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Hijack from earth's gravitational pull

Tahir Gorgen

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Well I know earths Gravity to. Sorry for this. The pull is due to it's rotationspeed and because of it mass it has an strength. Other particles (upwards push and towards pull) affects this. Mass have density and kg/weigth is only the illusion that matter gets in an G field. I could explain more and open an worthless topic but they could understand and make fun of me and aim this in the future theirselfs and know why it's true.


So you only have to worry about the earths Gravity, when the rotationspeed will be faster what never will be or can be, for what the topicstarter aimed of.


Edit: I want to ask you all a question. You warned me for this. Gave me 5 minusses and putted me in queue? Lol you all do'nt know the gravity of earth. The topicstarter is worried about that earths mass will increase and it would pull Saturnus and more in it's atmosphere.


(I explained earth's Gravity in this part above. Did not meanchen about resistance because the resistance is due to the upwards push and the towards pull of the atmosphere and the density of the other particles)

Edited by Tahir Gorgen
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Congratulations Tahir. You have made the Opening Post appear like an inspiring work of well researched science.


If you are smart enough to know you will be made fun of, you are smart enough to know you are speaking nonsense. Stop it.

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