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Everything posted by Steinein

  1. Quark..... "Please, please. please, do not over-think this problem !" your statement above shows that you can think along the right lines, but because the answer to this problem is a very simple one. if you add complexity then "you will not be able to see the forest for the trees !" I am pleased that you understand there is a correlation between space-time and energy.However, the only way you will truly be able to understand our reality, will be when you can work it out for yourself, its not difficult and I will do my best to assist you by offering you clues...... You mention time expanding and becoming space...... "What you need to do, is think about what happens when space condenses into time." Have fun and let me know your conclusion.
  2. "time and space are modes by which we think, not conditions in which we live." ["space and time can no longer be independent. Rather, they are "converted" into each other in such a way as to keep the speed of light constant for all observers."] A couple of Einsteins quotes that should help you to understand what time actually is..... With the energy-mass equivalence joules of energy equal kilograms of mass. (Look it up on Wiki if you want to know the ratio.) With space and time there is also an equivalence, where the ratio is 299792458 meters of distance = 1 second of time...... Once a second of time has converted to space the time component is zero and the distance becomes 299792458 meters, Hence the cosmological speed limit and the reason that anything travelling at the speed of light doesn't experience time. Relativity isn't really difficult to understand, (unless the mathematicians get involved that is.) I find it difficult to believe that Einstein didn't complete the equation e=m x c x c because the finished equation explains the singularity plus cosmic inflation and expansion. It also unifies quantum and relativity theory. The clue is very much in the c x c part of the theory. If you care to give the matter some thought, I would be more than pleased to let you know when you are on the right track. Happy pondering.... "I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!"
  3. I have been researching the navigational ability of homing pigeons, which are descendants of the wild rock dove, ( Columba Livia ) and have discovered that they posses what can be considered the biological equivalent of an astrolabe...To anyone unfamiliar with Astrolabes, Wikipedia gives a good summation of what they are and their uses. There is a simple experiment that shows how this biological hardware works, which can be performed using a live homing pigeon and a 100 Watt incandescent lamp. (No harm comes to the pigeon.) Recent advances in quantum science, have shown that homing pigeons have a biological compass and I can show experimentally that they also posses a biological clock and an altimeter. This gives them all the required instrumentation to navigate successfully with an extreme degree of accuracy. I am confident that I have also worked out how these creatures store the way-points that allow them to return to any previously visited location, I hope that this subject will be of interest to others on this forum and that a more detailed discussion can ensue.
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