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Everything posted by vitality00

  1. Electromagnetic induction Magnetic induction Magnetic induction I believe is used for transformers Electromagnetic induction is used for antennas/sending em radiation signals and EMP devices etc
  2. Is this basically how Wardenclyffe Tower was suppose to work
  3. Does a neutron emit/produce radiation like charge particles do when they accelerate? I assume they produce or have some sort of thermal energy since nothing is at absolute zero
  4. I am going to attempt to make my own circuit using a printed circuit board I was looking for soldering irons on-line and they have it classified as such -heavy duty soldering iron -medium duty soldering iron -light duty soldering iron and also they have different wattages which i do not understand its benefit or disadvantages (30w, 120w etc)
  5. that is practical and is not near the speed of light (because then i need to transform equation) please insert beginning and ending velocity and find acceleration for it thanks
  6. I would like to find the acceleration of an electron moving in a straight line from a point a to point b
  7. What are the limitations of lamor's equation for finding the power emitted from a charge formula --> P = (2/3) * (q^2 * a^2/c^3) q = charge a = acceleration c = speed of lightt I was also told that lamor's equation must be "transformed" in order to find the amount of power emitted from a charge moving close the speed of light (something about relativity) - so how does one "transform" this equation for relativity The information i got was from this link, it is pretty simply to understand http://www.cv.nrao.edu/course/astr534/LarmorRad.html
  8. Letter "v" with a dot on top of it? I was told it means acceleration but not sure why or if correct
  9. The formula I am using says that it is a non-relativistic equation and to calculate velocities near the speed of light I have to transform it somehow to make it relativistically accurate (something like that)
  10. So is an electromagnetic pulse just electromagnetic induction? like how transformers work....?
  11. electron-positron annihilation is the only way for an electron to completely release all of its rest energy/mass and what i mean is that rest energy/mass never change, but relativistic mass/energy refers to a rest mass that is in motion, the added kinetic energy is what refers to its relativistic mass i think (something like that)..... so is it only the kinetic energy and ONLY the kinetic that is converted to radiation to change rest energy/mass to radiation requires a anti-particle/matter equal in quantity etc?
  12. A charge emits in radiation what it has as its relativistic mass, rest energy of particles never change, only with its anti-particle?
  13. And how does it work Here is what I am referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_pulse it doesn't talk about devices which utilize electromagnetic pulse but I think I saw in a movie where it was used to disable alot of electronic devices. does that have any truth to it in reality?
  14. Please explain thanks with analogies, I have hard time understanding from wikipedia, more practical/real life example would be good thanks
  15. The antenna's radio stations use to produce radio waves, can it be customized to emit radiowaves/gamma rays or if one simply increased frequency?
  16. How do scientists see it if it doesn't produce radiation theoretically since it does not have a positive or negative charge. What affect does not having a charge make a neutron differ from an electron and proton?
  17. I understand that an accelerated charge produces/emits radiation (I have looked at lamors formula/poynting vector etc for the way this occurs) but I am wondering what does it take to get a certain/specific frequency of em radiation to be emitted/produced by the accelerated charge? Is the frequency of em radiaton emitted proportional to acceleration?
  18. energy due to accelerate I read in wikipedia that if an object loses energy then it must be proportional to the mass of the object, so is the charge actually losing mass and converting that mass into radiation or is the charges oscillation causes waves of radiation? Where is the energy coming from basically?
  19. thank you in advance, i understand that all particles have "thermal motion" i believe (something along those lines) and thus they are always emitting radiation (even neutrons? <--- yes that is a question so answer that too please if you can) as long as it is above absolute zero...... and thermal motion means thermal emission of radiation (thermal radiation)
  20. Thank you in advance, detailed explanation would be great or a good link you can find (besides wikipedia )
  21. how does it function please explain in detail
  22. For the equation e=mc^2 which energy is it referring to, I have read that nuclear binding energy is the energy difference between a nucleus as a whole and the separate components = deltamc^2 so has the energy of the actual matter which i think is a form of energy actually been used/converted to energy or is it simply some abstract thing we call "binding energy"
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