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Posts posted by scifimath

  1. 19 hours ago, Mordred said:

    Wave particle duality is highly tested. Your false assertions are not. 

    Your also thinking of particles as little solid objects. They are not, 

    QFT applies Relativity and uses spacetime it isn't seperate from it.

    give me the tests

    QFT needs updated. Spacetime can morph the Quantum field but it isn't using it.

    19 hours ago, uncool said:

    Presumably, they no longer are unrelated, then? Otherwise, how do you ensure that two "unrelated" waves have the same phase?

    give me whatever results you have

    19 hours ago, swansont said:


    This makes no sense. Wave-particle duality does not say that wave and particle behavior will be observed at the same time. If you tell me it’s a matter wave, I can’t show you particle behavior.

    But in interference, you get the wave behavior, and later on, when you detect, you get particle behavior.


    No, the experiments have been done. We know what the model predicts and know the results. No guessing or assuming needed.


    Sorry, “spacetime object” isn’t a thing in mainstream physics. Your own pet theories are not a part of this discussion.


    Moderator Note

    Since you’ve decided to teach/preach, I have moved this to speculations. 

    Give us your model, predictions and/or evidence. You should be familiar with the rules by now.


    lol, oh so all of a sudden duality isn't a duality


    18 hours ago, Mordred said:

    So how does electron flow work in copper wire ? It seems you are thinking electrons as a physical object so please explain that.

    I can name other matter particles that can readily pass through solid objects.

    I don't care about electrons


    17 hours ago, studiot said:


    Perhaps you could explain why there is so much shielding around nuclear reactors or how hydrogen, helium and methane gases can pass through several feet thickness of solid concrete?

    They would be smart to put a camera inside and outside. Waves can go through barriers. 

  2. That's pretty lame if they don't bounce off each other? Cause that means they are Matter OR Waves ..not both at the same time..

    One of these days you guys are going to accept this.

    waves can go through barriers, physical objects can not

    Physical objects use spacetime, not the quantum field.

    The state of a particle is decided before it starts moving on its path.

    You can't ignore the realms of the observed vs unobserved anymore.

  3. 5 hours ago, Mordred said:

    Constructive interference if they have different phases destructive interference. I did post a link describing this. See the link on wave interference.

    oh so matter can disappear ..neat.


    2 hours ago, swansont said:

    You will see wave behavior if your experiment is set up to see that, and particle behavior in an experiment designed to see particle behavior.

    It’s not like a quantum particle acting as a wave can never exhibit particle behavior in some other interaction.

    Observing isn’t an issue - this isn’t related to wave function collapse

    Show me an unobserved quantum matter wave acting like a particle.

    Observing is an issue because you are only guessing/assuming what will happen.

    Wave function collapse happens when a quantum wave hits a spacetime object and can't move on. Observation (placing a detector that a particle can pass through) does decide if the particle will be cohered or not.

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