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  1. enoemoSJ

    New Theory

    I consider the Time Dimension as a coordinate system for space itself , it’s like it is solidifying the body’s position before it is even moving through space. My equation attempts to explain that when a body reaches higher speed and gets close to c, that delay will get bigger to a point of ∞; and at that point it is in a state where it’s scattered across space and it’s nowhere at the same time. The need for such an explanation would be that in a black hole, because of the intensive speed and mass, a body entering will be teared down and lost. 38.75 comes from using 2.999x10^8 in Lorentz Factor. The electron doesn’t know, we would determine a duration to study the delay of that electron, I mainly attached the equation just as an evidence demonstrating that a body moves through Time first, solidifying it’s position before even getting there. The speculation isn’t quite final, I am constantly developing it. But I posted it just to see if the idea of it is good or not.
  2. enoemoSJ

    New Theory

    Yes it is, I meant 2.99x10^8 m/s I used it as the max speed because it’s not quite the value of c nor the value of a limit(3-) but it could be considered as a limit. As for testing I don’t really know.
  3. enoemoSJ

    New Theory

    When a body moves, it move through time first then through space so there’s delay. it’s like movement throught time - delay - movement through space the γm is for v= 2.99x10^16 Will do Thanks 🙏🏻
  4. enoemoSJ

    New Theory

    Hello! I'm new here and I just wanted to try and show my theory to everyone so I could get some opinions and maybe some advice. Thank You 🙏 The Universe is 4 Dimensional, an entity existing in Space-Time flows through Time, then in Space. The delay existing in the movement of an electron for 1 second is 6.93907x10^-7 s . A body existing in 3d space is in a state of everywhere and nowhere meaning that it has no particular coordinates. When approaching great speeds, the delay in the movements gets bigger and more significant. The speed of Light is a limit for every body that has a noticeable mass. Information entering a 3d space only is lost. with Ekr: Relative Kinetic Energy; Etr: Relative Total Energy; Δt: Duration of the movement; γm: representing the max “Possible” speed, γm = 38.75.Again Thank You🙏
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