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Posts posted by dsjgenius

  1. i was just thinking that when we tell a person that he/she is multi-faceted it is a compliment but when we tell a person he has multiple personality it is genrally an insult

    cud someone help me out and clearify the differneces between these two things as i think thaey r pretty much the same

  2. hey i can see why u would think ADD is not even a real disease. i mean we all have attention defecit, at some time or another .but it is called a disease as doctors worry about the extreme cases of such diseases not the normal cases. it is our own fault that we take these things to seriuolsy sometimes.

  3. well chatha

    i sort of se what ur saying but i do not neccessaarily agree with all of it. i see that u might be thinking that doctors just "make up " diseases for the sake of it even if it affects only one person, but i think all medical professionals do that to "organize"all the knowledge we have. isn't that true with any other proffesion. i mean its true for the whole freakin human race, we like to organize everything to death.

  4. the best games i like is first person shooting. i mean they r so freaking addictive. the game i am playing now is HALO . its freaking addictive like hell. my finals r on monday and i play halo for hours.

    i know i shudnt but its addictive

    damn the creators . LOL

  5. Thomas Wood:

    i belive there is e.t's. Iff the big bang created us, theres potentionaly millions more life forms


    what do u mean by potenially millions more life forms, how are u corerelating the big bang with life origination.

  6. Origanlly posted by YT



    The Drake Equasions seems logical

    YT can u give and explain the drake equations i read the equation but i only found one.

    are there more than one eqaution?

    well could u explain the equation and how they are credible

  7. I think life will arise everywhere there is a possibility, not just by chance.

    To have the Earth as the only place in the hole Universe with the correct circumstanses for life to arise must have lower odds than the opposite.

    how is by chance if the possibilty of life arising onanother planet is more than the possibilty of life arising only on earth


    isn't this a contradiction by itself

  8. well iwas thinking maybe the whole concept of the HIDE could be manifested in the idea that children view their blankets as an association with their parents and thus tend to think they are protective.


    for most children parents tuck the child into bed with the blanket and then the child feels he/she safe. so what i was thinking is tha for human babies and then children take the blankets and their rooms as THE SAFE PLACE as they closely associate these places and objects to thier parents-the ultimate figure of protection.


    Originally quoted by YT

    the Ostritch has a similar "defense" as coined in the saying "Burying your head in the sand" working on the principal that if you can`t see IT... IT can`t see you either :)


    Well YT you are probably right about the basic animal instinct but what i'm more interested in is how this basic animal instinct came to exist??

  9. I was just wondering why children from age 2-9 view thier blankets as a source of protection from anyhting "bad". We alll must have had experienes where we were scared as children and then hid under are blankets beliving that nothing then could harm us


    has anybody got a theory as to why, how and when this mental concept is developed . :confused:

  10. Yeah we get bullying in our schools and this does get majorly out of hand at times, and people have been killed, but shootings are very few and far between. Then again we dont have a constitution that states we can take arms.


    klanger thank you u just provided me with a good example of refutation to

    the argument that bullying the the major cause of school violence.


    yes i agree people in UK are also bullied , as so was i as i was from India, but i did not pick up a gun to shoot some kids


    We have also opened our doors to countries in danger and given them assilum, such as Korea and Bosnia. I think in the UK we are just as diverse as the states if not more so, though that may seem that way to me because basically the UK is probably no bigger than one of your smaller states, so the diversity of peoples hasnt been diluted down with distance.


    i totally agree with u that UK is as diverse as america i lived there for 4 years when i was a child and i too met a lot of people from diverse background.


    well thank u for such a good idea

  11. Hey everbody


    i have a sociology paper due in two weeks, and the topic is school shooting and violence.


    i came acroos some very cool statistics but i can't seem to get a hold of any theories that i can cite

    if anybody has info on such theories such as causes of school shooting or its consequences on society, please let me know the author or if possible the website/book i can find the info


    also any original ides about causes are appreciated.

    thanks :confused:

  12. i understand the want of humans to create a pill that will increase the ability to memorize, but what i do not understand is that why would any one want to create a pill that will destroy memory. if suppose a memory is destroyed( if it can be destroyed) will it affect the brains functioning, i think it will. look at it this way- every memory has with it associated knowledge that a person gains from the experience of the event, if the event is erased from memory how will that knowledge be validated, how will the person know that what he has knowledge about is correct or not, will he still have that knowledge or will it still be of use to the individual. if a memory is destroyed what will happen to all the other emmories that are linked with it, and if each such memory is destroted will the person be left with any memory at all.

    the way i see it is that memory is a synaptic link between neurons in the brain, if the memory has to be destroyed that synpase will have to be destroyed, so won't the other synapses which were created due to that "primary" synapse become useless as thje intial link will be lost and hence will not this whole process cause mental imbalance in the person

    even if all this can be over come how will one go about destroying a particular memory because as of now we do not have any conclusive method of pinpointing the exact location of the seat of a memory :confused::confused:

  13. well if you can not disprove there is such a thing called light, it does not mean that there is such a thing as light (or photons for that case) so i agree with johhny5 in that physics does need a more conclusive model of light and photons as the currrent model of light as photons is too abstract and vague for some people to understand

  14. It is said that a virus can not attach nother virus due to protien protien interaction between the "walls" of the viruses. so it is possible to give immunity to a cell against any virus by simply adding the protien seqence from the caspid of the virus wall to the cell wall of the cell. so now that the cell has the protien on its wall the attacking virus will 'think; the cell to be another virus and hence will not attack it.

    can this whole strategy be developed for complete systems instead of just one cell

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