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  • Favorite Area of Science
    electronics mysteries ufos pluss

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. scientists are like computers they are only as good as what you teach them from the very first day, so they stick to what there taught so if a new idea or something comes up that can contradict everything they know about it based on there old knowledge and whats passed down in there years of lerning from others who may not know themselfs, then it would be hard for them to except it because they dont know themselfs . like how many times has the law of phisics been brocken yes the rubish stuff they might of thought would be solid only to see it broken . even better how many admit it they got it wrong , or thought it was right when it wasent . if a new idea come up and they are reluctant to except it . then im looking forwards to seeing if they can except civilians who dont think like them take the nobel the nobel prize for a change , not all brilliant ideas were discoverd by scientists.
  2. hi im steven chiverton im a far ahead thinker allways thinking up new ideas experimenting dazeling into electronics and im allways constructing gadgets and and spacial energy coherers , and reserching the various things i have been able to power from a one wire output from these amazeing things. like high voltage capacitor chargers and other things , ive been told are not in any text books , these are not your boaring type hard to get parts for type things , and my ideas are pritty new to others , i also intrested in ufos there technology and alien contact and many other things , i monitor for exterraterestrial signals with gravity wave detectors and record them . and used toi go on night trips out into the bush to road test new biult sensor gadgtry , and listening to whats out there . i also dvelved into the hho stuff making my own rocket feul, or hydroxy gas from water to which ive used to power my own gas torch in experiments , to which ive always been taking notes and documenting it all , ive videoed many experiments and my spacial energy coherer ones amoungst them all and uploaded to skydrive for anyone who likes to look .i have much to share in colected knowledge and ideas over the years
  3. this is a topic i can help with however theres a few hv photoflash cap chargers you can make to help charge those photoflash caps to use for this but at the moment im still in my experimental stages and testing on the latest ones but they are very advanced or maybe technicle to biuld and involves chargeing hv photoflash capcitors via one wire. its a long story.
  4. protecting the scr s from the back emf from the coil start at the coil a few hevey current diodes in parralell across the coils inputs should do sometimes it be better to use an alternative than the scr .
  5. this ones been showen in a youtube video induction coil device allso i had the design for one it involved induceing current from your coil into the alliuminium ring thus the diagmagnetism causes the alliuminium ring to shoot upwards . the coil is induceing the current into the ring so it works good and like levitation
  6. yes an ignition coil can be used to charge capacitors but you need to make the ignition coil driver circiut first as for the ignition coil theres a simple circiut you can make to link to it and its hv output to enable photoflash capacitors to be charged up for use in a coilgun etc etc. and the same circiut can be used for the disc shaped flyback transformer without the in biult hv trippler to charge capcitors up for use in these things .
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