by its width. 
    4.to find the area of a rectangle eat an apple.
    By now you have noticed that the sentence (sentence 4) "to find the area of a rectangle eat an apple".
    This sentence is wrong and if you tried it out you would not find the area.However if you tried out sentence (2) and (3) you would get the area of a rectangle every time.
    Since all these words existed before the person who discovered the solution,even thought about solving it.The area of a rectangle could have been discovered before he discovered it,had the story finder method been used.Thats if it existed.
    You have also noticed that he could have to make up about 5000 sentences,see if they make sense.If they make sense he tries them out and if all are tried out in the right way he would have tried out sentence number (2),
    Which states that "to find area of a rectangle you multiply the longer side by the shorter side". This would be an important discovery.
    Tomorrow's mathematical problem which can be written in today's words can be found this way.If we try it out we could solve a lot of problems today.
    How the sentence finding method could have been used to find the velocity.
    First they would need to find the,initial velocity,acceleration and time.
    They could have had all the quantities,but don't know how to find velocity.
     For example they would have all the sentences to help them find velocity one of them would state like this.
    statement (a) "to find the velocity of uniformly accelerated motion, you add initial velocity to the product of acceleration and time".(of which product of acceleration and time means acceleration multiplied by time,
    This statement also means that after getting the
    result for acceleration multiplied by time you add the result to initial velocity". 
    but if they didn't know the answer for velocity they would need to know how to find,initial velocity,acceleration,and time of which they can get the answer for these independently or for some equations one after the other.
    All the words don't need to exist to find any of the quantities.
    For example lenght can be described as longer side and width as shorter side.
    Here is an example of finding weight. 
    The sentence could have come like this,"to find the weight of a body multiply the heaviness of an object by the acceleration of free fall" A statement explaining why heaviness of an object is the kilogram scale ,and acceleration of free fall is the amount of acceleration of all objects 
    to the ground could have got the two quantities.This statement could have been found long before the time the weight of an object equation was found,meaning the equation could have been created this way.(by using the setence finder method.
    Notice that the equation for finding mass could have been found this way too.and finding gravity could have been found too with a statement got from the sentence finder's method.

    If you try to find this out you would find that it is true .Since the accepted equation for finding weight is W=mg (weight for w,mass for (m) and (w) for weight.
    notice that among the statements and stories.You find statements like to find the weight eat an apple.which words existed at that time before it was discovered.
    So we don't need a genius to find the next   scientific discovery.
    Tomorrow's explanation of how finding the most difficult scientific question can be written in today's words or its equivalents.
    So using the story finding method we could find it.A computer could make this easier.
    Story finder method could be used for making images if you plot all the pixels in the right order you would make an image of your face.
     So is the image of a microsoft copy explaining relativity or a scientific problem not yet discovered.Before the one who was supposed to discover it by getting the idea or the fall of an apple.
    This applies to images and videos too.Since they are made up of parts,which are r,g,b (red,green,blue colored lights) pixels for images and words for theories.
    This works for sound too.
    So I think maybe we could find the cure of cancer using this method,or a new important equation to change the world.
    like the formula for gravity could have been found too. Which changed the world.if we have more advanced videos we could get the next theory to change the world in video or sound.
    We could use computers to find all the possible sentences to be found from those words.
    The software would be looking for patterns of sentences.stories and theories are made up of sentences and their patterns also exist.which patterns can be looked for. The emptymology can help you prove this

    It should be remembered that looking for source codes for a software.(Is one of the suggestions for finding software that can for example find our movies. Or what we want. In the story finder. For finding source code we have to add symbols and some numbers.

    For now we need the method that can get us our source code among the many,soon I maybe able to explain in the comments part.

    * you can get a movie version of any movie today with you in it.(it exists in the story finder. In the future it may cost a few dollars to get it from a site (if we figured out how to get it from the many videos.

  12. 4 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    You repeat the same things again. Using capital letters does not help making your ideas practical. 


    Just an example: An image classifier in python* has 168 unique words**. That means there are approximately  2.510302 ways to reorder the words in that piece of source code. Do you know how large that number is? When you analyze that number and the computational complexity off your approach, what does that tell you? 


    *) I picked this one: https://github.com/keras-team/keras-io/blob/master/examples/vision/image_classification_from_scratch.py

    **) not counting comments

    ***) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=permutations+168+of+168

    You are very right it is very large, Unless no quantum computer of today cannot solve our issue then I have to look at another way. For now let me study this quantum computer and see what it could do(whether we don't need many).


    10 minutes ago, Muwanguzi joshua said:

    You are very right it is very large, Unless no quantum computer of today cannot solve our issue then I have to look at another way. For now let me study this quantum computer and see what it could do(whether we don't need many).


    And also now maybe man would want a better computer even more.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    You still have not addressed the problems that prevents your method from being of any practical use. You seem to be repeating the same thing; describing what the non-existing software and algorithms will do while avoiding the issues that makes the method fail.


    Thank you very much for your reply am going to find an explanation for making the ma chine work. But for now am posting the source code solution on the mainstream so don’t mind.

    I hope you want the explanation of how the machine will work. With the challenges it faces.

    And am looking into that.





    The story finder has lots of useful and useless information and theories,source codes that work are one of the useful information 

    This time we need a software to get the useful information from the story finder combinations (information)

    The source code for the software that can get that useful theory is in the story finder (combinations) 

    The information will be pasted into the compiler software and if it is working software it would be tested by another program if it can get a paper that can explain.

    How a theory works from words that existed at that time before it was discovered.(or invention).

    ( we just make up a paper we think should have been enough to explain the theory, in that time before it was discovered and if the program gets that paper . It has passed one of the tests

    .Remneber it will be tested if it will discover more known inventions and theories of that time to pass the full test.

    After the program has indentified it as the software that has passed the full test.

    We check to see it.

    We expect it to find new discoveries when we add today’s words. If their is more to be discovered.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    Yes. An there are classes of problems that a quantum computer cannot solve, for instance undecidable problems*. That might be one interesting thing to investigate regarding your method; does the method produce decidable or undecidable problems? 

    *) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undecidable_problem


    Thank you very much also don’t forget the software that can get the sensible information from the vast amount of data,be it equations or inventions. Can be got from the story finder using that method of finding the source code and then it is tested by a software after that we check the software that has passed the test. And see if it will give us results.

    (For this case it would look for the useful paper

    through a selection of words that existed before the discovery was made. The software that gets the paper most of the time (is expected to  work on finding our next discovery, when we add all the words that exist in this time to it.

    I can explain this better if you want.

    ( Their could be other ways)

    I can explain this better if you want.

    But our quantum computer will most likely make software it can. That’s for now on the issue of what it is weak at.

    As I work on the presentation.

  15. 47 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    I do not know what that trick you mean. 

    As far as I know universities are pretty open regarding access to published papers, at leas around here. In my opinion universities' publishing policies is not going to be a limiting factor regarding your proposed method. 



    I think the quantum computer might work different from a normal computer according to what am seeing.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Ghideon said:


    Convert code into something a computer can understand? That sounds like you mean a compiler. 



    Sorry, I do not understand what you wish to discuss. 


    I just thought their is a probability that universities don't put information on the Internet for free  and it's for paying to get it. 

    Dont forget the trick where a paper instructs a program to draw  stuff and calculate it would also create calculus.Am bringing the physics explanation soon after the quantum compuuter.information

    Am improving the math work soon using calculus as an example.

    Just now, Muwanguzi joshua said:

    I just thought their is a probability that universities don't put information on the Internet for free  and it's for paying to get it. 

    Dont forget the trick where a paper instructs a program to draw  stuff and calculate it would also create calculus.Am bringing the physics explanation soon after the quantum compuuter.information

    Am improving the math work soon using calculus as an example.

    Also I meet a compiler that enables code that would work on a quantum computer to also work on a classical computer

    This could be a problem but I need to investigate more.

  17. 13 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    If you list the obstacles and problems that you need to overcome, may you could present a guess?

    Actually I was trying to to say if you hear of any thing good about posting stuff on here let me know."advantageous to me"

    on the other note am trying to work on the quantum computer possibility information.

    17 minutes ago, Muwanguzi joshua said:
    35 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    If you list the obstacles and problems that you need to overcome, may you could present a guess?

    Actually I was trying to to say if you hear of any thing good about posting stuff on here let me know."advantageous to me"

    on the other note am trying to work on the quantum computer possibility information.

    But then am just using Google to know about it if their is information that I wouldn't find their pliz let me know so I don't present you a bad solution.well I just hope the wAy to convert working code for software into something a classical computer can understand.

  18. 8 hours ago, Ghideon said:


    You have not yet addressed the problems that prevents your method from being useful. I do not know to what extent this forum thread will help. 

    Your method as presented:



    Well am looking into seeing if we had many quantum computers running on ( it's one that turns on works out the problem sends the example that worked to our classical computer(code for A.I)or equations that have proved to be constant.

    Each  quantum computer would work on combinations in different ranges( since some combinations come before others) meaning they are ordered separately. Since our quantum computer runs for 20 seconds we may need a lot.i hope it's code can work on normal computers,or a solution is possible.


    If you think of a even a small possibility pliz let me know.

    By possibility I mean chance I may benefit.

  19. 1 hour ago, Ghideon said:

    Machine learning in general is important*. Below is another paper at least partly connected to you idea; analyze scientific papers and combinations of papers to find overlooked information or suggest areas where more research could be fruitful.


    The paper may be behind paywall: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1335-8


    *) In my opinion, I am biased due to my profession.

    Thank you very much.Do you think putting it here on speculation is beneficial bcos its next year that I present it to a journal.Could this yield some results by any chance before mid next year. I think science fiction would love it since it could create dangerous A.I.We didn't make the A.I this time.so they may make it look like it can be unknown.

    *Am   bringing a contemporary example for you And a separate thread For it.(some time from now.) Some thing tells me you don't need the neural networks example. Any more.bcos of the previous example.on a.i.


  20. 23 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    For further study you may have a look at the travelling salesman problem:

    Here is a passage that connects to your approach, describing how trying combinations is not a practically useful approach. In your case the goal is not cheapest solution but a combination of programming constructs that solves a problem better. But in my opinion the analogy holds at an abstract level.


    There have been many improvements that makes it possible to find solutions for larger and larger sets of cities and distances. 

    My point is that travelling salesman problem could be a starting point for understanding why the current approach you have suggested is impractical. It may also show how scientists approached an initially impractical problem. I believe the travelling salesman problem is a reasonable start since it is easy to understand and have been studied extensively. Note: It does not solve the problem you have presented, it may act as a guide for further learning.


    Okay thank you very much.If you know any way I can get support or make it kept as might be important in the future plissé let me know. As I try to improve it and make it better.But do you think it is important in any way as a discovery.

  21. 19 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    It think you are missing the, or avoiding, the problem: Assuming you generate combinations of words that are allowed in a programming language: A quick calculation will show you that if you fill the entire visible universe with super computers and let them run for 13.5 billion years (roughly the time since Big Bang according to current models) that will not on average be enough to locate a solution for the approach presented.  


    Thank you very much.So there is no way this can be preserved by any one in case it may work in the future? it could be very rewarding. If something new comes up in the future.Or that quantum computer works in the future.On the other note is it still important to give you a contemporary example.The idea of nuild a computer looked too in practical at first. After all man could take very long to make human level a.i.

  22. 16 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    A note related to algorithms; quantum computers may have impact in the future:

    https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6523/1460 (I do not have access to check this paper)


    Note! I do not know if the problem described in this tread will benefit from quantum algorithms or quantum computing. My point is just that ongoing research tries to address tasks that are not practical to solve due to problems similar to the problems in OP's approach.


    Thank you very much now am looking into many computers processing a sizeable group of might be source codes. separately it could be the way. If the combinations can be created in time away.if they can one computer system would process a different amount of combinations starting at different levels. Which means the problem is now creating small computers or systems equivalent.If you interested to know in the future please let me know.


    I think this article can make you all happy.

    If the software for neural networks 

    didnot exist yet.(facial recognition)

    for us to get it made we would. 

    We would use a program that finds  all information possible to be got from a combination of letters words and all written forms of information. So the program would out put all separate documents possible. (For finding source codes we need characters and symbols included. For C++)

    The source codes for different softwares possible to be made from today's words and codes are among the vast amount of useless and useful data or documents. Our program should copy and paste the different document information into the area where the source code is put.

    each document should be treated by the programming software as separate source file. An automatic system should be used to paste and compile information input if it's valid information (working codes) the software would run and (a program to test if the program is if its a better facial recognition software than the one we have.would test it . We just wait for the software that passes the test. Maybe even Better a.i can be got this way.

    Let me know when this has made you happy your opinion about the story finder Its also called the information finder.

  24. On 12/14/2020 at 11:38 PM, MigL said:


    Assume I don't know the area of a rectangle.
    The computer spits out two sentences.
    1 - Bite an apple.
    2 - Multiply length time width.

    I try both.
    If I don't know what area is, how do I know the area of a rectangle is not an apple with a bite taken out of it ??

    If I know that area is length times width already, why would I need to run this idiotic program in the first place ????

    Did I answer you? I remember like I answered you.

    On 12/14/2020 at 11:18 PM, zapatos said:

    Just because a sentence "makes sense" does not make it true. 

    And if you can recognize which sentences are true, then you must have already known it to be true. So you've discovered nothing new.

    Would you want to know how a computer would discover source code and compile the source code

    For the source code you need symbols, numbers, and letters.maybe a.i can be made this way in the future with out human labour.

    if the source code runs the software is tested if it is the one we want. E.g (If it is a chat bot it must reply to messages. But this might require.better technology as some one on here said.)

    On 12/14/2020 at 10:09 PM, Bufofrog said:

    This makes no sense.  You would have to already know the answer before you could know which words to use and then to recognize which sentence "makes sense".

    Source code for intelligent software can be found this way if they exist in today's codes. The computer would test the source code or any paper to see if it runs . If it runs it would test the software and see if it is the software we want. We only check the software that has passed the test.

    you might need to add symbols and numbers because most programming languages are written like that.

  25. 9 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    If you manage to reduce the search space to something that will be practical I guess there would be a lot of interest. There are many different approaches* in computer science to search for solutions in efficient ways when there are too many combinations to try. But I am not aware of any efficient way to do this by generating all combinations and looking at them one by one. Your idea looks similar to a brute force attack for cracking passwords; it is not practical when there are too many combinations to test.


    Sorry, I do not understand the above and its connection to the topic.  


    *) Discussing such approaches in better suited for a separate thread in mainstreams sections. 

    Well I didn't know that.on the other note I thought it would be important for scientists to talk about it. Since a software can be got that is very intelligent or since it can create softwares ( in order to encourage people to look for the solution) Bcos I think it might be hard to Finnish my work. But man is always optimistic.

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