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Posts posted by LisaLiel

  1. If the brain is convinced the body will freeze to death, it is said the person will become hypothermic and would die, because the brain is convinced of it. (Nocebo effect is well known to scientists and fully accepted) there was a case of a man misdiagnosed with cancer and he died months later of cancer like symptoms. look up 'voodoo death' on Wikipedia. it mentions that case. also a man believed sugar pills were real pills. he overdosed on them trying to kill himself. his blood pressure went very low even though the pills were harmless and needed medical attention. This case was mentioned in the Smithsonian Magazine ''Beware the Nocebo effect'' and Smithsonian is a reputable scientific source. There is also the famous story of Nick Sitzman who froze to death in a warm room because he imagined being cold.

    The nocebo effect is well known and I know we can't really test for this since dead people cannot tell us their dream but I am curious.

  2. This question came into my mind after I watched some documentary that showcased bizarre deaths in history. Some well known and others not so well known. One involved the 16th(I think?) Century murder. These guys broke into a house during the night and seized a man from his bed and took him to a cellar. There they tied him down and used awls to open veins then they sucked the blood until the guy died. I figured the context I mentioned was important because I know it'd hurt a lot to die of blood loss from a gunshot wound for instance. In this instance I don't think there should be much pain, I'm assuming it's just feeling sleepy and passing out? Or am I wrong?

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