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Posts posted by empty

  1. I do not think changing mass from fuel consumption is considered in the numbers in my first post. You will notice it takes 2 years to reach .97c and then another 10 years to reach .99999..c . It seems that maybe the rocket accelerates slower and slower as the speed increases because of this so called relativistic mass.


    if I count the vectors of the rocket I will say , it will accelerate in curve way that means - at least for me - the acceleration will divide it in x ,y and z maybe it will go like twister ;) way . or maybe those rules doesn't count in this situation .

    I did read some wikis things about acceleration it's seem the equations can't used in 1G relativistic state .

  2. It isn't a bell curve?





    So, would the acceleration of a constant Force rocket slow its acceleration as speed increased? And restarting the engines would be less then 1G?

    Merged post follows:

    Consecutive posts merged



    mass of the Moon * (the speed of light^2) = 6.61483812 × 10^39 joules. You will need a big rocket and please do not point it towards Earth. :)


    who said I want reach the moon to speed of light ?

    I just want to accelerate it > 0 in noticeable way .


    Yes, every meteorite that hits the moon accelerates by a tiny, tiny, tiny amount. Any force at all can move it. When you jump up in the air here on Earth, you're also pushing the entire rest of the Earth downwards by a tiny, tiny, tiny amount. And when gravity pulls you back towards it, you're also pulling it towards you with the same force. But since the Earth is so much bigger than you, the effect is too small to notice.


    And yes, that rocket sticking out of the moon would move it. But the moon is so large that it would take probably a billion years of thrust to make any noticeable change.


    I'm still laughing but really that was the best answer. I guess we have to wait another a billion years to discover the moon escaped from the gravity of the earth.




    can someone tell me if this motion will goes in a liner or a curved way .

    as I now the velocity increase with the time in liner way .

    how can I calculate the acceleration in every moment , with variable (v) and (t) ? as I know ?


    a = dv / dt


    vf = vo + at (f = final , o = original )

    or something else .


    I mentioned before but I didn't notice that things :doh: . as we know thrust comes from the blast and that comes from fuel . and of course fuel has a mass that mass connected with the spaceship .so with same thrust and a variable mass of fuel on that ship will make the spaceship continue at 1g until the fuel will be zero .


    in that way it will be more logical ;) .


    I have to take my ticket in that journey .

  3. If anything it would be slowing the moon down since meteorites would strike more frequently on the side of the direction of motion rather than catching up to strike on the other side. Meteorites are mostly tiny and far outweighed by other effects, sort of like trying to knock the ball off of a large stone kugel by throwing stones at it (you probably couldn't even lift a stone large enough to noticably affect it).


    I'm not sure if you understood the idea . maybe you didn't read the whole story

    take this example and explain it for me more . I want move the moon so I decide to built a machine ( the rocket moon ) the head of the rocket it's moon it self and the back of the rocket will be the machine look at this picture :eek: . if I start the machine do you think the moon start to move or not ?

  4. "force would be force" it's true but there is a less and a more force

    at 1st newtons law ". Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it."

    as based of your theories and 1st newton's law you can move 1000,000 tons on space with one finger if and only if that is true then your theories will be true .


    but I can't see that happening . our space most of it is empty :confused: and there is a moon and it's on an empty space without any resistant , that moon has no atmosphere so if it's hitting by Meteorite ( as it's a moving object it means it has a force or at least what Newton thinks) it should force the moon to accelerate !!! why would that not happening .


    still all the three Newton's laws confusing us :-(


    I don't know what does Issac Newton mean by "external force is applied to it" ?


    You speak my kind of math. :D

    Are you saying that less spinning and equal spinning would produce the same results (constant velocity)? And more spinning is needed for acceleration?


    When you take all resistance away it would seem that more spinning would not require additional force, just a higher gear. I guess the part that confuses me is I see everything as at rest in space so force would be force. How else can you look at it in a metric without an ether? If you have any comments on the post above this one I would appreciate it. I relate to your words and appreciate it. I have my good areas but formal training in physics is not one of them, as you can tell. :)


    yes that exactly what I meant before .

    lets see it in other side ,you can't get a full energy from a constant force - as mass it not changing (again relativity things)- maybe it's more complicated. :confused:

    I think force and energy are two sides of same coin .I mean if the force are constant how does you will get more and more energy ?


    for now , this is the only things I can say .

  6. And in my head.

    As long as there is thrust pushing the rocket it will accelerate in the vacuum of space. Inertia says a body in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. So if there is thrust (outside force), the rocket will continue accelerating towards the speed of light but never make it. There will be no forces acting on the rocket except for the thrust (discounting space dust and gravity). So newton's theory of action and reaction fits well. :)


    Where are the experts??


    it's better to explain it in a low motion physics . try to imagine your are in space .and there is a road ( resistant of road=0) and your are in a bicycle . you started moving your legs and spinning the pad .your bicycle will started moving and you will slowly begin spin the pad faster and faster so I have a five things .


    1- is there any limit of your spinning ?

    2- did you reach your limit of spinning?

    3- at point your are spinning the pad at that limit ? is your bicycle accelerating ?

    4- now stop spinning the pad did your bicycle stop ( don't forget you are still in a space without resistant ) so there is only velocity

    5- now spin the pad again do you feel your bicycle has any acceleration as you already reached your limit.


    my point there is three states of your position .

    less spinning

    equal spinning

    more spinning


    so ( less or equal spinning will not accelerate your bicycle ) rather than ( more spinning will accelerate it for sure ).


    spinning = force


    ((about the resistant things :if resistant exist it's only make you slower but if it's not exist it doesn't mean you will go faster you only will go in actual speed ))

  7. I would think in the vacuum of space a constant thrust could provide a constant 1G. Could someone elaborate on that please?


    1G of velocity yes, but I'm not sure - as I'm not physician- it happens with acceleration .

    I will take newton's theory of action and reaction . in simple way :doh:


    ( there is a lot example but I will chose this one )


    A and B two different of mass on the space (two different guys try pushing back together) if:


    1-mass A=B ( and they push as same force this mean they separate in a same acceleration )

    2-mass A>B ( and they push as same force this mean acceleration of A will be less than B )

    3-mass A<B (and they push as same force this mean acceleration of A will be more than B)


    even all those state and movement object ,the acceleration will be zero again until they get more force greater than before . ( vectors things)


    maybe the relativity has related of these things :confused:


    that was all what I imagine of the movement in the space .so it just theories in my head .

  8. you really hit something at that speed and make another big bang on our universe .


    I think mathematically it's possible -I actually thought about that before - but physically it's far from possible . at 1G of acceleration and every point of it you need more and more energy to keep you go that acceleration .

    1/ million million million ...etc mistake of direction make you go in curved way .



    I don't know why most people still imagine they can travel in liner way. even in the earth you traveling in curved way .

  9. Not for along time google earth upgrade their program to sky view ( stars & solar system and galaxies ) . for me this was the best idea as most people like astronomer and enthusiast have a hard time to find stars and galaxies . so is this pictures and the directions are real or fake ?. most of them looks like they are real stars and real galaxies even the directions of it .



    and sorry if this topic was mentioned before .

  10. Could be the sound of the wax squishing in your ear as you poke your finger in? Subtle movements of your fingers brushing skin on small scale? You will hear internal body sounds that you normally wouldn't as well.


    I'll listen to the youtube thing when I get home - supposed to be working now.


    who knows maybe you're right . :confused:

  11. -I'm empty

    -27 yr

    -I like No: 3 and hate No: 0 :doh:

    -I still don't know how can I see things :confused:

    -more thing confuse me it's how did scientists discover a black hole at same time it sucks every things even the light :eek:

    -there is no perfect in our world

    -I still don't know what's a nature ?

    -and I'm in love :D ( yes I know I'm lucky)

  12. when I close my ears by my hand . I hear a noise actually two different noises .

    one of them with different vibration -frequency- ( like something exploding) and other one has same vibration -frequency- it's more like ( toooooooooo ).


    any one know what are those sounds ?


    and I'm sorry if that was a stupid question

  13. IMO at some point the universe will stop expanding .maybe the reason will be the reverse gravity of the universe and start back to point zero .


    there are a lot of things we didn't take it maybe one of them is time , our universe made of galaxies and that made of stars . some of them died by explosion and others became a black hole . my point is we can't imagine the expansion of universe if those things disappear or vanished . those things will die soon or later before they can expand .all people here imagine the expanding things but they didn't take changing thing ( time ).

  14. believe it

    if you said " Oh my god "

    if you fear the dark , when you know there is nothing to afraid about it.

    if you fear the death and you know there is nothing to lose

    if bother your self to think he exist or not exist . when you don't believe it .

  15. As all people here (scientists) with a little or more knowledge ,do you think there is a soul on some matter and not others - as we know, we are just atoms ( gases ,solids,liquids) . do you believe those things has a brain to thinks to creates a cell (a live object) moves by it self and begin to evolution .

    If the matter is not alive things how did they creates alive one !!! .

    At first I didn't understand the quotes that says people made of mud.

    as what I understand mud means ( gases,solids,liquids) in general way.

    so what is keeping the body alive ?

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