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Everything posted by singhsippi

  1. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion, including changes in its speed and direction or the state of rest. It is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at constant velocity. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics that are used to describe the motion of objects and how they are affected by applied forces. Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, sluggish. Inertia is one of the primary manifestations of mass, which is a quantitative property of physical systems. Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which states: link removed by mod
  2. Do not confuse this with Enthalpy url deleted edited by mod ! Moderator Note This is a direct quote from Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy Any more posts that consist of only plagiarised material and a spammy link will lead to an immediate spam-ban.
  3. I can't think of ten off the top of my head, but quantum gravity and Vacuum catastrophe would count as one. link removed
  4. An isotope is an element that has the same atomic number but different atomic mass compared to the periodic table. Every element has a proton, neutron, and electron. The number of protons is equal to the atomic number, and the number of electrons is equal the protons, unless it is an ion. To determine the number of neutrons in an element you subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass of the element. Atomic mass is represented as (A) and atomic number is represented as (Z) and neutrons are represented as (N). A=N+Z(1) atomic mass = number of neutrons + atomic number To determine the stability of an isotope you can use the ratio of neutrons to protons (N:Z)
  5. When heat is added to a substance, the molecules and atoms vibrate faster. As atoms vibrate faster, the space between atoms increases. The motion and spacing of the particles determines the state of matter of the substance. The end result of increased molecular motion is that the object expands and takes up more space.
  6. I have always heard that physicists do not know about whether backward time travel is done or not. I think that is absolutely wrong. Physicists say they have proved that a single photon obeys Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light — demonstrating that outside science fiction, time travel is impossible.
  7. "Special Theory of Relativity", a simple and elegant hypothesis that made a number of remarkable assertions, nothing could exceed the speed of light clocks in a moving object slow down, the length of a moving object shrinks, and the mass of a moving object increases. These assertions have been confirmed by observations and experiment, and are now generally accepted.
  8. The theory of maximum entropy is that subject to precisely stated prior data, the probability distribution which represent the best current state of knowledge is the one with largest entropy.
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