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Auras and kirilian photography


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The definition of aura depends on whom you ask. It means many things to many people, is not a true scientific concept, and so can refer to a biomagnetic field if you choose to refer to it that way. I don't believe that's how the vast majority of people use the term, though.


Kirlian photography is unlikely to be helpful here either, especially since it is more a measure of moisture and galvanic skin response than it is a measure of an electric field. More than anything, you have a lot of people who desperately wish for this idea of auras to be taken seriously using this interesting photographic technique to make claims that have no basis in reality.




Also, here:



Kirlian photography has little merit besides being a nice way to illustrate coronal discharge and making pretty cool pictures. Of course, that doesn't stop people trying to find un-scientific merit.

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