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what are good reasons of believing anything?


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I guess I just have to hope for a miracle so that you get a chance to address a group of psychologists.

Anyway, Sorry if I caused any offence by the way i phrased it.

What I meant was that , if you said that in front of a bunch of psychologists, I suspect that rather a lot of them would point out that they run experiments based on the premise that the scientific method does work on experience.


And the scientific method does work on things like cancer epidemiology. There are repetitions of experiments- they call it meta-analysis- but whatever the name they choose, the fact that they can do it tells you that the experiments are repeated.

Of course, one could argue (rather pointlessly) that no experiment is ever repeated- if I do the same experiment with the stack of blocks today as I did yesterday then the different position of the moon will have an effect (if my experiment is sensitive enough).

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