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Everything posted by xdxd

  1. i am confused about the process of bronchopnuemonia. because of inflammation will there be consolidation in the terminal bronchioles and will this lead to the stages such as red hepatization and grey hepatization which is seen in lobar pnuemonia
  2. how come lobar pneumonia stays within one lobe and bronchopnuemonia spreads with throughout the whole lungs?
  3. you need it to keep you hydrated and stops your cells from shrinking. water is used for hydrolysis reactions in the body- digestion which is essential for glucose formation for aerobic respiration, if it has to use anerobic respiration, it can lead to lactic acidosis also you need water to stop you from having hypotension (low blood pressure) less water in the blood means that there will be a lower hematocrit and according to virvhow's triad (hypercoagulability, stasis, reduction in blood flow (stasis)), it will make a thrombus more likely water also plays a key role in internal body temperature regulation
  4. so incubation period is the time from when you are first affected until you show the first signs and symptoms. this can vary from 2-14 days with the average of 5 days they found according to studies i was wondering 1) if during this incubation period, the virus is contagious 2) also if an asymptomatic carrier is only somebody who is in the incubation period (and maybe covalescent period- after you have the disease but you can still spread it?), *can people in stages such as the prodormal stage and the acute infection stage (the third stage after prodormal stage).
  5. so incubation period is the time from when you are first affected until you show the first signs and symptoms. this can vary from 2-14 days with the average of 5 days they found according to studies i was wondering 1) if during this incubation period, the virus is contagious 2) also if an asymptomatic carrier is only somebody who is in the incubation period (and maybe covalescent period- after you have the disease but you can still spread it?), *can people in stages such as the prodormal stage and the acute infection stage (the third stage after prodormal)
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