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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. What is the outcome of a collision between a photon and an electron ? Please opine.
  2. Although I don't really endorse the conventional view regarding IQ, I think toys are related to mental age. It is far more likely to find a child pre-occupied with a tricycle than with a quantum computer. (which even adults can't really fathom). Children love things which appeal to their sense of control and which give them a semblance of independence. (all part of growing up).
  3. Seems that it involves capturing the collective psyche through an innovative marketing strategy.....
  4. Ancient Egypt also influenced Greek thought. Plato is said to have narrated stories about his ancestor Solon who visited the temple of Neith (equated with Athene) at Sais Egypt. Thoth was equated with Hermes and Ptah with Hephaistos. These predate Buddhism by almost 1000 years.
  5. Uniqueness and exclusivity... add to self image and confidence....
  6. I thought that the title of the OP was clearly defining the scope of the discussion. The twelve Olympians are the twelve gods of the Greek pantheon (mapped to the zodiac signs, i think) and the twelve apostles are of course.... the twelve apostles...barring Judas (for obvious reasons). Another interesting change is the movement from anthropomorphism to humanism.
  7. Buddhism does not advocate belief in a God but lays down "The Four Noble Truths". Islam lays down those activities as "haram" which it considers morally objectionable eg)drinking, gambling, adultery. Christianity has morally charged parables and moral constructs like "So you sow so you reap" and "Love thy neighbour as thyself." Ancient Greek religion on the other hand is an attempt to fuse human personality with war and divinity through the personalities of gods and demi-gods. eg)Iliad
  8. How do fashion accessories like spectacles, watches, brooches etc. serve as indicators of personality traits ?
  9. Why has there been a change in the idiom of religion from emphasis on apotheosis to compassion. This is evident in most modern religions like Buddhism, Islam, Christianity etc.? I think modern religions contain less of folklore and more moral construct. Do you agree ?
  10. Are toys then a means of simulation ?
  11. What draws pre-schoolers to toys ? Is it because they represent real world objects that can be manipulated in real time by kids, as if they were the original ? Should we encourage kids to play with toys ?
  12. When I shake someone's hand my brain gets connected to my hand, which in turn gets connected to that person's hand, which connects to that person's brain. (my brain to his). Oxytocin and noradrenaline get secreted and the person feels good. How did the handshake (as we know it today) originate ?
  13. This topic has been discussed on other forums eg) https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110715194258AAJ7u3Z
  14. Do photons obey the equation : m = m0 / sq.rt (1 - v2/c2) since for photons v ~ c.
  15. To avoid cllches "thanks" for stopping by
  16. Sadly, this seems to be the outcome... far from a Utopian society or anything idealistic.
  17. The internet has made people who are geographically distant socially connected. Does this augur well for society as a whole ?
  18. 1. "If tomorrow comes" is a truism. There is no known law which can predict if we exist the next day. 2. Work today like there is no tomorrow. (This follows from 1 - if we intend to make the most of our lives). 3. Replace tomorrow with today - whenever tomorrow becomes today.. (This involves nothing more than a paradigm shift). 4. Then tomorrow will never come (follows from 3) 5. This marks the end of worrying and the beginning of enjoying your life to the fullest. Is this the right strategy to making your own destiny ?
  19. If you visualize each sense organ as a sensor, the resolution of that sensor.
  20. Will the pole star remain constant ?
  21. Which is the most acute of the five senses ?
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