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  1. ok, does any scientist on this forum know what happens when you apply glyphosate to a plant, and then the plant is fed to cattle, and then we eat the cattle, as beef? Is it just like eating salt? I have always wondered about that. but do not know the chemical reactions, does anyone know? Is the glyphosate broken down into harmless products? or? Chiwi
  2. Here we are, applying glyphosate like water, over the earth, and I had no idea! does anyone know what happens when animals ingest this? nerve gases? for real? wow, I have so much to learn. As a child, I sat on the trailer, behind the tractor, driving through fields of young almond trees, spraying malathion, as the wind blew the malathion into our faces, for hours, ( that is what is wrong with me, haha). I really like this forum, have been enjoying reading everyone's posts, even though i have to go to google, and look everything up afterwards, ha!
  3. the worst smell, that makes me real sick feeling, and nausea, is the new tar for roofs, the welcome mats made from tires, the apple brand cover for the ipad, the stuff they put on your hair at the beauty shop to keep the curls in, i think it is called petroleum distillate, or something from that? i am not a chemist (my husband was) It smells bad, and in addition to that, when i smell it, i start getting nausea, and headache, and weakness, etc. no, not my imagination, as my 93 year old dad, has the same reaction.
  4. Wow, I am getting some good info, on mercury, thank you so much, everyone! I just would rather have the facts, and then I can make more of an informed decision. I am not a chemist, am more of a botanist; husband was the chemist. I will tell my friend, the former hospital nurse.
  5. I am not sure what they were for, but believe it or not, this was in California, and I could hardly believe what she was saying, but I was right, thank you. I am now trying to change out all my CFL's to LED's. I will take lead and arsenic over mercury any day. Plus, I just read that those CFL's that are broken, can keep emitting mercury over a long period, like average 40 days, unless you remove them. The thought of this, kind of paralyzes me, with children around. Thank you, Strange. Chiwi
  6. Hi, we were having a discussion the other night, and I said, mercury was much more toxic than lead or arsenic, to humans. does anyone know if this is true. My friend, the nurse, said she worked with mercury all the time, and made up skin creams containing mercury for patients in the hospital where she worked. We were originally talking about mercury in CFL's. Thanks, Chiwi
  7. Hi, I am an old dog that is fascinated with ecology, mostly of plants.
  8. Classification of organisms is not included, I don't believe. Ecology is the study of organisms in relation to their environment, for the older definition. New sub branches are being added all the time, though. oops, forgot to add some branches of ecology; for example, ecosystems ecology, and agroecology, etc. Can you make a television out of sticks, grass, mud, or milkweed stems?
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