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About healingmindn

  • Birthday August 17

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  • Lepton

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  1. Since this posting is under pseudoscience and speculations, I might as well go for it. We experience all of these neural patterns throughout the day. One is always more predominant than the other according to mood, environment, and level of consciousness. There are siddhas or "accomplished ones" in the practice of Transcendental Meditation who are able to push one particular neural pattern over the others; this was an actual neuroscience study of eeg patterns wherein a meditation master could achieve the alpha state almost instantly. The delta patterns are even more interesting. Supposedly, the remote viewing courses train people to achieve the delta state almost immediately. Parapsychologists who have studied psychic phenomena verify that the delta state is predominant in these people. As a practitioner, I can tell you that training your brainwaves into the delta region induces a waking "sleep state" wherein you have lucid dreams, so it's more of a fluctuating delta state. Brainwave entrainment definitely helps to achieve delta state or "mental level delta" as remote viewer Gerald O'Donnell says it, but entrainment can be come a crutch if you want to achieve the delta state at will, anywhere, anytime; that's what the remote viewing courses are for. Train yourself to achieve delta state at any time. Of course, since this is all under "pseudoscience" take it with a grain of salt. Mainstream science says we're just meatsacks, but I'd like to think we're more than that.
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