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Posts posted by /backslash/

  1. Isn't the advancement of civilisation and the creation of technology a natural process? Ants and termites engineer their environments in much the same way we do, and that isn't considered 'unnatural'. Besides, most animals do live in primitive social systems.

    How are you more human than anyone else? Your comments above don't make much sense, no offence.

  2. But it is not the star that becomes the black hole, But are caused by the star going nova tearing the space around said star (A RIP IN THE FABRIC OF SPACE/TIME), .

    Why? why would this actually occur? How exactly would a star's collapse 'rip the fabric of space and time'? And how would such a tear show the kinds of effects that black holes do?

  3. Fusion works with all the elements up to about iron.

    That's how they are made.

    They are made in stars, and the whole lot are gases under those circumstances.


    It is, in principle, possible to make a fission reactor with uranium hexafluoride vapour.

    There are plenty of plans for using molten salts for fission reactions of thorium.


    The physical state is not fundamental to the fission/ fusion process; it's a coincidence.

    How was iron created then?

  4. I'm starting this thread for a debate about why and how humans form governmental systems.

    This seems like a fairly interesting idea to discuss.

    Note, too, that even before humans evolved, primitive caste systems were used by the more advanced organisms (e.g. Gorillas, ants are a prime example of a complex organisational system).

    This is not a thread about anarchy.

  5. Why on Earth (no pun intended), or any other orbiting body, for that matter, would such a thing ever occur? Of course it's not in Wikipedia, and for good reason.

    If this 'theory' is true, how does the Earth's motion not transfer energy to itself and cause the Earth to spin at an infinite speed?

  6. Someone should do an experiment on this: take one group of children who's parents refuse to vaccinate them and keep them all together all the time for a month or so, and compare their average state of health to a similar group of vaccinated kids.

  7. According to Google, the definition of cyberpunk is:

    a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.

    This sounds to me like almost every chat website (think 4chan). The Future may have been fulfilled, at least, in that regard.

    The futuristic ideals that the starter grew up with were looking in the wrong direction- away from computing technology. Most people didn't think that it would be used for much more than scientific and business calculations, and see now how much it has changed our lives.

  8. The human brain transmits information in a very different way than a computer does. Even if some way were discovered of converting the brain's electrochemical signals to bits, it would probably not work to 'run' the person's mind like software on a computer, and definitely not to 'download' someone's mind into another person's brain. That would require actually physically rewiring the neurons of whoever received the 'mind transplant'. It would be something like tring to put Java code through a C++ compiler.

  9. Chaos has some influence on just about everything in the universe. However, it may be a little bit overly philosophical to state that chaos is order. Every system in existence is continuously trying to achieve equilibrium in one form or another, from atoms to the Hoover Dam.

  10. I thought it would be helpful if we compiled a

    It's of physics theories, maybe for cross referencing and citations in physics posts. I've got a few; see if you can find more to list. Links would be great.

    My noob list:

    -Abstract Quantum Theory

    -Markov chains (discrete classical probabilities) and information theory

    -Theory of Quantum States and Measurements, and its resulting concept of entropy

    -Least Action Principle (fundamental expression of classical mechanics, reversible phenomena)

    -Conservation Laws (macroscopic approach of classical mechanics)

    -Symplectic Chaos Theory (continuous probabilities in reversible phenomena. Examples: study of stability of planetary orbits; asteroid belts and globular clusters - even if some kinds of irreversible processes are present there too)

    -Dissipative Chaos Theory (example : climatology)

    -Thermic Equilibrium (microscopic description at a fixed temperature)

    -Classical Thermodynamics (macroscopic description; either static or dynamic behaviors, using the macroscopic effects of the thermic equilibrium of every small zone of matter at their respective temperatures)

    This is from settheory.com.

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